Chapter Nine : Breakout and Revenge

The boy in the cell smiled with relief began weep happy tears upon hearing my words.

??? : "Thank you, thank you so much this place is a damned nightmare, and I want to leave as soon as possible."

Davis : "Of course friend, now, standback I'm going melt these bars keeping you."

The boy stepped back and I melted the bars opening the way out of the cage. After doing so the boy stepped and offered a handshake.

??? : "Name's Ieyasu and again thank you."

Davis : "Of course, name's Davis, now, lets see if what Merlin said was right there is another here with us yes?"

Ieyasu : "OH RIGHT, Sayo, she's.. up.. there.."

We both turned our attention to Sayo, who was hanging from her wrists by chains, unconscious and bleeding from torture

Davis : "I'll get her down and check her wounds."

Ieyasu : "Here, I'll hel- ACK, ow my hands and legs."

From that it was obvious that Ieyasu was in serious pain and it's likely Sayo had passed out from having to endure so much pain as well.

Davis : "Stay where you are I'll treat your wounds along with Sayos' wounds so don't push yourself the both of you have been through enough already."

I made sure to be careful with melting off Sayos' restraints as to make sure the melting metal wouldn't burn her wrists and ankles.

After getting her down gently I found many wounds some were light, others were deep and looks as though they can leave scars.

Davis : "Alright Ieyasu what about your wounds, they look like rashes and burns."

Ieyasu : "Right, Arias' mom injected me with the Lubora virus though it hasn't gotten me yet I'm stronger than that HAHA!" Ieyasu boasted as he slapped his bicep with his hand in a gesture of showing off strength.

Davis : "Well that's good that the virus hasn't gotten you yet better yet I can cure you of said virus and the wounds on Sayo, she'll still be unconscious, but all physical damage will be gone like it had never happened."

Hearing this Ieyasus' mouth was on the floor in shock and awe.

Ieyasu : "ARE YOU SERIOUS!?"

Davis : "Yes I am, if you still have any doubts, scooch youself over here and give me your shoulder."

Ieyasu : "Ah not to worry, I hadn't doubted you once since you melted those bars off and so on." Ieyasu scooted himself over to my left while Sayo lay unconscious on my right, sitting cross legged with one hand on Ieyasus' shoulder, the other on Sayo, I close my eyes and began.

Davis : "PURIFY" I said and the second the said my spell, my flames creeped from handa and began to travel throught both Sayo and Ieyasu both outward and inward healing everything from disease and physical injury. After a time their wounds and diseases were healed as if they never happened, furthermore Ieyasu gained most of his stamina back.

Ieyasu : "WOOOOOO, YEAH BUDDY, that's what's up, I feel better thanks to you man, by the way you said a name earlier, Merlin, who is Merlin?"

Davis : "Ah yes, Merlin, if you would join us, need your help."

Merlin : "Hello~ everyone your favorite mage is heeerrreeee."

Merlin dropped out of Avalon in a pink light, but to Ieyasu his entrance here looked as though he appeared out of no where

Ieyasu : "AHH!! WHAT, HOW DID, WHAT!?"

Merlin put his hand on Ieyasus' mouth to quirt him down.

Merlin : "Shhhh, your friends asleep wouldn't want to wake her now do we?"

Ieyasu still wide eyed and dumbfounded went "mm, mm" being muffles by Merlins' hand.

Merlin : "Good, now then, Davis, what shall we do now?"

I contemplated what I would do next and thought out the best plan possible. I looked up with a serious and convicted look on my face and in my eyes.

Davis : "Alright Merlin get these two clothed and into the forest, I'm going to greet my deciever and give her proper judgement for her actions."

Ieyasu : "Wait Davis there's something I need to say."

Davis : "What's up?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side.

Ieyasu : "I have a friend with the name of Tastumi, green eyes, brown hair, he should be able to make it to the capaital in a few days if not shorter then that, I want to get him and leave the capital."

I thought about this and decided on an answer.

Davis : "Alright we'll meet with your friend."

Ieyasu : "Thank you Davis, alright I'm ready to leave this place."

Merlin teleported himself, Ieyasu, and the unconscious Sayo outside of the mansion.

I found a chair somewhere and placed it in the middle of the platform near the entreance with my back facing the entrance. I seat myself and I let my mind wander as I began making small sun orbs giving the room a small glow but nothing noticeable

Davis : (Hmm, it has been an ordeal this place was, now it'll be some memory, once I conquer this empire that is. I already have Merlins' help, Ieyasu, Sayo, and Tastumi on the other hand, I'll have to think about what to do with them, they're likely raring to go home after this; however, I could use their help in conquering the empire, myself and Merlin will have to train them though, another possiblity is being on the run, resources, and what weapons those three utilize. Hmmm, well those will be bridges to cross when we get there in the mean I should come up with a crest, banner, name, and a suitable place for my kingdom, of coursd I have to consider defenses, resources, and the like. Till then thought I have this to deal with.)

I finished collecting my thoughts as I heard voices and footsteps approaching the shed, Aria and her mother, perfect timing those two I had already found in what ways in which to kill them as well.

Aria opened the door and was talking about cutting off Sayos' leg when her gaze met with my back facing her confusion spread between her and her mother.

Aria : "D-Davis!? What the hell are you doing out of your restraints!?"

Davis : "Hmph, for filth that treats country folk like 'livestock' I'm imprssed, you bothered to remember my name, though it'll be the last you'll remember. IGNITE"

I rose from my chair as soon as I finished my sentence and flames began rupurting Aria's Mom, to which she began to yell, and scream with brief but painful agony soon turning her to ashes

Aria's Mom : "AGH AGHH AHHHHHH!!!"


I grabbed her by the face not cutting her off from her sentence and tossed her into the shed.

Aria : "AHHHHH!!!!!!!"

Davis : "You, Aria, are nothing more but decieving scum built upon false promises, vile intention, and disgusting sadism. Someone who falls to your level and even lower should not have the right to live, FOR THAT IS MY DECREE AS KING!!!"

I slammed the door shut and weldes the locks and handles to the point in which it would be impossible to open and Aria started banging on the door in a desperate and futile attempt to gain my mercy.


The only words I could muster after hearing such desperate words were:

"Hmph, go to hell you conniving harlot of a snake!"

I gained some distance from the shed and I chanted the one word I took releif and solace saying: "DETONATE!"

If this were a movie an explosion goes off with I, Davis not looking back.