Chapter Thirteen : On the Road

Merlin and I have been on the road for a two days now, we had to go on foot despite his interest in taking the wagons; however, taking unessecary risks since turning Aria and her mother into ashes.

Davis : "Alright Merlin, let's do a brief review of what our plan is, for conquering the Capital, we get back to my home and recuperate, next we get myself weapons, and armor for fighting, we somehow amass an army best suited for fighting a war, make alliances in the current state of events, recruit certain individuals for standing out as important figures of our army, and do enough damage to our main enemy The Corrupt Minister Honest, to render the place without a leader and make the place easy to conquer right?"

Merlin : "Yes, yes, those are the big main points of your goal and the some groundwork therw, I do have a suggestion though."

Davis : "What's that?" I asked with my hands crossed behind my head.

Merlin : "If you want to put the dream you have into practice, put your values of love, care, and consideration into laws that benefit the people, that way when people leave or travel out of your kingdom they'll describe the care and consideration you've put into making the laws that benefit the well being of the people and keeping your place in power solidified, in your case, you need to be sincere and considerate; but serious when the occasion arises."

Davis : "Yes that is something akin to being a leader, thing is though, what I lack is experience though, but I suppose I'll gain that as I lead and as I build the ideal kingdom, I'll learn about the people as well, besides all those I've grown up with at home."

Merlin : "All of which are good points to build off of; and, of course I'll be here to help you and fight alongside you, in my own way when I can, while we are on that subject of me helping you, there is something I have in mind for you to learn."

Since being introduced to magic I've developed a interest in learning and practicing magic; so, I pay close attention to everythong Merlin teaches me.

Davis : "Oh, What's todays' lesson in magic with Merlin sensei?"

Merlin : "I doubt that this will be something you'll need down the line, however it would be useful, should you have any descendants in the future, that being a Magic Crest."

Davis : "Hold on, what is a magic crest?"

Merlin : "Think of them as an empty library, as you are now, overtime the library will be filled with different books, those being your spells, as you use your spells, they will become easier to use and less painful to bear, the magic crest records and stores the spells you choose to put into said crest. When you have a descendant or descendants, you'll be able to pass on the crest to one of them, and they will have a set of easy to use spells at their disposal, given they have the tolerance and magical circuts to do so."

Davis : "Hmm, very interesting, I have thought about a convienient way to store spells while training and I didn't know that spells could become easier to use and much more- OH THEY'RE LIKE MUSCLES THEY JUST NEED TO BE TRAINED!! ACK AGH OW!!" The realization hit me like a wave coming down, which inadvertently acrivated some of my power, which flared up.

Merlin : "Yes I, WOAH WOAH WOAH, calm down Davis, don't let your power run wild, remember, stay calm and level headed, using your power in great amounts at once will hurt you immensely."

Davis : "Right, right, oof goodness magic is something else."

Merlin : "That being why you need to be careful with your emotions as well; but I believe in you, you'll become an excellent magic user in time."

Davis : "Indeed do have you to teach me after all so I'm not worries at all, anyway we must continue onwards... right after we get some rest."

Finding a tree to lie under I lie down got some sleep, which I needed, the reason being is from mental exhaustion, since learning magic changes were made to how went abouy sleep, I would meditate to rejuvinate from physical exhaustion, and sleep for mental exhasution, I wouldn't have to sleep for a few days since my newfound strength, though the price is mental exhaustion, which is fortunately warded off by a few hours of sleep.

*Some hours of sleep later*

I woke up and streched a took an accord of my surroundings, Merlin was resting himself in meditation and it was sunset one of my favorite times of the day.

Davis : "Hey Merlin, I'm up and ready to continue home."

Merlin : "Ah, very good, now then let us continue."

We proceeded down the trail; however we were being tailed, by someone, a young girl from behind the tree poked her head out and stared at the both of us.

??? : [Jiiiiiiiii]

Some minutes have passed and spotted a patch of trees with a pond in the middle.

Davis : "Hey, Merlin, check out this little spot here the trees and vines look espacially nice."

Merlin : "Ah, yes trees for shade but tell me, what do you find special about these particular trees?" Merlin asked as the both of us reached the pond in the middle of the tree patch.

Davis : "Well, aside from the shade, potential fishing, and a good place to relax, it's also a good place for tailing and ambushing unsuspecting people, usually bandits would use this place for tailing, however this isn't the case, am I correct, little miss tailer, hiding behind that particular tree over there?"

I pointed to the furthest tree away from Merlin and myself, and a girl stepped from behind the tree, she has in her possesion a katana, not one I've seen though, this one has a red hilt with some symbols I've never seen on any weapon before, whatever the weapon is it's all the same to me, 'don't get cut or you're done' were the words of Regashi. What she is wearing had me thinking who this is, a black uniform the looked like school girls' uniform with red gauntlets, aside from clothing she has black eyes and hair, with her hair being near shoulder length but giving off younger sister looks all the same.

??? : "I wonder, how did know I was following you?"

Davis : "That'll one of some mysteries of myself that you'll have to unravel little miss."

??? : "Hmph, doesn't matter, I'll be adding you to my collection soon." The mysterious girl said as she drew her sword.