Chapter Twenty Two : Titan Claw and Catch Up on a Deal

The Titan Claw gave a small huff as he panted and pressed his nose against my face and starting licking.

Davis : "Yeah, I missed you to old buddy." I said petting the big cat's face, also trying to reach up and scratch his ears.

Kurome : "Onii-..." Kurome was cut off by the sheer shock of seeing the Titan Claw, as she hadn't had experience with these types of danger beasts especially experienced ones who've lived for a long time. So with that she had a worried expression on her face, espacially since the Big Guy was still taller than her and lying down at that.

Davis : "Hey, Kurome-oh, oh don't worry he won't hurt you, simply put his hand up to his nose and if he accepts he'll give you a kiss on the face or arm." I assured her hoping she would try.

Kurome took a deep breath and approached Titan and slowly raised her hand with Titan watching her attentively. Kurome managed to get her hand close enough, and Titan sniffed her hand a couple of times. He then much to my surprise lowered his head and began rubbing the top of his head against her.

Kurome : "A-what is he doing?" asked giggling all the while. She began petting Titan's head in response to Titan doing what he's doing.

Davis : "He knows you're stressed and worried, so he's making sure you don't have to by being friendly with you. I haven't seen him do this kind of action before."

Kurome : "Either way, I like this I'll spend more time with-- uhm, what's his name?"

Davis : "Ah, his name is Titan, he's very old."

Titan gave a low growl and a condescending look in my direction, causing Kurome to giggle more.

Kurome : "Well, I'm going to spend more time with Titan, he's soft, so I think he's still young for being quite big."

Titan gave a thankful huff in response to Kurome's words, causing her to giggle.

I noticed people began gathering, giving praises and thanks to the Beast for being the patron guardian of the village. The big guy has been around and has seen the history of the entire village. If Titan was a human, he would be the oldest and wisest of us all; however that was always Titan's job, being the guardian, and in a way he treats everyone he deems native, or friendly as family, well, as much of family as a near multi century old Danger Beast could.

Svorson : "Davis, hey *huff* Wooo, man, how are you?" Svorson asked panting looking like he sprinted a marathon.


Davis : "What happened to you?" I asked while waiting for him to finish panting.

Svorson : "Ah, well I had forgotten about how much time I've been bed ridden, and the sight of me walking out of my room caused a hell of a ruckus, for Merlin and myself and we had to run, Merlin tripped, and I had to carry him here." He responded dropping Merlin from off his shoulders hearing a strange sound from Merlin as he landed.

Svorson : "Anyways I've come here to discuss that offer you had for me, for healing me that is."

Random Person : "Wait, Davis healed the cheif?!"

Svorson : "YES! What I say is true, our towns' Lucky Charm, has healed me!!" Svorson shouted to the crowd. Cheering followed, praising Svorson's good health and my feat of healing him. Titan looked turned around and looked at me, I took notice and saw that in his gaze it looked as though he sees something within myself; but, he turns away at Kurome's beck and call to play.

Svorson : "Well, among your previous good deeds here, you've added a achievement to your rapport boy, HAHA!" Svorson said slapping my back causing my thoughts to be interrupted.

Davis : "Well, we should head inside, so we can talk about what I have in mind."

We went inside with Merlin in tow as Titan circled around to the back with Kurome still petting him. Merlin woke up and found his way to the table where he and Kristie met and had a friendly talk for a time. Kurome darted back inside and made another plate for herself.

Svorson : "Hello Ms. Kristie! I'm coming in!" Svorson bellowed making his way through the entrance and to the kitchen with me following him.

Kristie : "WHA- SVORSON HOW ARE YOU-" a shocked Kristie started.

Svorson : "HOW AM I WALKING YOU ASK? DAVIS, THAT'S HOW HAHAHAHA!" Svorson interrupted, which he then procceded to hit my back this time more force.

Davis : "AGH!!" Was the only sound I could make before evading the second hit.

Kristie : "Hah, I see you've haven't changed at all." Kristie sighed with relief.

Svorson : "Of course I haven't, now let's and discuss what this deal is Davis, I am interested in what you propose here."

We all sat down and I delved into my thoughts, what I needed was to think about how I would word this, and I know Merlin has my back on this one.

Svorson : "Now, what is it that you want Davis, as far as I know you've never asked for anything tremendous in the time you've grown up; however, I see this as a sign that today may be different." Svorson said wiping away any grease on his face with a napkin.

Davis : "Yes, today is different, for healing you, I wish to take up leadership that was strangely shifted about between you, him, and your daughter. before your injury and sickness; however, I wish to become King of Silvingar, and go to war with the Corrupt Empire ruled by the Corrupt Minister."

My demand shocked the table. Svorson, Meldia, and Kristie were stunned jaws hung open in disbelief, Merlin had is usual calm happy expreasion completely expecting this reaction, and Kurome was glancing in between people as the conversation would carry on, sitting with her knees to her face and arms crossed over them.

Svorson : "K-King?"

Davis : "Yes, Svorson, King of Silvingar, that is what I want."

Svorson looked down and donned an expression rarely seen before, one where he weighs the options and outcomes, heavily.

Svorson : "This. This is a tall order, Davis, but I think this can be done."

It was Svorson's turn to shock the table as Meldia whips her head around in shock.

Meldia : "WHAT!?" She yelled out.

Svorson : "Well, their are two problems you need to address, one there was a deployment of Imperial soldiers here since the 250 years war, which leads into the second problem, they're watching our forges and ore shipments like hawks and we can't make quality weapons and armor, or everyday metal equipment or tools."

Davis : "I see, that will be interesting to deal with."

Merlin : "I have a solution."