Chapter Twenty Eight : Back Street Fight

Tatsumi : 'Alright...go' Tatsumi whispered and Ieyasu got and made his way to the alleyway, Tatsumi got and approached Ogre.

Tatsumi : "Excuse me, you wouldn't happen to be Master Ogre no?"

Ogre : "Eh, well that is who I am, whaddya want?"

Tatsumi looked around for a second and then started : "Well, we shouldn't speak here, maybe somewhere more private."

Ogre : "Huh? Fine, lead the way I guess." Ogre sighed. Sayo got up once she was out of Ogre's sight and tailed the two to the alleyway, Ieyasu met up with Sayo to which she circled back and got behind Tatsumi some ways away from him and Ogre.

Ogre : "So, what is it you want come on out with it." Ogre said wanting to get back to drinking.

Tatsumi without skipping a beat proceeded to to bow on all fours.

Tatsumi : Please Captain, let me join the Impearial Garrison, I eant to make a difference and send money to my people back in my village!" Tatsumi said feigning a plea

Ogre : "Oh, so that's it then, well follow the procedures like everyone else then." Ogre said waving Tatsumi off. It was at this moment Tatsumi's attitude changed.

Tatsumi : "Oh, that's shame though, they couldn't accept my application." Tatsumi smoothly added slowly unsheathing his blade.

Ogre : "Really, that's not my problem though." Ogre responded unsheathing his blade in turn.

An arrow flew through the air and plunged into Ogre's shoulder with a whistle and crack, puncturing his left shoulder blade.

Ogre : (WHAT THE FUCK!?!?!) Ogre thought as an axe bored down upon the same shoulder embedding itself deep into his shoulder splitting his armor beforehand. Tatsumi ducked and lunged forward striking Ogre on his right slashing his side causing him to collapse.

Ogre : (Dammit, I can't believe not, but three have risen against me, the king of this damn town, me, the highest authority here.) Ogre throught as he hit the ground hard.

Ieyasu : "Woo, Good job man." Ieyasu said wrenching his axe from Ogre's shoulder

Tatsumi : "Thanks man, let's get going."

Sayo : "Hey, you alright?" Sayo asked from end of the alleyway.

Ieyasu : "Yeah, what about you?" Ieysau asked running to Sayo.

Sayo : "Yeah, all good here -! TATSUMI BEHIND YOU!"

Ogre : "RRRAAAHHH!!!" Ogre roared swinging his sword down Tatsumi doged backward landing a succesful counter. Ieyasu charged forward only to receive a kick to his stomach knocking the wind out of him amd sending backwards into Sayo causing the both of them to fall backwards to the ground.

Ogre : So, think a little group of shitty brats such you three are enough to take me out, BULLSHIT, I AM THE STRONG AND YOU ARE THE WEAK, ONLY THE STRONG RULE OVER THE WEAK AND MAKE THE DAMN RULES, NONE OF YOU DO THE SENTCING HERE, NOR TO ME NEITHER, ONLY I GET TO SENTENCE TO DEATH WHOEVER I SO FUCKING PLEASE TO!!!!" Ogre raged swinging at Tatsumi with all of his force behind his blade. The force and raged carried within Ogre's voice rooted Sayo and Ieyasu to the ground with shock and awe.

Tatsumi : "That isn't for you to say or decide scumbag!!" Tatsumi retorted fighting back from a height advantage eventaully being forced to the ground in a clash.

Ogre : "Oh? With that I assume you are with Night Raid then? If that's the case I wonder who sent you, plenty of ideas come to mind, however I think it was the fiance of that man I killed wasn't it?" Ogre asked and said with a malicious grin hell bent on taking revenge at this point.

Ogre : Then again it isn't too much trouble to see her face consequences yet, first I'll find her and her family, then I'll have all of them charged as felons, AND THEN EXECUTE EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM FORCING HER TO WATCH IT ALL AS SHE IS SAVED FOR LAST, AFTER I'M DONE KILLING THE THREE OF YOU SHITTY BRATS!!!" Ogre screamed cementing his fate.

Davis : "Hoh?? You plan on executing inmocent lives for association and calling for a justified justice. Hmm, yes, yes indeed you are both scum, and unfit to live in my kingdom." I boldy said interrupting the fight.

Ogre : "OH FUCKING TERRFIC A FOURTH BRAT!?!" Ogre roared turning to me sitting on the edge of a roof of one of the buildings freezing in place as if his blood froze at the sight of my eyes.

Davis : "Tch, you truly speak like a boar; nevertheless, my previous words stand, you are unfit for my kingdom." I remarked putting my mystic eyes to full effect, this time on someone I perceive as an enemy. My gaze caused Ogre to shiver, fear eventually building within him.

Ogre : "W-who the hell are you!?!" Ogre sputtered out.

Davis : "Me?, Hah, I am Davis, soon to be The First Official King of Silivingar; and, as King, I herby sentence you to a painful execution on the crimes of abuse of authority, collusion, and staged murder of the innocent, Hassan of The of Cursed Arm, escort this.. undesirable, to hell."

Cursed Arm : "With pleasure my lord. Tonight you shall see me fight with what I have to offer." Cursed Arm said descensing down into the alleyway, this time his outfit had changed some, his cloak had been tied around his wait and was even more tattered, he had a number of brown bands around his body in various places. His body in general was mostly slender and has muscle in various places such as His shuolders and neck; but what had stood out, whas his right arm, covered in black cloth.

Ogre : "W-w-what the fuck??" Ogre was scared this time by Cursed Arm's appearance as he stood taller, much taller than him in his eyes.

Cursed Arm without caring to exchange words with scum dissappeared and reappeared numerous times striking at Ogre with the dirks he had in his possession, occasionally planting one or two into Ogre, or slashing him near his vitals or anywhere else that could disorient him. Ogre tried pulling the dirks from his flesh but to no avail.

Ogre : "DAMMIT DAMMIT DAMMIT!!" Ogre shouted as he fought Cursed Arm who darted to and fro different spots moving in strange ways to Ogre, further injuring him with his dirks.

Cursed Arm : "Hmm, you have been through enough pain, time to end this."

Ogre : "Huh!?!" Ogre sounded out all confused and unable to form any words at this point.

Cursed Arm : (My lord, I wish to use my Noble Phantasm to finish this.)

Davis : (Go ahead.)

Cursed Arm : "Human souls are insubstantial things." The Assassin started, his cloth becoming undone and his true hand beimg revealed as it wrenched itself from his shoulder to reveal a red orange arm glowing an evil red. The sight of this chased all rationality from Ogre's mind and the only he could think of, was to run.

Ogre : "ah- ah- AHHHHH!!!" Ogre screamed and dropped his sword and ran shoving Tatsumi to the side; however, no matter how fast or far he ran,

Cursed Arm : "Writhe in Agony!" Cursed Arm chanted as he grazed Ogre and a projection of his heart appeared before Cursed Arm.

Cursed Arm : "ZABANIYA!" he shouted crushing the projection of Ogre's heart and in turn crushing his heart as well.

Ogre : HUAGHG- ACK- AHH!! were the only sounds he could make as he stumbled forward trying to reach the moonlit road but falling short in vain, as his efforts were only to guide him to a fate that would have him forgotten in the darkness of his own consequences.