Chapter Twenty Three : Putting the Plan Together

Davis : "What's your idea Merlin?" I asked.

Merlin : "Well, since we've seen what we saw and heard of we've managed to hear, I think you should placate to the soldiers, the rank and file if you will, their needs mostly, since most of everyone in the capital are people trying to make ends meet, or are struggling to survive with what little they have, I believe some managed to make the money to join the military, to provide to themselves; or, better yet, their families." Merlin explained emphasizing the families and need to provide parts of his explanation.

Davis : "AH, I understand, if I were to promise them I would free them, and their families from the empire so they can start fresh here, they'll consider joining Silvingar's society; or, better yet the army that will soon to be." I summarized with a tone of excitement and anticipation.

Merlin : "Exactly, though we need to confirm this and plan in advance to back up the promises, which I've come up with another idea, but that will come down the line later."

Davis : "Until we get to that bridge, Kurome?"

Kurome who was falling asleep on my shoulder perked up instantly holding a sort of salute.

Kurome : "Yes?"

Davis : "I have a job for you, if you've been listening, spy on the imperial guards and soldiers stationed about, judge their character, and find me names and equipment manifests, be thorough with this, I'd rather not have any good people die okay?"

Kurome: Okay, I'll be back soon." Kurome said giving me a hug and darting out of the house.

Davis : "Merlin, that second idea you had, I would like to know what it is."

Merlin : "Ahp, well ehh, we haven't figured out how much mana reserves you have or whether or not if it can regenerate on it's own, sooooo, I don't know."

Davis : "Let's step outside and figure it out then."

The rest of us went out back where Titan is and I took seat in the middle of the field.

Davis : "Alright so how do I find out my reserves?"

Merlin : "Cast a spell, one that consumes mana at a constant rate. Do you remember the trigger you made?"

Davis : "I do, and I've come up with something."

Merlin: "Good, well do whatever you need to do. This is the good part everyone." Merlin told everyone making sure they're anticipating what's next.

Svorson : "I already like the fact he can do something beyond what anyone can do; though I've heard only rumors about the ones who can wield Teigu."

Merlin : "Ohh, what are teigu?" Merlin asked being very intrigued as I began making fire all around me, Titan woke up and slept next me while the fire was burning.

Svorson : "Well, Teigu, or Imperial Arms, for the offical term are weapons specifcally made from parts of espacially dangerous danger beasts, or by own hands. They all originate from the Capital and were made by the best of the best craftsmen from all over the continent and beyond for some cases. They exist because the first emperor of the capital feared the downfall of his empire, so he had 48 of these weapons, artifacts, relics, and other oddities made in order to protect the Empire. At some point a civil war broke and many of the Imperial Arms were lost, some were even taken out of the country or beyond the continent as far as anyone knows. As for what I know, some remain with the empire, a handful of dangerous ones are with this other army at odds with empire, and where the rest reside is anyone's guess."

Merlin : Very interesting, however for a collection of dangerous weapons, what happens when two warriors meet and do battle with these weapons?"

Svorson : "Ah, the Ironclad Rule that follows these weapons, no matter how many meet or come face to face to do battle, only one user no matter the weapon, will make it out of the fight. No exceptions."

Merlin : "Hmmm, I suppose that rule will be a problem for Davis. Well, I'll have Davis make his own weapon then. It won't count as one of the Imperial Arms; buuuut, hehehe, it'll be much stronger, perhaps one of the strongest weapons that will be made here." Merlin replied with satifaction.

A few hours had passed and I made flames burn more intensely; however no changes in mana.

Davis : "Merlin, I don't know why, but I don't feel any changes with my level of mana."

Merlin : "Ok, let's keep going until nightfall, maybe there will be a change." Merlin replied trying to come up with an answer as to why the flames won't go away.

Svorson : (Hmm, ah it's the new moon tonight, I should go get a spare torch) Svorson got up and went to find a torch, he did come back with a torch, and didn't light it yet.

About another fews hours and some change my flames went out instantly.

Davis : "Uhm, what?" I asked confused

Merlin : "That was unexpected." Merlin commented.

Davis : "It seems so, anyone have a torch?"

Svorson : "Yup, hold on a second, RGH HAAA!!" Svorson roared as the torch blazed, wonderfully. I got up from my spot and went towards everyone else; however, the unexpected seems to to love making itself known tonight.

Meldia : "Davis wait!!" Meldia shouted, I turned to look at her confused; however, my arm combusting with small flames got my attention right after.

Davis : "WOAH!!" I jerked backwards to keep lgihting anyone else on fire by mistake, as I did the flames calmed down, which surprised Merlin and gave him his answer.

Merlin : "Ah, now I know how your mana works!"

Davis : "Indeed, seeing what happened here, tells me all that I need." I responded with pride at my realization.

Both of us : "As long as I/you stand in some sort of light there will be an never ending amount of mana to supply and create flames."

Davis : "Furthermore, the amount of mana and the intesity of my flames is proportional to how much light I'm in."

Svorson, Kristie, and Meldia had their mouths agape with shock and couldn't believe any of what we had said.

Svorson : "By the Dragon Goddess, boy, you are still full of crazy surprises."

Merlin : "Indeed, now that we know this you can select the approproate time to summon servants of your own."

Davis : "I'm sorry what?" I asked Merlin doing an exaggerated double-take.

Merlin: "Ah, the wonderful act of summoning a servant of course, you'll need some for the fights to come."

Davis : "I, see, ok then well, without further ado... ehhh, what's next?" At this point I wasn't sure on what was next, but hey let us be thankful for surprise wholesomeness.

Kurome : "Surprise Attack Hug for Onii-chan from behind!" Kurome shouted jumping on my back wrapping herself around me in a Kurome-sized hug.

Davis : "Kurome! Welcome home!" I exclaimed ruffling her hair causing her a put on a childish smile.

Kristie : "DAAAAWWW!!! WHY ARE YOU TWO SO WHOLESOME!?" Kristie carried on to ruffle Kuromes's hair along with me.

Kurome : "I got everything you asked for Onii-chan." Kurome said turning her head toward me with heavy eyes.

Davis : "Good job, we'll work through the information you got in the morning, until then you go and-ah, I see you beat right to it." I said then noticing Kurome sleeping soundly with her head on my shoulder.

Davis : "Svorson."

Svorson : "What's up?"

Davis : "When the first crack of dawn appears, you take the miners, smithies, and anyone who is willing to go with you to protect the miners and start Oricalchulm harvesting, we need the metal for wartime production. Until then go plan ahead of time and get some sleep right after got it?"

Svorson : "Loud and clear your majesty. Haha!I'll see you tomrrow, hopefully morning." Svorson chuckled and walked around the back of the house to do his job, while Meldia followed suit, Kristie said her goodnights and went back to her place near grandfathers' resting place, Merlin and myself, Kurome in tow, went inside, Merlin stayed up, as he didn't need sleep, I managed to get myself into bed and Kurome instinctively wrapped her arms around my neck and curled up next to meas close as she could get. This caused me to be happy and thankful for a little sister at long last, as usual I gave her headpats and dozed off, thinking of the future ahead.