Chapter Twenty Four : The Fortress and Summoning

9I woke up peacefully and the birds were chirping outside, I took a look to my left and Kurome had disappeared.

Davis : (Guess she got up first)

I got up and dressed myself in a gray fur yhe covers most of my upper body, and dark orange breeches that score a medieval look and a pair of boots with white silver colored fur to complete the look.

I went into the kitchen, no Kurome; but there was a note reading 'Enjoy~' and already prepped food to be used for breakfast, courtesy of Krissy, (A/N : This is Kristie if anyone has forgotten, Krissy is the nickname Davis personally uses with her) I eat breakfast and head out to the back where Merlin is and Kurome is training.

Davis : "Yo!" I called out.

Merlin : "Hello Davis." Merlin said with a wave of his hand.

Kurome : "Big Brother!" Kurome chirpped with starry eyes, sheathing her blade and giving her routine morning hug.

Davis : "Good morning to you to Kurome. How did your mission go?" I asked hoping for the best outcome

Kurome : "It went perfectly, and I wasn't caught." she replied expecting headpats.

Davis : "Good, very good, what did you find?" I asked ruffling her hair and giving headpats.

Kurome : "Some of the men from the capital are good people, mostly consisting of privates and some veterans who are working hard to provide for what family they have...mmm." Kurome trailed off and looked down with disappointment and saddness.

Davis : "I take it this doesn't apply to everyone from the capital?"

Kurome : "Un, it's the one in charge that's bad, his inner circle to, they're all in with all the bad going on inside the capital."

Davis: "I see, how many does inner circle number to?"

Kurome : "Eight, with him included as the leader." This response was all I needed for my next move.

Davis : "Excellent work Kurome, for now you can stay with Krissy, or myself if you'd like to."

Kurome : "I'm staying with you then!" Kurome chirped with a smile.

Merlin : "Well, now that has been settled, Davis I have found something that might 'peak' your interest." Merlin said rising from his seat.

Davis : "Along with what Kurome has brought I wonder what you could bring." I replied obviously intrested.

Merlin: "Excellent, this way then." Merlin commanded leading the way to wherever what he found.

After a time the three of us had made it to the foot of the mountain and a resting place, decorated with offerings, marked and protected with written sigils as if time had stopped to keep this certain place pristine and a wondrous sight to behold. But not for me, this place holds my sorrow, the sorrow of loss, this place, is the resting place of Grandfather, Regashi, my old man.

Davis : "My old man's place, why are we here Merlin?" I asked with melancholic tone.

Merlin : "Well, the sigils here, are they? Well, are they magic?? Per say?"

Davis : "Well, it's the closest to magic there is, before I was born, Grandfather had traveled to many places and learned a great deal of things as well, sadly he couldn't pass everything on to me, but did say that sigils can make miracles and unnatural events happen, illusions, raising the dead, manipulating elements, the works. The stronger sigils can make time stop in small pockets of places, or can make a weapon unchanged by time, but can still broken through physical force." I explained.

Kurome : "Oh, like my teigu March of the Dead : Yatsufusa."

Davis : "Oh? Do tell Kurome."

Kurome : "My teigu can control the dead and reanimate the corpses that can be fastened to my weapon, it can use up to.. eight... people." Kurome trailed off finishing her explanation, and a face of guilt and sadness crept onto her face.

Davis : "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked already knowning something was wrong.

Kurome shook her head not wanting to talk about it now, but hopefully later.

Davis : "Alright, how about this you can climb up on my back if it'll help you feel better." I proposed. To this, Kurome happliy smiled and climbed onto my and made herself comfortable and fell asleep instantly.

Davis : "Now then, Merlin?" I asked turning to Merlin

Merlin : "Yes, the sigils here are set perfectly to make sure time doesn't ruin this place, however, there are some sigils over here, have you noticed them at all?"

Davis : "No I haven't noticed these types at all, they look like illusion based sigils, here I'll remove them." I said taking the sigils off the stone. What revealed itself was a passage way leading down and torches already lit. Merlin and I looked at one another with disbelief and thought one thing: "EXPLORING TIME!" we went down the hidden crypt below and found the place made mostly of Orichalcum, though it had collected dust over the times, however long that was. We traveled mostly upwards through many flights of stairs anf passage ways. Eventually we found a pair of giant doors and onpened them to find a spacious throne room, this place was mostly silver and a dark gray in some places, what were banners and rugs were tatters and nothing more but withered cloth and not even sellable cloth at that. On the south side of the room was a opening fenced off to keep people from falling, however it overlooked all of Silvingar and the mountains beyond

Davis : "Well, besides the twin doors on the west side of the room, this is it, The Throne Room, hey Kurome, you awake?" I asked, lightly head patting Kurome.

Kurome : "mm, I - ah, Gya AH-ACK CHOO!! MOUUU, DUSTY!" Kurome shouted getting off back and sneezing some more.

Merlin : "Well, now this calls for a spell." Merlin declared twirling his staff about and striking the ground with the bottom of his staff, dust particles began gatherong yogether and forming pink flowers petals which flew outside into the air.

Kurome : "Thanks!" Kurome chirpped rubbing her nose.

Merlin : "No prob- WHOA DAVIS WHAT ARE DOING!?!"

While the exchange went on I took it upon myself to have a seat in the throne, which reactes to me and magic because the dark gray began glowing a light orange and the room, no the mountain began shaking.

Davis : "ALL, I DID WAS SIT ON THE THRONE, GET UNDER SOMETHING!!" I shouted, hoping to find a table or something to yet under but to no avail.

Thinking for Kurome's saftey I grabbed and channelled magic throughtout my body hoping that would at least serve as a shield. The shaking thankfully stopped the three of us looked around and nothing was damaged, I looked outside and nothing in town was damaged, but people were looking up in awe at the mountain.

Merlin : "Well, the place has certainly changed take a look at this." he said intrigued.

I looked back and was take aback by the new appearance, the room, turned silver in place of the dust and the dark gray turned a vibrant orange to describe the place was wondrous to look at. I looked to the left side of the room and saw the twin doors open.

Davis : "Hey, Merlin the doors here are open." I said making a beeline for the yet to be explored room.

Merlin : "That so, well, let's check it out." Merlin replied walking to the room, Kurome in tow. The three of us had entered the room whiched is a sunlit room a halo supported by pillars making an entire balcony out of the entire room. The middle of the floor a circle with patterns and words written in a strange language I couldn't decipher, for Merlin only he was gawking in utter shock.

Davis : "Wha- what is this?"

Merlin : *Ahem* "This- this, is a summoning circle my student, and I haven't a clue why this is here, however this where you will learn to summon your servants."

Davis : "Ok, how do I summon exactly?" I asked scratching my head.

Merlin : Well, since the summoning circle has been already set you need to chant an incantation I think I recall one but I get tongue tied when it comes to incantations, soooo I think you'll have to read it for yourself.

Davis : "Wait." I said as the realization hit me.

Merlin : "Yes?"

Davis : "Using a incantation from your univrse wouldn't exactly work, since this is different universe entirely sooo, I'll make one. Plus. I'm standing in sunlight so I won't have any problems at all magic wise."

Merlin : "Mmmmmm. Ok just mind the last verse of your chant, don't want an eldritch horror spawning here no? Oh, and make you have one of your hands closed in a fist presented towards the circle."

Davis : "Right. Now then." I began Kurome and Merlin waited in anticipation at the entrance of the room. I began pouring magic from within me to the circle set up.

Davis : "From Legends of Old and from Stars Across, heed my call.

I shall bring war to all that is evil and bring the hammer of justice down upon all that is corrupt.


My will creates your form, my fate shall be your guide, I shall be your benefactor.

Brandish thy legend, brandish thy steel and follow my call.

Fight along side me in the times to come, let us bond to make it through the times to come.

Let us forge a new legend in the history of this world together.

I represent the good of my people and world and shall be the crucible in which evil burns away in.

Now COME FORTH AND HEED MY CALL!!!" I chanted my final verse and the circle that glowed a orange light entire way shone in a blinding light, from far away the people could the light and stare in awe besides the castle emerging from the mountain, that being the main landmark of Silvingar.

The summoning ritual exhausted me to a new level and I collapsed losing conciousness quickly I felt Merlin catching me before I hit ground, I heard different voices all harboring questions.

??? : "Ah- I take it that has to be our master." A calm voice sounded, one that had the tone of an instructor, calm and honest.

??? : "The hell?! Why'd he collapse?!" A gruff voice rang out one that radiated the thirst for battle.

??? : "Ohhh, I wonder if giving him my lap to sleep on would, fufu, would make quite a sight to wake up to fufu." A playful, yet mischeivious voice, sang one that held schemes of playful nature.

??? : "Nevertheless, he needs help someone should tend to him, alas, I unfortunately can't!" Another voiced, this voice held honor and honesty.

??? : "I shall check our surroundings and see if there are no hostiles." A cold voice said, holding both tiredness and gloom.

??? : "I will stay with master as well, he knows more than we do." A neutral voice sounded, one with no regret.

??? : "My, my already feel excited for this, yes!" A cheery voice sang out, one that exhibits happiness and purity.

Merlin : (Oh my, seven, this is even better than I thought, then again I knew he'd summon seven, but one is divine, while the others are quite powerful as well, I wonder, what does Fate have in store for you Davis, I wonder) Merlin though within himself, completely relieved at the results of this summoning.

Davis : (Seven voices, not bad me, for now though I need some sleep, makes me wonder, though what kind of people I'll meet when I come around and wake up. Ah, well it'll be great to meet them, sweet.) I though to myself losing consciousness in my mind as I doze off letting myself go from tension and stress of the ritual, looking forward for tomorrow to meet new faces, and to make good on my oath from the chant.