Chapter Twenty Five : Meeting Servants and Overcoming Problems

My mind woke itself up, however; I couldn't open my eyes.

Davis : (I'm awake, but I can't move, what is this soft feeling?)

I tried with whatever little strength I had left to move my arm starting with my fingers, however, I felt my hand being held by a softer pair of hands.

??? : (It's ok, don't move, you're drained of magical energy master.) The voice told me.

Davis : (What, who are you?)

??? : (I'm your servant, Caster class servant, it's ok Saber, Archer, and Beserker are with you as well, so don't worry.)

Davis : (Ah, yes the ritual was successful, good, anyway what is this soft feeling I feel on my head?) I asked reaching to the back of my head, I finally did take hold of what's behond me and to my hands, it was much more soft to the touch.

Caster : (Oh. fufufu, master I didn't know you were so bold as to put your hands on my lap fufufu~) Caster cooed in a teasing manner.

Davis : (...I am sleeping in your lap...)

Caster : (So what do you thiiink~?) Caster teasingly cooed.

Davis : (It's the best substitue for pillows that's for sure.) I replied giving my most honest opinion.

Caster : (Ohohoho, master~ You are a bold one~) Caster cooed happily.

Davis : (Right, anyway, is me being drained of magical energy the reason why I feel so heavy?)

Caster : (Well, that does seem to be the case according to Archer, he's the medical expert here so this little situation is no worry.)

Davis : (I disagree, if I'm not strong enough, or have enough energy reserves how will I be able to see my own servants?) I protested in reflection of the weight weighing me down.

??? : "My, my what a predicament you are in young Mr. Davis." A mysterious voice sounded out causing sounds of metal moving around and blades being drawn, that had to havr been Saber and Beserker doing so. Archer must've drawn his bow a distance away.

??? : "Now now, no meed for hostilities, I'm only here to help, albeit providing a means to solve your Master's ehhh, problem there." The voice reassured, stating his purpose here.

Davis : (Caster, what does the owner of this mysterious look like?)

Caster : (Well, he looks quite old, I think maybe 70s possibly, for his clothes, black overcoat, mostly black clothing except for the white shoes though, oh, his eyes, now I see why the others got defensive, his make him look a vampire, which I'm going to assume he is a vampire, so I'd be careful Master.) Caster warned, worroed for my safety.

Davis : (Alright, I need to repeat after me, alright Caster?)

Caster : (Alright Master☆) Caster replied, after some time she began

Caster : "Mysterious man dressed black, I the man lying on the ground using Caster to be my voice for the time being, now, you have said you came here to help, how exactly?"

??? : "Ahh, the King finally speaks, well, seeing as you have learned your lesson on being drained of magical energy and Merlin's lack of properly teaching you on such short notice I'm only going to leave this here with you and we'll see how this all works out." the said putting a box on the ground.

Caster : "Is that it?" I asked through Caster.

??? : "Haha, yes indeed, but don't worry, I believe we will meet again Davis, I assure you that HAHAHA!" The man laughed as he disappeared.

Davis : (How strange, Caster did he leave?)

Caster : (Yeah, in a weird myriad of colors, if anything that had to have been magic he used.)

Davis : (I see, well do you know where Merlin is? White robes and hair.)

Caster : (Oh, he's here to and dumbfounded as well at what happened.)

Davis : (Alright tell him that I'm alright and that he should probably use what ever is in the box, I know, we don't know what it is but, if that man who simply dropped it off here to help me then the box's contents could do just that.)

Caster : (Ok master) "I think the box and whatever is inside might help Master, if he says that the man is helping us then box will do just that." Caster says aloud.

Merlin : "The box is the solution I've come up with at this point. Ehh, Davis if you can here me I'm going to open the box near you, so the rest of you should step back, I don't what's going to happen here." Merlin said carrying the box to me.

Caster laid my head back to the floor and stepped to the entance of the room with Berserker, Archer, and Saber followed.

Merlin opened the box and a blinding light poured out from the box causing Merlin to shout and dropped the box. The light took over the entire room as it began pouring into my chest causing a burning pain to course through me. I thought it wouldn't end but it did come to an end as fast as it came thanks Merlin's expertise in illusion spells making me think I wasn't in any form of pain so I ended up falling into a blissful sleep in a field of petals.

Berserker : "WHAT THE HELL!?!" Bersker shouted in complete disbelief and confusion.

Saber : "That nearly looked as though the sun made itself a home inside Master's body!" Saber exclaimed giving himself an understanding of the situation.

Archer : "Thankfully his wounds are healed. Hopefully we can all properly introduce ourselves to one another soon." Archer reassured seeing the brighter side to things.

Assasin and Lancer returned from their scouting, but I couldn't hear what they said, my mind had already drifted some place else. I finally woke up to Kurome beside me.

Davis : 'Uhh - yo, Kurome.' I groaned from pains in my head.

Kurome : "Big Brother!" Kurome happily chirped as she attacked me with hugs.

Archer : "Ah, you're awake Master I'm glad to see you're alright." Archer said. I turned and looked up to see a man, forest green eyes, a mix of gold and brown shades hair, an archaic style of clothing, and a face radiating a noble yet caring aura. He pulled me to my feey and I nearly stumbled back down and he caught me quickly before I could fall any further.

Archer : "Careful now, you're still recovering, do take it easy ok?" Archer said worryingly.

Davis : "Right, thank you Archer, I remember most of what happened but any changes, I can't seem to notice internally, well other then a warm feeling theought my entire body since I woke up." I said rubbing eyes fighting my exhaustion.

Archer : "Well, it's best not to worry about it now, everyone else is waiting for you." Archer said hoisting my arm around his shoulder to help me get around.

The three of us made our way into the throne room and including Merlin six other figures were waiting.

Berserker : "Well look whose up! HAHAHAHA!!" Shouted a man with many scars and holding a weapon in both hands that were bound by two arm pieces held together by a golden chain.

Caster : "Master!!" Caster chirped happily lunging at me with a hug. Clad in blue robes, peach colored hair, yellow eyes, and fox ears?

Rider : "Master, it's good to finally meet you, yes!" The blonde woman exclaimed green eyes and a demeanor radiating postivity.

Saber : "It's good to see you're in good health, I take it you had a good rest?" Saber asked. Daber being very tall, sporting aqua colored eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a sword glowing blue with a holy aura from its white blade and blue hilt.

Davis : "Well, it is certainly nice to finally meet all of you, ehh, ah, Merlin how things outside?" I asked being thankful for Merlin being here.

Merlin: "Welcome back Davis, and things were uhhh, complicated but Svorson managed just fine, oh and he is confused about the whole castle appearing out of the mountain thing accompanied by a mysterious bright lights but that's nothing to worry about." Merlin said basically shrugging off the entire spectacle that the summoning ritual caused.

??? : "Indeed, though it had given myself and Lancer time to observe and take a general idea of our surroundings."

I turned my gaze toward the throne to find a entire ragged black cloak with a skull mask for a face standing next to the throne.

Davis : "I take it you're Assassin?"

Assassin : "Indeed I am, and I am at your service as we all are Master." Assassin said taking a slight bow.

Davis : "Right, one thing I would like to make clear, none of you should have to call me Master, yes technically I am, but it isn't right when meeting new people even in this case, for now and moving forward, let's keep it to, well King Davis, Lord Davis, or simply Davis, alright?"

Some of the Servants gathered were intrigued or surprised but agreed one way or another.

??? : "It takes a brave individual to ask of servants to act out of the Master Servant contract, but it is good that our, master here is brave, also holding potential."

I turned my gaze to find a woman, purple hair, red eyes, that could pierce the heart, wielding a crimson spear, and a tight body suit hiding a figure trained and experienced in the art of battle.

??? : "Yes, I am Lancer if that is what you are wondering." The spearwoman said, beating me to the question.

Davis : "Well, in that case I do want to test everyone's skills first, starting with Assassin, I do have a place in where I can see you perform to your best, eh, but I also don't want to waste a weeks journey getting to the capital." I said groaning at the realization of travel.

Merlin : "Ah, I have a solution I left behind a marker in that forest of that noble family so that you can travel there up to you and two other servants as well."

Davis : "Well, that'll be a good answer for short term travel, now then, let us depart Assasssin." I commanded

Assassin : "Yes Lord Davis." Assassin replied finally moving from his spot.

Merlin : "Alright and away the three of us go☆" Merlin said teleporting the three of us out of the castle.

Lancer : "Well, with Davis now gone, Archer, have you noticed it yet?" Lancer asked

Archer : "Indeed, there is a severe lack of magic here, and much more mysteriously the eighth servant outside the city, should the both of us go to that servant or leave it be?"

Lancer : "It's likely that the servant will disappear without an intake of magical energy let's at least try to make sure that won't happen." Lancer said assuming spirit form.