Chapter Nineteen : Second Explanation and A Sealed Deal

Svorson got up from his bed shocked to the point that was sobered from his drunken tangent.

Svorson : "By the rush of war! DAVIS!! HOW, DID YOU THAT, YOU'VE NEVER DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE, DON'T GET ME WRONG YOU'RR AN EXCEPTIONSL YOUNG MAN, BUT STILL, WHAAAAAAAAT!?" Svorson yelled in utter disbelief as he shook me by the shoulders, all the while Meldia in her own realm of shock and awe.

Meldia :"EEE--EE-E-EEEEEEEEHHHHHH!?" (WHEN DID DAVIS GET SO COOL WITH FIRE ALL OF A SUDDEN!?!? UUUUUUUUUUU!!!!) Was she could say and think while on the floor looking up at the ceiling in utter disbelief as well.

Davis : "I guess I forgot to tell them about my power." I told Merlin rubbing the back of my head.

Merlin : "I guess so, let's tell them so things can make more sense." Merlin replied thinking this was a good idea.

Davis : "Hey, do the both of you want an explanation of what I just did?" I asked turning to both Svorson and Meldia.

Both snapped out of their crazed thoughts and sat down nodding their heads wildly, now being attentive, waiting for me to speak.

Davis : "Alright then, this starts when I met Merlin, here, he told me that I could unlock, something called magical circuts, with his help and a ritual performed by him and myself in which I needed to develop a switch to activate said circuts. After said ritual was performed my circuts were unlocked and I was able to train my magic, under his tutelage and have developed some spells to use, my Purifying Flames spell, in which all physical, mental, and disease based wounds or ailments, are healed to the point that whomever received said wound or ailment, never had it in the first place." I explained as Meldia and Svorson's eyes turned the size of dinner plates the more I spoke.

Svorson : "And how did Merlin meet with you?" He asked, skeptical of my meeting with Merlin.

Merlin : "Ah, I can answer that." He replied stepping forward, "Alaya, the Counter Force had took notice of his resolve, and managed to bring him to my Garden of Avalon using his mental and emotional energy as the bodily framework to manifest as his soul to appear and stay stabilized, while in the Garden." Which he explained causing Meldia and Svorson to don bewildered looks, and myself a deep in thought look wondering how strong this Alaya must be in order to make all of this happen.

Svorson : "This sounds like a higher being of sorts. I don't know, I haven't any words for this."

Merlin : "Sure Alaya is a higher being, so it would be best for you and your daughter here to chalk Alaya up as simply a higher being." Merlin said hoping to reassure Svorson in his beliefs.

Svorson : "Well, that, sure; however, our people only believe in our Founder, and The Silver Dragon Goddess. Simply knowing another higher being exists, would cause confusion amongst us." Svorson replied with, a look of distress which intrigued Merlin.

Merlin : "Oh? The Founder and The Silver Dragon Goddess? I never heard of this." Merlin said he sat down interested.

Svorson : "Ah, the story of how Silvingar was founded, and our people came about, erm... this isn't entirely for young audiences, just a heads up." Svorson said gesturing to Kurome, who had run out of sweets, sometime ago.

Kurome : "Onii-chan, it wouldn't be too much trouble to get some more?" She asked holding out her bag.

Davis : "Not all Kurome, come along, I'll even show you my old place, ah, speaking of which, did someone at leats take care of the house Svorson?"

Svorson : "Yeah, you remember Ms. Kristie?"

Davis : "Krissy's been taking care of the home!?" I asked with excitement, Ms. Kristie, or Krissy, I always called her, is a very kind woman, she was once a wife, but her husband wasn't kind to her and she ran away in effort to find a better, life, to which she did here in Silvingar, and always came over to help around the house, whenever, Regashi was still around.

Davis : "That's truly wonderful, to know, oh and.... is His resting place still the way I left it?" The room got quiet, as weight of my question settled in, everyone with the exception Kurome and Merlin, knew the weight of my Grandfather's passing.

Svorson : "Yes, Ms. Kristie has took extreme and delicate care with how you've set everything up, and she couldn't make it to the feast we threw, since she was taking care of your place."

Davis : "I'll be sure to thank her for that, and her consideration of how important that place is to me. With that said, Kurome, let's get-"

Kurome : "Onii-chan I'm over here, waiting for you!" Kurome shouted from the entrance.

Davis : "GAH, don't wander off on your own! I'll get worried about you!" I shouted back running after her. The shouting managed to get Meldia out of her stupor and got up.

Meldia : "Oh, I'll come with you, hold on." Meldia started as she got up.

Svorson : "Meldia, hold up, there's something I want to say." Svorson protested as he got up as well.

Meldia : "What's up?" she asked coming to a stop. Svorson, wrapped his arm around her shoulder and whispered,

Svorson : "Should you still want to marry him. the both of you are at the right age, you being 19 and him 18, you still and will always have my blessing hehe." Svorson assured and gave a thumbs up at the end.

Meldia gave a sigh and hugged Svorson, which surprised him.

Meldia : 'Thanks Dad' she whispered in response and took of after myself and Kurome.

Merlin : "You seem surprised Sir Svorson." Merlin commented shortly after Meldia left.

Svorson : "Indeed, she usually puts on an exasperated expression, yells Dad, and starts throwing the nearest, unbreakable objects she can reach at me, HAHA." Svorson chuckled explaining Meldia's past reactions.

Svorson : "However, I think she intends to tell him how she's felt about him, seeing as this reaction is different, maybe she is willing to finally sealing her own deal."

Merlin : "Hmm, I see, well what about this legend of The Founder and this Silver Dragon Goddess?"

Meldia, Kurome, and myself spent a bit of extra money to have a nice treat for the three of us and Kurome got her sweets, which satisfies her, we've made our way back to my old home, where my life began. I looked back to Meldia, who gave me a reassuring smile, turned back and opened the door, waiting for me was Ms. Kristie, raven black hair, emerald eyes, and a well endowed motherly figure being her appearance, looking like a true mother, hearing the click, she turned towards the door and immediately jumped with excitment.

Kristie : "OH, MY, DAVIS, YOU'RE HOME!!" She shouted happliy as she wrapped her arms around me.

Davis : 'Hi, Krissy. How've you been?' I asked already buckling under her doting and motherly aura causing me to speak in a low voice, to restrain me excitement from seeing her.

Meldia : "Ms. Krissy, how are you?" Meldia chimed in joining in on the hugging.

Kristie : "Oh, Meldia I'm doing good, and, oh who so we have here?" She asked in a doting manner as she knelt down to match Kurome's height.

Kurome : "I'm Onii-chan's little sister, Kurome." Kurome replied after munching down one of her candies. Her response shocked Kristie qs she turned to me.

Kristie : "Well, I didn't know you wanted siblings!" she stated with hands on her hips leaning forward waiting for my response.

Davis : "Ehh, well I always thought of having at least a younger brother and younger sister, and at least one older sibling."

Kristie : "Oh, that's just do adorable, just. like. you~~" She cooes as she pinches my cheeks, again in a motherly, doting manner.

Davis : "Yeah, anyway, how about we go inside?"

Kristie : "Oh, yes, how the three of you make yourselves comfortable, and I'll make something good for the both of you." she suggested while heading inside.

Davis : "Alright, well while you're making food, I'm heading to my room upstairs, need to see check on some things." I replied immedately heading for the stairs.

Kristie : "Ok, don't hurt yourself!" she called up as I went.

I opened the door to my room, and the memories immediately came flooding; however, I could deal with those later as something caught my attention behind me. I turned around to find Meldia locking the door behind her, with a deep blush on her face.

Davis : "Hey." I started.

Meldia : 'mm, h-hi' Meldia stammered.

Davis : "There something you need?" I asked her gesturing her to sit on the bed with me.

Meldia : 'mmm, I have something to say, but I don't know how to say it, to you specifically.' She replied, in a low voice, to which I'm intrigued by.

Davis : "Hmm, if you can't say it with your words, then tell me with your actions."

Meldia : 'ok; but, could younclose your eyes for this?' she asks.

Davis : "Alright" I responded closing my eyea, furthuring my intrigue. I hear shuffling a she got up, but was took off guard when feel her sit on my lap facing me, her wrapping her legs around my waist, her arms around my neck, I open my eyes in shock to find that her lips planted against mine, locked in a deep kiss. I return it, by wrapping my arms around her waist and bring her closer, then pushing my tongue foward.