Chapter Twenty One : Continuing on and Dinnertime

Merlin had been put in a state of absolute shock. "EIGHT DAYS!?!?" was he could think to himself, even he found himself shocked at The Founders ability to keep up.

Svorson : "So, are you able to listen for more?"

Merlin "Ahp- y-yes hold on." Merlin sputtered as he managed to get back up from the floor and his awe.

Merlin : "So what is-- important about the eight days on your culture and history??" Merlin asked weakly still getting over the part about eight days.

Svorson : "Yes, for three days The Goddess was *ahem* at the charge, those three days, and two nights so to speak would symbolize when our people would face nature, and all it had to pull against us. Starting from the ground up, building our civilization, the likes and hardship of hunter gatherer society, we respected strength, and ability in those times and intelligence was immensely valued as well, so if someone was more well versed in matters related to the use of knowledge, rather than physical ability, were valued like treasure."

Svorson : "Now, on the three days and three nights in which The Founder took the lead, that symbolizes when we as people advance forward as both society and civilization. Those times had thwir fair share of hardships as well; however since we are talking about people, the kind of hardships changed as well, conflict, famines, social conflicts, they were difficult on us all; but, we got through them all, and set understandings, laws, and rules that we all agreed on as a people and society."

The telling of the forming of Silvingar's society and people was very inspirational to Merlin, however something caught his curiosity.

Merlin : "Hey, what about foreigners or other peoples did you meet?"

Svorson : "Simple, we are friendly at first, and if they respond in kind we accept then as our own; however, should they take advantage or respond to our kindness with hostility, we go to war and leave no one standing as quick as possible." Svorson replied bluntly, wanting to continue with the legend.

Merlin : "Ah, I see, continue the legend." Merlin said stratified with his answer.

Svorson : Right then, for the final two days and the one night in between, they travelled to the peak of the mountain, leaving the Titan Claw behind to sleep in the cave. For the seventh day both wanted the lead so they kept switching how they made love over and over, this is the time when our people would go and plunder, raid, steal, and carve our clan's name into this continent. To this day we still stand as THE most feared clan in the continent even after the 50 years Raid. There is even a saying representing when we finally make a move again and that is : "The Silver Dragon flys again." Svorson continued on talking about the history of how raiding became a way of life in order to survive famines throught the winter.

Svorson : "Now, the seventh night and the eighth day, the two were much too limp to continue on, but still held one another, unwilling to let go. So they used their spirits to make love instead of their bodies!!" Svorson shouted proudly.

At this point Merlin has transcended in complete shock that two living beings made love using their spirits, and is now thinking how he could do this as well. Merlin snapped out of his internal transcendence and realized he needed the last part of the legend.

Merlin : "Alright, at this point, I need a lap; but, I must hear more."

Svorson : "Right, right, on the final day their bodies and spirits became, we call The Fire of Life, and that fire scattered all around the rivers, the stone, the ice, snow, forest, and nature all the like, and our different peoples appeared from nature itself; thus, The Legend and The Start of our Civilization."

Merlin began his applause with a serious face and got up while still holding that face and the aggressive applause. A small singular tear managed to escape his eye, after a minute or so he stopped and calmed down.

Svorson : "AHG, something completely went over my head, Davis's offer for healing me, he must've head for his home. Come along Merlin, we need to make haste." Svorson said rushing Merlin out the door.

Merlin : "Ah, alright, alright don't push me."


Meldia and myself came downstairs to a cooked meal courtesy of Ms. Kristie.

Davis : "Something smells good!" I exclaimed coming into the dining area kitchen merged into one room.

Kristie : "There is something that smells good come eat!" Kristie replied brining two more plates to the now completed table, holding a mini feast. Kurome already took her seat and was making a plate for herself eager to eat.

Meldia and I sat down next to one another at the table with Kristie following suit.

Kristie : "Alright, following custom of newcomers to the table, Kurome, you get the first bite of the food here, so dig in and tell me what you think."

Kurome widened her eyes a little and looked down at her plate, she grabbed her fork, took a bit food and chomped down. Silence is what followed, which then a small tear was found running down Kurome's cheek. She took out the fork and put on the warmest smile the three of us saw.

Kurome : "Miss Kristie, your food is very good, I would like to keep eating more of this." Kurome said happy and with another tear running down her face.

Kristie : "Oh-- oh oh oh, come here, I'll be happy to make all the food for you sweetie ohhhh~" Kristie said coming around the table wrapping her arms around Kurome's head hugging her tightly.

What unfolded before us was a tender moment, one that that cemented itself in our hearts for moment when something could br heard pushing against the door and the sounds of a big creature.

Davis : "I'll get that and see what's up." I said getting up leaving the three to their tender moment. I walked over the front and opened it to a large furry animal, white as snow with yellow eyes identifying itself as an apex predator, scars lining its body marking the many battles it fought, and with a muscular frame to back makes this big cat look like a grizzeld veteran it's two front fangs glowed with silver sheen protruding the most from its maw. The claws where of a silver sheen as well giving a look of high class from all they have slain.

Davis : "Hah, it's been awhile big guy how've you been?" I said giving him a scratch behind his ear, immediately he lied down and started to pant as sign of being happy to see someone after some time.