Chapter Eighteen : New Day, Next Move

The sun greeted me with some light into my eyes and Kurome gently shuffling me awake.

Kurome : 'Onii-chan~, Onii-chaaan~, I have breakfast for you, wake up.'

I opened my eyes and I see a happy Kurome close to my face, a bit to close got comfort.

Davis : "Ah, good morning Kurome, uhm, I think you're a bit too close though."

Kurome : "O-Oh, I'm sorry, I like being close to you. We both know, me being around you and close to you makes me feel safe." She said looking down with a sad face.

Davis : Oh, it's okay, I'm fine with you being close, if it makes you feel safe, it's all the better, because then I get to do this." I replied along with a hug, headpats and a kiss on her forehead, like a good brother would.

Kurome : "Uuuuu, Onii-channnn!, Thank youuuu!!" Kurome chirped as she returned the hug all happy, smiling, and bubbly.

Kurome : "Oh Onii-chan, I have a question."

Davis : "What's up?" I asked, being intrigued this being her first question to me in some time.

Kurome : "Would, you rather be called Onii-chan, or Big Brother? because I don't want to overstep anything, despite you being open to me calling you whatever I want."

This question caught me for a second, I guess giving her options would ease her mind on this subject.

Davis : "You can call me whatever you want to you as you said earlier; however, when you want to tell me how feel or what you think on some things call me Onii-chan, when introducing me to someone you know, call me Big Brother, that work for you?"

Kurome : "MM! It does, thank you!" She nodded excitedly happy with my response.

Merlin : "Good morning you two, I take that you two had some good sleep?" Merlin chimed in walking into my room.

Davis : "Indeed, Merlin, indeed, once I'm done with getting myself properly dressed and eating breakfast I'll show the both of you around town, while we discuss our next move."

About an hour later I finished up and showed Merlin and Kurome around town, Kurome being happily surprised by most of everything, and Merlin intrigued, about how the society worked, despite the violent world.

Davis : "Over on this pathway, the markets, ah Kurome, there's something I'd like to give you. A bag of those please, yeah you to miss."

I bought a new kind of sweet for Kurome to try. A small orb consiting with orange and tangerine flavors and a light citrus scent. I handed the bag to Kurome and waited. She tried one and lit up instantly.

Kurome : "MMM, it's so good, thank you!" she exclaimed as she wrapped herself around me.

Davis : "Of course Kurome, I'll buy you a new bag everytime run out okay?" I told her while headpatting her.

Kurome : "Okay!" Kurome nodded.

Meldia : "Yo, Davis!!" Meldia called out running and waving to me.

Davis : "Meldia, what's up?" I asked her.

Meldia : "My Dad wants to talk, you remember what you told me."

Davis : "I do, we should head to where he is now. Is he.. still bedridden?"

Meldia gave a silent nod, and a sad expression, due to a poison circulating through her father's system, he can't fight; and, frankly his days have been numbered. Due to his condition Meldia had been made cheiftess of the clan. The four of us make our way to Meldia's home.

Davis : (Hmm, I wonder what he'll say after seeing the new me?)

Merlin : (Likely surprised, and lets have think about what we need to do next, there are some points I must go over with you.)

Davis : (Alright, we'll go over everything we need while we speak with her father.)

We made it to the longhouse meant for the for those in command, though nobles are an exception, depending on their contributions, morals, and acheivements.

Meldia : "Here, we are, *hah* there are many good memories here between you and I Davis." Meldia reminisced as she leaned her head on mu shoulder.

Davis : "Yeah, many good memories." I recalled the times when Meldia and myslef were kids and we always had this spot and many others for the both of us to play around.

We made our way inside and the memories began playing.

Regashi : "Remember, Davis, we're foreigners here, so it's up to the both of us to be on our best here to the best of our ablities. This will apply to other places in the world and new people as well, so take this as practice."

We made our way to the room that the would be chief is currently in. To our surprise he's drinking mead.


??? : "HA HA, NOTHING SOOTHES THE SOUL LIKE MEAD DOES!!" the man shouted he already a few too many mugs of mead.

Davis : "On the right occasion it could; but, not in terms of your condition Sir Svorson."

Svorson : "D-DAVIS!? HAHAHAHAHA, IT'S A GOOD DAY TO SEE YOU AGAIN SO SOONHOW ARE YA!?" Svorson bellowed through his drunken state, if my being hasn,'t surprised him to the point he's sobered up, then maybe healing his ailment will do it.

Davis : "I'm alright big guy; but you need rest, we also must speak." I said allowing myself to at least become casual, but serious.

Svorson : "Alright, alright; but, do tell of your travels to the Capital, how have they went?" *hic* Svorson asked.

Davis : "Well, where to begin..." I wove tale of my arrival to the capital, meeting a noble family and suffering heartbreak from there deception, which then led to meeting Merlin and him training me, after which I met Ieyasu, Sayo, Tatsumi, and Leone and learned of the state of the Capital, after then meeting and adopting all the while Svorson and Meldia had expressions that anyone else would have hearing the tale, of sadness, a tinge of anger, and big surprise at me adopting Kurome; but, hope in my tale.

Svorson : "Hmm, it is terrible that you went through such a horrendous deception at the hands of those nobles, and I hope to meet this 'Minister' on the field of battle, to teach him how a man should really take what he wants." Svorson responded, determination in his eyes to do battle once more.

Davis : "Even so, I have plans to start a war, hence why I'm here to so make you a good proposotion."

Svorson : "What do you offer?" Svorson questioned.

Davis : I will heal your ailment, and lead Silvingar and the Capital toward my ideal kingdom, taking the responsibility from Meldia's hands and taking the role that my grandfather once had, when I was growing up."

Svorson : "Oh, I'll gladly accept your offer; but, healing my ailment? Good luck with-huh?" I interuptted Svorson with my flames begining their work, I have imporved Purify, to the point where it is muscle memory and I don't even have to think it, I simply do it. My flames worked thier way around Svorson and and traveled through his skin, healing him, revitalizing what was once lost.