Chapter Sixteen : Meanwhile

*Days before meeting Kurome*

Leone : "So how're you three doing?"

All three : "Tired, and wanting to rest!!"

Leone and the enthusiastic three have been traveling without end and it was sunset so naturally, they would be tired after days of repeatedly doing this.

Leone : "Ah, don't worry, see? We're almost there, look under that mountain over there." Leone said as she pointed to a mountain with a building under it seemingly holding the earth up and keeping it from collapsing.

All three : "UWOOOO, IT'S SO COOL!!!"

Leone : "Haha, right? Anyway, this'll where you'll be staying, oh and uhhh, thing is you'll have to speak to my boss, she won't be here till a few days, so until she gets here, use the time to train, and my friends here can help ya out, OH, speaking of friends lets introduce you three to the team."

After getting to the entrance a man burst out the doors yelling with a happy expression on his face.

??? : "LEONE, WELCOME BACK!!!" The man happily yelled with his arms out and aiming for Leone, to which Leone dodged, grabbed on of his arms and threw him to the ground putting one arm behind his back.

Leone (visibly annoyed, but still smiling) : "This here is Lubbock, he's the resident pervert of the team, Lubbock, go ahead and introduce yourself." she said with a forced smile.

Lubbock : "Ah, hello, my name's Lubbock, oh you're-- *CRACK* AHHHGGGG, I-I mean, it's nice to meet you." Leone nearly broke Lubbocks' arm which caused him to yell earlier, now the five were headed to the main room, which a woman in purple, with purple hair and eyes wearing glasses as well was sitting, reading a book.

Leone : "YOOOO, Sheele got some new recruits come on over and introduce yourself!"

Sheele walked over to the five holding her book.

Sheele : "H-Hello everyone, I'm Sheele."

Tasumi noticed the book in her hand while Ieyasu and Sayo introduced themselves and noticed the title : 'How not to be an Airhead' so he thought to himself,

Tatsumi : (Huh, how strange, maybe these people are different in their own ways.)

Ieyasu : "Hey, man get your head out the clouds." Ieyasu told Tatsumi as he was shaking him trying to get him out of his thoughts.

Tatsumi : "Oh-uh- yeah, my name's Tatsumi, nice to meet you Sheele." Tatsumi managed to say, a little embarrassed.

Sheele : "Well, since the three of you know about our hideout, we---" Sheele was about to say more but then,

Leone : "SHHH SHSH SHUUUUSH, we should let the boss tell them, I want to see the looks on their faces when she does."

Sheele was startled by Leones' sudden shushing, but deciding to go along with what she had in mind despite not understanding herself what Leone was thinking.

Leone : "Anyway, let's head to the training grounds, Bulat should be there training as usual."

After a walk Leone and the three find themselves in an area fenced up and with a tree to complient the scenery and view beyond, in that area, a tall, well built man was swinging a weight pole around, creating a shockwave with each swing. After a time the man noticed the four watching.

Bulat : "Hey, Leone who are these three, new recruits?"

Leone : "EHHH, it's up to them, after they talk to the boss, but I'd say they hold both enthusiasm and promise, with some training."

Bulat : "Hmmm, I see, well glad to meet you, I'm Bulat." Bulat reached out his hand to shale Tatsumis' hand, Tatsumi returned the gesture to shake hands with him and then,

Leone : "Oh, yeah he's gay."

Ieyasu and Tatsumi froze on the spot hearing that, and Sayo was shocked, she thought about how handsome the guy was and hearing what Leone, just said shocked her as well.

Bulat : "Oh come on now Leone, don't give them the wrong, idea, well, heh, not yet~." Bulat said with a blush as a flowerly aura appeared around him.

Ieyasu : "Uhh, ok, I'm not sure if that's important or not but hey, it's nice to meet you to man." Ieyasu said managing to shrug off the shock.

Tatsumi : "Yeah, what Ieyasu said, nice to meet you to." Tatsumi said following suit.

Bulat : "Likewise, oh if the three of you are going to be training here, I'll have you all properly trained, or whipped into shape, whatever floats your boat." Bulat said with a grin and a thumbs up as well.

Ieyasu and Tatsumi : "WOOO, TRAINING TIME!!!" Hearing Bulats' reassurance of training was a good thing for these two to hear about, since they use close ranged weapons.

Sayo : "Come, on knuckleheads, I think we got some more people to meet, right Leone?"

Leone : "Roger, that Sayo, we still need to introduce you three to Mine and Akame; but, we'll meet Akame first." Leone said, scratching the back of her head.

Tatsumi : "Why are we meeting Akame first instead of Mine??"

Leone : "Wellll, she's ummm--eh, we could say-"

??? : "She's what exactly? Oh and before you answer that, WHY DID YOU BRING OUTSIDERS HERE!?" A voice behind Leone interrupted.

The three and Leone turnes their gazes toward a woman, clad in pink, eyes, hair, and all, who also had a annoyed expression on her face.

Leone : "Oh, hey Mine, I was about to say you were, awesome I thought I should save the best for last, yeah haha, oh here's the best part, they're new recruits HAHA!" Leone said, trying to persuade Mine, that she wasn't going to tell them she was super strict with new recruits.

Mine : "Hmm, I see, well here's what the what is newbies, if you're going to stay, here, you're going have to work hard, and there is the decision of whether or not you want to join us so, just because you know where we are doesn't mean we'll--- hmmm!?!" Leone stopped Mine because of something she had in mind.

Mine : "ACK, LEONE WHAT'S UP WITH- HMMMRG!!" Mine protested as her mouth was covered again.

Leone : "HUSH MINE, I want to see thier faces when the boss tells them."

Mine : "AHG, FINE, whatever floats your boat I guess, hey you, I have a question for ya." Mine said as she pointed to Sayo.

Sayo : "Oh, what's up?"

Mine : "You look like you use a ranged weapon, so you do use a ranged weapon, right?" Mine asked crossing her arms.

Sayo : "Oh. y-yes I do." Sayo replied.

Mine : "Oh, that's pretty good, I can give you a few genius pointers and train you if we use the same type of ranged weapon, with that said it's best that the three of you keep up around here, you'll need to anyway." Mine said as she walked off somewhere else.

Tatsumi : "Well, I think that went better than I thought."

Leone : "Yeah, she's usually a drill sergeant when it comes to new recruits, not Sheele though she's her best friend hehe." Leone said with a smirk. "Anyway, lets go meet Akame, she's probably cooking dinner right about now."


The four of them went down to the kitchen to see of anyone was there. There was a girl with black hair, red eyes, and wearing a apron, over a uniform, was making food.

Leone : "Hey Akame, whatcha making in there?"

Akame looked up sampling some rice.

Akame : "Rice and Fish Croquettes, those three new here?"

Leone : "Yup, they sure are!" Leone chirpped.

Akame (with narrowed eyes) : "" she said pointing to Tatsumi.

Tatsumi : "Yeah?" He asks raising an eyebrow

Akame : "You will help me make dinner, follow me."

Tatsumi : "Uhh, okay." He replied as he followed Akame out the kitchen.

Leone : "Hmm I think she's gonna start training him already, hehaha, man, well you should get some rest, we've walked with a purpose nonstop 'til we got here."

Ieyasu : "Yeah, you're right, I'm gonna sleep somewhere." Ieyasu says as drowsiness overtakes him.

Sayo : "Same here ah-*big yawn*" drowsiness overtakes Sayo as well, and they go looking for a room to sleep in.

Leone : "Heh, well you get some good sleep, and we'll see ya in the morning haha." Leone called out, she then crossed her arms and leaned on the doorway and began contemplating,

Leone : "Hmm, I wonder how I'm going to explain to the boss about the mission, technically, it's done, so I wonder...hmmm. Oh, that guy, Davis....mmmmm, what. a. hunk." Leone told herself licking her lips.