Chapter Seventeen : Home At Last

The three of us have been keeping a steady pace, toward home, Silvingard, those I've grown up with, have a Warriors Way, to things and to life itself, they train, rough house like crazy, drink, eat like hell off some hinges, and express themselves the best way that suits them. Despite all that, they know how to hold back their habits and be a civil people. Afterall it took Old Man Regashi to teach them, way before I ever came into the picture.

Kurome : "Onii-chan, carry me on your back!" Kurome said as she tugged on my arm.

Davis : "Alright, climb up." I said, as I held my arms out doing the 'T' pose. This was often, as Kurome took a liking to clinging to me, or to make sure I wouldn't go to far away from her, don't get me wrong, I love Kurome as my younger sister; however, I need help her understand that being clingy all the time might pose a problem, but not say, I don't want her company.

Kurome climbed up and wrapped her arms and legs around me and snuggled her face against mine and with that made herself comfortable just like that.

Kurome : "mmmmm." she cooed, she fell asleep right after. To her, I'm her sanctuary of safety.

Merlin : "Seems, she enjoys this very much." Merlin chimed in, "So, how far are we, now walking with a purpose like this we should be getting close judging as we are in the Peaks anyway."

Davis : "Indeed, we just need to make a right here, a it'll a srtaight path with a slope down and there it'll be, my village. Ah, that reminds me 'Kurome, hey, Kurome, wake up.' I whispered to Kurome making the attrmpt to wake her.

Kurome: 'hmmm?' she replied with drowsy eyes 'I haven,'t mananged to get comfy with my sleep yet, what's going *big yawn* on?' she asked with drowsy eyes.

Davis : 'You want to see what home looks like?' I asked anticipating a happy response.

Kurome : "YES, WHERE IS HOME!?" Kurome eyes shot open as she yelled that.

Davis : "This way I pointed down the path, oh and I reccomend you hop off my back, it'll be for your sake, at my expense, trust me." Kurome didn'y want to get off, but trusts me all the same.

Kurome : 'mmm, ok; but, I'm staying by your side the entire day, and sleeping in the same bed for the night.' Kurome pouted.

Davis : "Deal, now with that said, let's continue onwards." I said, gesturing toward the path. Merlin stayed on my right silent, but smiling all the way, and Kurome on my left staying close to me.

A good few minutes of walking and there the place became a full view, a sea of beatiful silver laid out before us, with the peaks of the mountains surrounding the village of course covered in silver snow, the village itself, looks wonderful no matter where one comes from with viking and medieval like structures making up most of the buildings, and a mountain close behind the village itself, with s path leading around it. to the Western side a river, for our ships to move in and out of the village, the occsasional tourist ship comes in every winter, to help Silvingard make a small bit of money, otherwise we trade we other places, the empire unfortunately; however, with my coming rule, it will be one of the later things coming to an end.

Kurome "Uwoooo, it's so beautiful!!!" Kurome was made happpy by the sight of my home.

Davis : "Indeed, one will always be drawn to the sight of The Silver Capped Peaks and The Sea of Silver that makes the epicenter."

Merlin : "What I look foward to is meeting the people you've grown up with, and their history as well."

Davis : "Ah yes, Merlin you've been quiet most of the trip, something on your mind?"

Merlin : "Yes, their seems to be some sort of power residing in this village, and behind that mountain as well."

This interested me plenty, I will start here in raising an army, my people were tested by war amd raiding before and feared throughout this continent, there will be no enemy that will confidently stand in my way of my reality.

Davis : "Ah yes, the power and people are related to one another, you will come to learn as we meet with others." As I finished reassuring Merlin, I heard shout coming our way and it was getting closer

??? : "aaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAA!!!!!"

Davis : "Hey, both of you might want to step to the side, trust me on this."

Merlin : "Yes, I do seem to trust you, come along Kurome, we should do as Davis says." Merlin said with a bitter smile.

Kurome : "uuu, okay." Kurome said as she looked sad, almost like she predicted what was happening next.

??? : "AHHHHH, WEELLCOOOME HOOOOME!!!" The woman finished as she tackled me with a force that nearly broke my ribs.

Davis : "GUUHHH!" was the only sound that I made upon contact.

Myself and the woman rolled on the ground till we came to a stop with her on top of me, panting, and the happiest smile anyone could see.

Davis : "Chieftess Meldia, it's good to see that you've got so much energy."

Meldia : "AHHG, quit greeting me so formally, were best friends anyway, nevertheless I'm so happy you're back, everyone's putting together a feast for you, and goodness Kristie will be over the hills to see you again, and there is much that I want to tell you about and AHHH!! I'M HAPPY TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!" Meldia carried on going on a happy rant. I needed yo put a small stop to it so I cupped her face 8n my hands causing her to stop in her tracks.

Meldia : "Ah, Davis, what are you-?" She asked, I as got up to give her a hug and I replied,

Davis : "Let's get up off the ground and have ourselves a good feast, I'll tell you and your father about my travels and company I have with me."

Meldia's face turned red, this was always her reaction when I whispered into her ears, couldn't tell if she liked it or she felt embarrassment to be this close to me.

Meldia : "Ah, right okay, here I'll help you up." she replied offering her hand. After getting up I introduced them to Merlin and Kurome, which Meldia was surprised by since I haven't had mentor since my Old Man, and that I adopted Kurome as my younger sister.

But that surprise would be spoken about later as we heades toward the village many come running, laughing, clamoring, and carrying on about my return. The feast that took place was the most joyous event I've has since my eyes were opened about the Capital. After the feast Merlin took up a part of my room, in the longhouse that belonged to Regashi Kurome and myself went to bed Kurome deciding to sleep on me instead of next to me, which I found endearing for her to do.

Kurome : "Good night, Onii-chan." She sleeply said with heavy eyes.

Davis : "Goodnight Kurome." I said before giving some headpats and giving her a kiss on the forehead, then closing my eyes and letting my mental exhaustion fade away into blissful sleep.

Merlin : 'Hmm, Davis truly does have potential on becoming a king, and a great one at that; but, I hope this attempt doesn't turn out like last time, Alaya, I don't know what you plan to do with Davis, since he isn't of the same universe we are from; but I hope I'll see him become a great figure in this worlds' history.' Merlin whispered to himself before fading away into the Garden of Avalon to collect some things for his next move.

In a distant space, a woman, pale skin, white hair, and rainbow colored eyes was looking into an orb. This orb showed myself, Kurome, and Merlin she watched with wonder and intrigue.

??? : "hmm, I wonder how I'll have him repay his debt to me, for facilitating this opening for him, no matter I will make it happen when the time comes, or so he desires it. I just need to make sure 'he' doesn't find out about this."

Inside a fancily decorated office an old man was staring into a portal of colors with the same scene described.

??? : "How interesting, this young man control one of the great elements and has mystic eyes, I must get to him before Alaya does, UHAHAHAHA!"