Chapter Twenty Six : Initiation of the Three

*Before the events of Chapters 24 and 25, Tatsumi, Sayo, and Ieyasu have been training under this orginization, no one has told them who they are properly, yet, the two are still scratching their hands over it but, they trust them. Akame, has trained Tatsumi in their way of fishing and a small bit of swordplay. At some point also explained Imperial Arms to him causing him to become a little optimistic. Sayo, has been training with Mine in sharpshooting, and keeping calm under pressure in a fight. Ieyasu had been training with Bulat about heavier weapons and armor, muscle building for him and Tatsumi, and for all three, stamina improvement. This group and the three bonded together and had the few days of happiness and bonding with everyone, however those days would be replaced by a new event.

The three and Leone were walking along a river bank close by to the base with Akame cooking an evil bird some ways away.

Leone : "YO, AKAME!!!" Leone shouted

Akame. turned with a piece of the bird already in her jaws, greeted Leone and offered the three some food.

Akame : "That reminds me, the boss showed up recently."

Leone : "Is that so?" Leone asked, profusely sweating.

??? : "Of course, I'd come back, even after hearing from Bulat that we have three new promising recruits." A woman, said appearing from behind the giant bird. She is drssed mostly in black, silver hair, an eyeptach over her right eye, and a metallic green prosthetic arm being her right arm.

Leone : "AH, HEY BOSS!" Leone exclaimed startled by the boss's unexpected appearance.

??? : "Right, he also told me that you guys haven't got to that job about the family yet, so do you-" The woman said but noticed Leone booking it towards base.

??? : "*sigh* Watch this, this'll be why you shouldn't run the first thing you have trouble you can handle." She said pointing her prosthetic arm forward and upward. Her hand shot out with a rope attached meant to pull the hand back. The hand caught Leone by leg and she fell face first.

Ieyasu : "Damn, that fall looked like it hurt." Ieyasu said wincing beforehand.

The hand pulled Leone back to the campfire with Leone smiling embarrassingly and scratching the back of her head.

Leone : "Ehehe, I uh, yeaaaahhh, could we talk it out inside? That uhhm, was something I was hoping for." Leone said hoping this would get her out of less trouble.

??? : "That will do at least, oh and you three can call me Najenda, as most of everyone else here calls me." Najenda said introducing herself.

Akame : "So were all headed inside?"

Najenda : "Yup, well, until then I could use something to eat right about now, so we'll reconvene later."

Ieyasu : (Hmm, that name sounds familiar, and her face seems familiar as well.)

Everyone had gathered to the Main Room, in which there is throne for Najenda to sit on.

Najenda : "Alright, so with the positive addition of three new recruits, who apparently haven't been told who we are, and a uncompleted job that still hasn't been got to, yet, so to start off, we are an assassination group called Night Raid, we are a branch in the Reveloutionary Army that specializes in sabotage, assassination, and teigu retrieval and if needed, destruction."

Ieyasu : "OH, that's why ya'll are familiar, I've seen some posters with bounties on your head!!"

Najenda: "Right, some of us are known and are wanted criminals in the eyes of the. capital, now for a crucial question between the three of you, do you want to join us, The Reveloutionary Army?" Najenda asked leaning forward waiting for their response.

All Three : "Yes we do! We fight together, We die together!" All three shouted together in sync.

Najenda : "Hmm, very good, your initiation will come in form of an assassination contract, which I hope Leone has been keeping track of what contracts have been coming in?"

Leone : "Ah, yeah, a new one has come in, what about uhh, what about the, previous, one?" She asked scratching the back of her head.

Najenda : "That will come later, which contract have you picked up as of late?"

Leone : "Alright, this one is regarding two people and one fasley accused man. Captain Orge has been taking bribes from an oil merchant, named Gamal to get rid of people to make quota around Ogre's territory. The most recent victim, was a married man, his wife came to me with all of the information, I checked thoroughly of course and can confirm, she head to sell herself to get this." Leone said, her tone turning more grim as she explained the contract and background.

Tatsumi : "Ogre?"

Mine : "Yeah, Captian Ogre, also known as The Demon. He abuses his authority as police captain and often fails his job 'protecting people' when he simply frames them for crimes that CRIMINALS have committed." Mine explained with annoyance, simply hearing a name like his irritated her.

Tatsumi : "Ohhh, and this is our first job between the three of us?"

Najenda : "You can think of it as a job; however consider this, your initiation. A test to see how you three can do." Najenda replied smirking. "As for Gamal, Leone and Akame will handle him."

Akame : "Done and done boss we'll head out right now."

Najenda : "Good, you three go with them, your three get yourselves ready and go with them." Najenda commanded.

Akame glanced over to Tatsumi, Sayo, and Ieyasu.

Tatsumi : "What's up?"

Akame : "The three of you are still green despite all of the training you've done, so come back safely."

Tatsumi : "Hah, we'll be all good, we'll clean up this job so good you'll giving out praises like it's candy!"

The five went to capital and parted ways from there, Sayo, Tatsumi, and Ieyasu managed to get information on Ogre and where he regularly drank at, which was a local pub at The Main Street near the palace.

Sayo : 'Hey guys, look over there, it's him' Sayo whispered pointing toward Ogre as he was leaving his favorite pub.

Ieyasu : 'Any one thought up a plan while we were making our way?'

Tatsumi : 'Just thought of one now hear me out, you two follow him and I while I lead him to that back alley.'

Ieyasu : 'How about I cut through that other alley and take him by surprise?' Ieyasu asked pointing to another back parallel to the other alley.

Tatsumi : 'Good idea, what about you Sayo?'

Sayo : 'I'll stick to the side while you lead Ogre to the alleyway and fire some arrows at his legs and knees, hopefully prevent him from moving around too much.'

Tatsumi : "Good, then let's go."

Thus, their Initiation and first job finally began