Chapter Twenty Nine : Small Reunion, Big Declaration

Silence filled the alleyway as Cursed Arm retracted his Noble Phantasm and the cloth re assembled itself back into his arm.

Ieyasu : 'Dude...what the hell did I just see?' Ieyasu said with no breath.

Davis : "What we have witnessed tonight is both the power and very pinnacle of an assassin. Bravo Cursed Arm, even I'm... a little shaken up from seeing that." I said descending into the alleyway and I began working on a project of my own with Ogre's corpse.

Cursed Arm : "As expected, from your reaction this is the first time you've seen a Noble Phantasm no?"

Davis : "Right, right either way, excellent work. Now have of three of you knucleheads been?" I asked cheerfully and with a bright smile.

Sayo : "We've been good, how about you, what have you been up to?" Sayo asked calming down first.

Davis : "I have been good as well, I have been making moves towards my goal for this corrupt empire and as you can see, my assassin here is a result of my efforts." I explained.

Cursed Arm : "Greetings I take it the three of you are friends of Lord Davis?" Cursed Arm asked trying his best not to scare the three.

Tatsumi : "Uh- yeah, yeah we are, ermm, who are you exactly?"

Cursed Arm : "I am an assassin who Lord Davis saved many years ago, I simply owe a debt to him and saw the prospects of the work he will have me do and I accepted to work under him." Assassin explained providing a the cover story needed to pass off what he really is.

Tatsumi : "Oh, that's pretty cool, wait Davis when did you have a goal regarding the empire?" Tatsumi asked

Davis : "Ah, I guess I didn't mention that, I resolved within myself that I will conquer this empire and make apart of my kingdom, a kingdom were love and care for the people is the norm, and crime and corruption is punished severely."

Tatsumi : "Uwoooh- your like yhe Reveloutionary Army in your way!"

Davis : "Oh, there is already an army fighting the empire?"

Tatsumi : "Yeah they're called the Reveloutionary Army, they started small but they've grown into this big army, they've aliances with the various tribes of the north, west, and south."

Davis : "Hmm, the Reveloutionary Army and the tribes would make excellent allies for Silvingar, I'm glad you shared this with me Tatsumi." I said patting him on the shoulder.

Tatsumi : "It's no problem at all, wait, hold on, why are trying to get allies for your home?"

Davis : "I suppose the surprise could help you three in the long run, I am making civil unrest spread throughout here so I can take advantage of the Impearial forces stationed at my home and crown myself the sole King of Silvingar. Having Ogre here killed and the finishing touches here, done and over with I said as I took in my work, I drawn a crest using Ogre's blood burning it into a liquid ash that could be used for painting, what I drew was a dragon with its wings spread out and its wings producing rays of light, as if the dragon was a sun itself, for added touch I made glow red and gold, the colors of my flames for added measure. In the dragons right claw wing, a double edged straight sword with a hilt and finger gurad consisting of loops that could be used as a substitue brass knuckle, or to twirl the blade around one's fingers. In the dragons left claw wing it held a crown engraved with three types of gems one representing high class, the second representing love, and the third representing compassion.

Officer : "What the hell was that screaming earlier!?!" a random officer shouted startling most of us.

Davis : "Time go, Cursed Arm, if you will." I said gesturing towards Sayo, Tatsumi, and Ieyasu.

Cursed Arm : "Of Course."

Cursed Arm grabbed Tatsumi while I grabbed Sayo and Ieyasu and we made for the rooftops to evade the authroities, leaving behind Ogre's corpse to be purposefully discovered.

Davis : "Now that we are out of harm's way I suggest the three of you make yourselves scarce as soon as you can."

Ieyasu : "What about the two of you?" Ieyasu worriedly asked.

Davis : "Don't worry about me, I still have business to attend to here, to put things short The Reveloutionary Army will a powerful ally of Silvingar; also, that woman Leone, I assume she's part of that army as well, I would to meet with her or any of her superiors to discuss an alliance between the both of us. Until then, the three of you stay safe."

Sayo : "See you soon Davis." Sayo said goving me a hug.

Davis : "Of course, now get going, and don't get caught." I told them as disappeared into the darkness of another street. Cursed Arm and Myself began making a beeline for the wall.

Cursed Arm : "I see those three are important to you."

Davis : "Of course, I saved two of them from death's door and reunited the three of them, I honestly feel like a big brother to them."

Cursed Arm : "...Be sure to take care of them to your best abilities, and don't abandon them alright?"

Davis : "Never planned, nor intended on anything as outrageous as that. The hell kind of man, let alone person I'd be if I did that to them?"

Davis : "Hmm, I take it you made that mistake at some point in your life?"

Cursed Arm lowered his head : "I have, and In my opinion, if you are open to it, is that you are in the position to not take that sort of action; also, I don't find it within your nature to do such a thing." is all he said.

Davis : "Heh, thank you Cursed Arm."

The rest was silence until we get to the wall the search for Merlin thankfully was cut short, since he found us first.

Merlin : "Boop." Merlin said poking me on the shoulder with his staff.

Davis : "Gah! MERLIN!"

Merlin : "Hello~~, I assume you're satisfied with Assassin's ehh, capabilities?"

Davis : "More than satisfied if he can make the enemy run in absolute terror, anyway I had idea that could make use of your illusion magic and what you have taught me."

Merlin : "Go on."

Davis : "I want to reach the minds of the people here, literally, make a dream for them, depicting me conquering this empire, and setting things right here, I also want to send a message for Honest the Corrupt Minister who pulls the strings here."

Cursed Arm : "If I may, I have heard there is an Emperor on the throne; however, this Emperor is only a child." Cursed Arm interjected, what he said rendered Merlin and I speechless.

Davis : "Wow...Just wow, this Minister is so damned lazy he has to manipulate a child on the throne to get what he wants. Hmmmm. Well my plan will leave out the Emperor, my target is only the Minister and all that openly and CONCIOUSLY stand with him, all that are unknowing or being manipulated will be spared."

Merlin : "Well, I have good news for you, we can make that happen, because I am a half human - half incubus."

Davis : "A half incu-what now?" I asked tilting my head in uttwr confusion.

Merlin : "A half Incubus. What I can do is feed from the emotions of humans while they dream, and my time in Avalon has allowed me the skill to access dreams of anyone really, thanks to my Clairvoyance skill."

Davis : "Which will serve as the keys to my whole idea here?"

Merlin : "Exactly!" Merlin chimed.

Davis: "Well, this is good, let us make to the giant castle at the middle of the Capital, it's the highest point here so we can make use of that."

Merlin : "And away we float." Merlin said conjuring a bed of flowers carrying all of us towards the tallest point that being the rather opulently decorated building that was Emperor's abode. Eventually we stood on top the marble white tower which was highest point in the Capital.

Davis : "The view up here is nice, and perfect for the plan." I said taking in the night air and looking around.

Merlin : "Oh I do agree, so when do you want to begin?"

Davis : "We ought to begin right, now since the entire place is graced throught with the full moon's light, this will be an easy task to project my illusion magic, all we need is for you to connect everyone's minds and dreams to mine yes?"

Merlin : "Indeed, it will take some time though, so I reccomend preparing as much energy as you can for this."

Cursed Arm : "While you two are working on that I have a request." Cursed Arm chimed in.

Davis : "What's up?"

Cursed Arm: "Since this is the domain of the enemy, I would like to scope out the place, and find anything that would help the cause."

Davis : "Go right ahead that would be a great help." I replied wholeheartedly with a thumbs up being my seal of approval.

Cursed Arm : "Alright, if you'll excuse me." Cursed Arm said as he leaped from the edge of the tower and assumed spirit form.

Davis : "How are things going on your end Merlin?" I asked turning back to Merlin.

Merlin : "Still taking a bit of time here trying to cover every mile of this place from such a high point."

Davis : "Alright then, paitience and planning it is then." I said to myself sitting down and began thinking about my next move after this.

Cursed Arm made his way into the throne room, which was empty at this hour assuming most of everyone was asleep, all except for some guards and two certain figures.

Honest : "And I'm saying there is nothing to worry about Great General Budo, the rebellion is a horde of upstarts that think they have all the power to do as they please. Besides, our Military might is something feared throughout the country and beyond so I don't see what the fuss is about. " The Corrupt Minister Honest boasted, he sported gray hair, dark yellow eyes, a gray coat with a black fur around the collar, dark green clothing, and had horrible table manners when eating his food.

Cursed Arm : (It would be so easy to end this man, poisoning, cutting his throat in his sleep, making his death look like an accident, albeit through some extra steps, he is simply unaware of anything because of the amount of power and privilege he has wrongfully earned. Why would you want to target someone like this Lord Davis??) Cursed Arm thought to himself.

Great General Budo : "And I am saying that if we don't put a sizeable military force against the rebels and most importantly Night Raid, the safety of His Majesty will be put at great risk, with our forces spread out throught the various territories there is already a great risk that Night Raid could inflitrate the palace snd assassinate His Majesty." The Great General rebuked with seriousness.

Honest : "Bah, even if Night Raid were to get her, I have my Absolute Limitation : Erastone, which mind you is a teigu that destroys another teigu, and your Thunder God's Rage : Adramelech, there is nothing that will stop us from protecting his majesty, hahah." Honest laughed as gorged more on his caviar.

Budo : "Tch, just you wait, if anything I pray that Silvingar won't make a move, the public isn't aware, but the military knows the might of those people, no, that warrior civilization more like." Budo grumbled crossing both of his arms and also being annoyed with Honest's reckless aditude toward the whole situation.

Honest : "Pah, Silvingar is weak, I managed to get that treaty signed to have troops stationed there because the cheiftess, Meldia or whatever couldn't afford the limited trading of quality fruit and vegetables from the empire which was thanks to my espionage and subterfuge unit making way with so much of their coin HAHAHAHA!!!" Honest laughed arrogantly.

Cursed Arm : (It seems he is more devious than I had thought, arrogant sure, it'd be a good idea to tail him and see what he knows, and that last part in should inform Lord Davis about this, it would be a good reason to start war if that got out. I will need proof of his deeds however. Best to wait and see what he does.)

Honest : "HAHAHAHA OH HOHOHO, haha, haaa, well I for one am sure that rebels will die out at some point or will mercilessly crushed by the our military's might, and with that I am going to turn in for the night, haaaah, you should do the same Budo and not worry about this sort of thing, just let it solve itself, with that I bid you a goodnight." Honest said as he left the hall waving off Budo's concerns.

Budo : (Tch, damned fool. It's too bad I can't act without permission or offical instruction, and it is most likely Honest will dissuade him from giving me the freedom to act. Tch Damn it all.)

Cursed Arm was already tailing Honest, and Honest finally making his way to his room got a thick book, he always wrote in, tonight he wrote about the exploits of Silvingar and what he planned to do next with the nation, unknowing of Cursed Arm's presence lack thereof.

Cursed Arm : (That book is what I need, I'll take it the second he is asleep, if anything I think Davis wouldn't want me to replace it either, one way or the other it can't be helped, I'l take it and-oh?)

Honest closed the book and low and behold he locked the book and put the key down next to and finally turned in for the night. Cursed Arm swiped the book and key and made his way back to Merlin and myself.

Cursed Arm : "I have returned, Lord Davis. I have acquired much and the Corrupt Minister has just fallen asleep." Cursed Arm started

Davis : "Excellent work, we'll sort it all out at home, and speaking of the Minister finally clocking out, it is time, Merlin?"

Merlin : "Ready, your friends already left the capital already and so, they won't get caught in the spell, that also applies to anyone who is still awake as well."

Davis : "Good, let us begin, my plans here will spread like a vivid wildfire when all is said and done, now for the Mass Illusion." I closed my eyes and projected my aura forward and began settinf the stage.

It had begins from the start with some small tweaks, from me awakening my powers to taking revenge against Aria's family, a little skip of time and now I am clad in wonderfull armor standing tall with my Crest flying high and me shouting "HONEST'S DAYS ARE NUMBERED AND THE DILVER DRAGON SHALL FLY AGAIN!!!" I shouted raising my fist into the air my people roaring in unison and triumph, then next battles taking place, eventually depicting the numerous defeats of the empire and finally Silvingar charging towards the gates of the Capital breaking down the gates and doors alike and eventually me fighting and defeating Honest, dragging him to hsi execution, bringing down the blade that shall decapitate him for his crimes, in the background the Capital rebuilt in my image and my Crest flying high proudly in a summer afternoon. The Illusion came to an end as it was being broadcast throught the minds and dreams of all in the Capital, Honest included.

Davis : "Well, we are done here, Merlin, take us home to the fortress." I commanded.

Merlin: "Hehe, right away, your Majesty~" Merlin teasingly said before teleporting the three of us back home.