Chapter Twenty : A Talk About Love, Legend, and Legendary Love

Meldia and myself were in complete bliss. She never protested against my advance though; but rather invited it and was overjoyed by it as she pulled herself closer and tightening herself around me. I spun myself and her around coming out on top. Earning a small moan from Meldia.

[A side note for Silvingarian culture, if one individual kisses another, and the other responds with their tongue, this means the one who was kissed acknowledges the feelings of the other and feels the same way.]

Meldia and I finally separated with a *POP* which seemed to last a blissful eternity, that the both of us didn't want to end. I could see the small strand of saliva connecting us, as the both of us were heavily panting.

Meldia : "I'm... so.. happy, you feel.. the same way.~" She said in between pants trying to be seductive about it; but, ends up simply being cute either way.

Davis : "Yes, I have felt romantic feelings for you, and I couldn't come up with a good way to simply say it, since I know how flustered you get about a direct approach." I softly reply caressing her face, to which she puts both of her hands on mine and smiling with so much relief, basically telling that she's waited for this and worked up to this for years. That look, along with her short, ginger hair and chestnut colored doe eyes, simply makes her adorable, along with her fit build, the muscle she has compliments her all around enhancing her figure all the while.

Meldia wraps and tightens her legs around my waist and wraps her arms around my shoulders locking her hands behind me and moves puts her head closer, in a attempt to go in for a another kiss; however, her sharp eyes catch an onlooker.

Meldia : "GYAHH, KUROME!?!" Kurome had her stuck the door, which she somehow managed to unlock.

Kurome : 'Jiiiiiiiiii' Kurome stared with a deadpan look, making complete sure nobody could tell what was on her mind. She then stuck her hand through the opening and gave a thumbs up.

Kurome : 'I approve, she is nice and has no ill intentions.' she whispered squinting her eyes and then darts away back downstairs.

Davis : "Huh, clever girl, she is." I say to myself, clearly amused by her stealthy abilities.

Meldia : "uuuuuuu, she scared me~." Meldia whined clinging to me attempting to calm down.

Davis : "Well, let's talk about.. us and how we want to go about our feelings here. I don't want my goals getting in the way of romance between us and vice versa, soooooo, anything you have in mind?" I asked, usually Meldia is good for thinking about the future, simply by talking about it, myself however. I adapt as things come up.

Meldia : "Well, you should do what you want to do, when it comes to--ehh, oh yeah becoming king and taking over the Capital, I'll support you any way I can." she started with reassurance, and began thinking about for romance between us.

Meldia : "As for us..mmm, we'll occassionally share our intimate moments together like we did just now, oh speaking of which there is something I'd like to say."

Davis : "What's that?" I ask Tilting my head to the side. Before she responds Meldia gets close to my ear to do some whispering.

Meldia : "I know you like women older than yourself, and how attract many other women, so I don't mind sharing you; but don't go too crazy with many women okay?" She cooes procceding to playfully bite my ear.

*earlier when Kurome, myself, and Meldia left the longhouse a chapter ago*

Merlin : "Hmm, I see, well what about this legend of The Founder and this Silver Dragon Goddess?" Merlin asked intrigued by this new legend.

Svorson : "AHH, yes the mythic tale. Now it all begins on mountain during a storm unlike any other-" Svorson started but...

Merlin : "Wait there is something I want to know about the Dragon Goddess."

Svorson : "WE WILL GET THERE WHEN WE GET THERE. DO NOT INTERRUPT." Svorson replied sternly with an angry aura, causing Merlin to jump. Svorson can't tolerate interruptions in any given circumstance.

Svorson : "Ahem-anyway, it was on a mountain, further north of here, where to Dragon Goddess lived, a snow storm raging like no other storm there was. Then comes The Founder, searching for a warm place to rest, and with a danger beast by his side we call The Father Titan Claw, a lengendary danger beast capable of surviving anything through sheer force and instinct. Now this Titan Claw maybe like The Tyrant; however, the body of The Titan Claw adapts overtime, rather than over a short period of time." Svorson spoke, in a tone depicting a glourious legend, but with a softer side which serves to draw others in.

Merlin : "Ah, Danger Beasts, they are those creatures that many seem to fear, and percieved as untamable?" Merlin asked curiosty leaving at the edge of his seat at every turn.

Svorson : "Yes, those kinds, and anyway, getting sidetracked. Anyway, The Founder. young, but very wise beyond his years, full of energy, and holding secrets and knwoledge uncommon amongst anyone, nor how he managed to obtain his secrets, he ventured into a cave of ice, jagged stone, and darkness, with twists and turns alike."

Merlin : "Ohhh, very interesting, keep going." Merlin urged, awaiting the rest of the story.

Svorson : "Right, right, as The Founder and the Titan Claw made their way through the caves within the mountain, a shimmering, but fading silver light made itself known, as the two journed deeper. The two made their way to the source of the light, and found, her The Silver Dragon Goddess, wounded, bloodied; but victorious from vicious fighting with near hundred of hunters." Svorson spoke Merlin barely able to hold his excitement and his one question about her.

Svorson : "The Founder offered a brew of sorts to the Goddess, and she took it trusting his word, that it would heal her and give her needed rest. When she awoke, she found herself healed from her wounds, as if they were never there."

Merlin : "I sense the best part coming up!" Merlin said raising his voice finally in proportion to his excitement.

Svorson : "Indeed, the most mystical part of this tale and the eight days that followed would make up and represent our culture and path."

Merlin : "Don't keep me hanging hurry!" Merlin urged on hoping Svorson was getting to the next part.

Svorson : "The Goddess illuminated herslef in a beatiful, silver light, and turned into a woman." Svorson began again but Merlin has a pressing question, he couldn't wait anymore to ask.

Merlin : "Svorson... I must ask... WAS. SHE. BUSTY!?" Merlin asked with utmost eagerness to his question.

Svorson : "Huh?"

Merlin : "Was, she busty?! Come on I have my priorities here, you can't leave me hanging here!!" Merlin urged, going on a tangent anout his priorities. To which Svorson could only respond with....

Svorson : "I would and many others would assume she was since she and The Founder made non-stop love to one another for eight days with seven nights in between."

The result of saying that put Merlin in a state of indescribable shock.