Chapter Fourteen : Questions and Identity

The mysterious girl lunged at me with her blade, to which I ducked backwards to avoid getting my throat cut and moved to the right since she had her blade drawn and held with her right hand it would be difficult to swing to her left side.

I turned invisible using my light bending techniques, which confused the girl.

??? : "What where did- uh"

I chopped the back of her neck with enough force to render her unconscious, but not enough to do any long term damage to her neck.

Davis : "So, how was that Merlin?" I asked as decloaked.

Merlin got up from watching and walked over.

Merlin : "Well, you did very good, excellent timing with light bending given the circumstances of being unarmed."

Merlin had been teaching the different ways I could utilize light bending and my other magic spells to give me an edge in a fight or in different scenarios one such being unarmed.

Davis : "Good, I'm getting better with my magic, here take her blade and hold on to it for now, I don't trust this girl to not attack any one of us so it's better to have disarmed, better yet, lets use the vines here and tie her to one the thicker trees, that way we'll be able to talk to one another without the threat of violence."

Merlin : "Alrighty then, I'll some durable vines to help out."

Merlin collected the vines and I tied her up we both sat down at a reasonable distance from her and at least have both of our guard up in case my mysterious attack should wake unexpectedly.

Merlin : "Any clue who she could be Davis?" Merlin started.

Davis : "My guess, someone in the clutches of the corrupt empire, hmm, maybe if I can convince her to abandon them and join us you could have a new student and better yet the first ally we'll have for the army which will be amassed somewhere in the future."

Merlin : "Mmm, I look forward to you using your skills and your way of words to be used on her, who knows, you could make such a profound impact on her that she might under go a positive change in personality. So making sure she is an ally of ours would be what you should strive for here."

I looked over and noticed a bag on her belt, I took it and peeked inside and what assaulted my nose was horrible.


Merlin : "Really? Let me see, if they- ACK WHAT THE HELL!!"

There wasn't any point in passing the bag to Merlin, the odor managed to make it's way out the bag, and whatever these cookies were laced with was terrible. We ended up coughing and hacking for minutes and it was agony.

Davis : "I remember GrandDad teaching me about drugs and how they can mixed with food, and the different effects these drugs have. What we're having to plug our noses against is likely a certain drug that enhances strength by a crazy amount, at the cost of good health and senses." I explained as I tied the bag shut it was tempting to toss this into the fire, but my intuition said otherwise, so I kept them at my side just in case.

Merlin we waited for the girl to wake up, which took ours, so it was nearing sunset, when she finally woke.

??? : "nnn- uhhh- huh, hmm?"

Davis : "Ah, lookie here, she's coming around, heyyyy, welcome back to the land of the concious, how've been doing?" I asked in a cheeky manner.

??? : "mmm, huh, WAIT WHERE ARE- WHY DO YOU HAVE MY SNACKS- GIVE. THEM. BAAAACK!!!!" The girl demand as she began thrashing about and pulling herself forward to try and break free, her reaction surprised the both of us as we exchanged looks of concern and confusion.

Davis : (I ought to use my mystic eyes rather than wait for her to calm herself.) "Be still, kid, I have questions for you to answer, so the faster you answer them, the sooner you'll get these back, deal?" I asked employing my mystic eyes, which did have an effect and calmed her down as she stared into my eyes with surprise similar to a child looking at stars for the first time, she calmed and gave her response.

??? : "mm" she sounded as she nodded her head forwards a few times. She was now quiet and distracted by eyes, good, that us what I was intending to go for here, if things go smoothly, she won't be a ball of angry energy any time in the future.

Davis: "Alright, first question, what's a little girl such as yourself, taking drugs and carrying a blade of such fine quality around? Could you be perhaps an assassin?"

??? : "Mm, I am an assassin, those drugs help me get stronger."

Davis : "Alright, why exactly, are you taking drug laced cookies? You're better with off regular cookies or any other cookies for that matter." As I finished my last statement about cookies, she gained a dead look in her eyes, the kind with no emotion.

??? : "They help get strong, so I can meet my sister again, so I can kill her."

The last part of her answer stopped me to a grinding halt in my thought process leaving me woth nothing to do except stare at her with utter disbelief.

Davis : (This girl wants to take the life of her own family, tch, This girl needs to be taught a lesson and have her eyes be opened to reason.) With that in mind I asked Merlin

Davis : "Oi, Merlin, what's that modern phrase you taught me? This bitch empty, YEET?" I asked and as I said yeet, I tossed the cookies in the bag into the fire, burning the cookies.

??? : "AHHHH NOOOOO, WHY WOULD BURN THEM, THAT'S ONLY WAY I COULD GET STRONGER!!" At this point I had thought of a better way, so I turned to her knelt and hugged her, my action seemed to confuse her.

??? : "huh?"

Davis : 'TRÄMUE DER SONNE' I whispered into her ear, and my Reality Marble manifested.

??? : "Huh, where are we?"

Davis: "We are in the reality I have realized for a corrupt empire that I will conquer and make into my new kingdom, the fact you are here means you are able to be a apart of this; however, I can only decide who can and cannot be here, with that said, you are here to learn a very important lesson you had, but lost, whether you realize that from here on is ultimately up to you. Before we begin, I need only one thing from you."

??? "What would that be?" She asked as she stood up and regained her footing."

Davis : "I need only your name, in return I'll tell my name, and we'll begin."

She shuffled around for a little bit looking both ways ever so slightly trying to take in her surroundings.

??? : "mmm, my name... my name is Kurome."

Davis : "I see, nice to meet you Kurome, now then, let's begin with your realization." I said I as offered her my hand.

Kurome : "Erm- ehh- ok." She stammered and quietly said as she took my hand.