Chapter Ten : Rest and What to do Next (CRUCIAL UPDATE)

The explosion was exactly what I needed to relieve myself of the brief heartbreaking weeks spent in Arias' shed. I was walking through the forest when when I hear Ieyasu running to me from my right.

Ieyasu : "Dude, that was sick that explosion was something to see, glad you're alright to, I never thought you could be that strong to make explosions like that!"

Davis : "Yes I agree that my power is something to behold; however, I'm exhausted, and I want some rest, where's Merlin?"

Ieyasu : "Ah, this way, I've made sure to look back every five steps to make sure I wouldn't get lost looking for you."

The both of us began making our way through the forest to get meet up with Merlin and Sayo while thinking to myself.

Davis : (Not bad, he has a good sense of direction and backtracking. Could be useful; but, still I've had Merlin to help through that ordeal, these two had eachother and the hope their friend would maybe come soon to help, so I don't blame them if they want to go back home. Yes, I shall ask now while I have the chance.)

Davis : "Say, Ieyasu, do you plan on getting out of the capital and going back to the countryside with Sayo?"

Ieyasu : "Well I don't know, maybe, yeah, this place is messed up to the core; but Sayo, Tatsumi, and myself made a promise to the cheif we'll come back home with the money to pay off the heavy taxes and get food for the people there to so nobody has to starve to death."

Davis : (Huh, these three kids are noble, but noble intention won't get far here in this place, even worse these two may end up becoming wanted criminals and myself as well, so making money would be impossible without doing some killing, damn, these two and myself have really been dealt a bad hand, and my handling of the situation and revenge may have put targets on all three of our backs, I'll have to be more careful about these kinds of situations from here on out.)

Davis : "This is only going to get more difficult from here, and I may be responsible for that unnecessary difficulty, for that I apologise."

Ieyasu : "Oh don't worry about it, don't kick yourself in the butt over it, you and Merlin saved both myself and Sayo, and got rid of those two girls for doing what they did to us, it's all right we'll deal with it as we go."

Davis : "Hmm, I suppose so, I'm little worried how Sayo is going to take the news though, hopefully she'll take it well."

The both of us made our way back to Merlin and a now conscious Sayo who was trying to keep herself warm.

Ieyasu : "Merlin, I found Davis and we're alri- SAYO!"

Sayo : "IEYASU, thank the gods, you're alright, thank the gods- *hic*"

Sayo began sobbing into Ieyasus' shoulder and held on to him for some time. While she sobbed and went over to Merlin.

Davis : "So, how'd things go?"

Merlin : "Well things went quite smooth and fast from how fast she asked her questions, she woke up and was surprised about my being here and being in the forest, I calmed her down, and answered some questions in regards to you, Ieyasus' well being, how we got here, etcetera, etcetera, however what surprised her the most was the fact her wounds were healed as if they never were made, can you believe it?"

Davis : "Yes, I would be inclined to believe that my wounds would be healed in that sort of way. After it is my power that managed this."

I referred to Sayo and Ieyasu as Sayo finished crying, she noticed my gaze and turned to me slightly still holding onto Ieyasu.

Sayo : "A-Are you Davis?"

Davis : "Yes, yes I am."

Sayo glanced back at Ieyasu and looked back to me separating from Ieyasu.

Sayo : "Thank, you Davis, thank you so much for what you did for myself and Ieyasu, I'll always be grateful."

Davis : "Of course Ms. Sayo, though we have just met, I hope we can trust eachother that goes for you as well Ieyasu."

Ieyasu : "Hey, I trust you already, we can find Tatsumi and get out of here."

Davis : "Yes, we will find him, though, we are we going to find him?"

Merlin : "This Tatsumi everyone is talking about will arrive in the coming afternoon, and will try to get enlisted and fail, and then will end up at a tavern. Which we ought to be at when he shows up no?"

I snapped around to gawk at Merlin with awe and confusion, Sayo and Ieyasu following suit.

Davis : "And you know this HOW?"

Merlin : "Simple my friend. Maaaagic~." Merlin said with a quite voice in a teasing manner. This caused to widen my eyes some and tilt my head to the side.

Davis : "If magic allows you to see into the future why haven't you taught me that?"

Merlin being mysterious for whatever reason I can't seem to fathom looks away hearing him make an 'mmmm' sound as he was trying to come up with an explanation while being surrounded by a comic like aura.

Davis : "You know what never mind I'm exhausted Merlin you can tell me another time, till then, to mediate and my body gets restored physically as hours go by make it so until the first crack of dawn."

Merlin : "Alrighty then, time for rest everyone!."

Ieyasu and Sayo had to sleep against some trees and Merlin kept watch throughout the night. Meanwhile in my own mind I was continuing my own training in Avalon learning new techniques with my magic, and practicing my sword skills. While there I had a conversation with myself while training.

Davis : "Ok, I've made allies and people who can trust me, a good start to conquering the Corrupt Empire, the next thing to do is find Tatsumi and persuade him to leave the capital with Sayo and Ieyasu, next is to figure out why nobility harms the public and country folk and who the hell is at the center of it all.

Speaking of which, I also need to figure out how far and deep the corruption spreads, that'll give me ground to work with when it comes to swaying public opinion and recruiting an army; moreover there has to be a group of people or an organization that is against this Empire that I can sway to serve me, then there are the tribes, I'll try with them further down the line when I have the resources and people.

Now, lastly, a base in which I can establish and work from, something nearby that can be accessed only by my associates, allies, and soon to be citizens. Yes, but all of this are bridges to be crosses when Merlin and I arrive at them, for now, training.

A/N : Brain forgot how Merlin's clairvoyance worked, apologies for fate fans.