Chapter Thirty : The Eighth Servant and The Next Move

In a flash of light the three of us returned to the throne room, to find empty besides Lancer, Archer, and a mysterious guest that seems to be in pain and is currently resting his head in Lancer's lap. This individual sports dark blue armor, blueish silver shoulder armor, blue tied to a rats tail and a red spear on his right.

Davis : "Where, did everyone go?" I asked eyeing the guest.

Archer : "Welcome back Davis." Archer started happily. "Kurome managed to find the exit of the fortress, and took everyone with her to your place, said something about inviting someone named Svorson as well."

Davis : "Hmm, alright and this mysterious individual?"

Archer : "Ah, yes this individual is also a servant." Archer replied causing me to do a double take in complete shock at tue prospect of an eighth servant.

Davis : "Hold on, how is there an eighth servant when you, Lancer, Cursed Arm, and the others are the only seven servants I've summoned!?" I exclaimed.

Archer : "Not too loud now Davis, he's still-" Archer protested.

??? : "Urrgh, guuuhhh, my head's killing me." The servant groaned, he opened his eyes to find Lancer giving a small smile and his face turned dumb struck.

Lancer : "Seems you're awake, my little Cú." Lancer said quietly with her smile.

??? : "A-AA- SHISHOUUUU!?!" the servant jumped up with utter shock and terrified awe. His face shows sweating, lots of sweating.

Lancer : "Now what is with that attitude? We've been summoned to the same land, so at least try to be a little more respectful hmm?"

Davis : "I take the both of you know one another?"

Lancer : "Of course, I taught him the ways of the spear and gave him my treasured spear Gáe Bolg, which of course made famed student here Cú Chulainn famous. I also recognize my own weapon from my own time, so that was what I need to discern his identity, other than his attitude anyways.


Davis : Oh, it's fine, knowing full well you aren't an enemy, and that you are the eighth confirmed servant here, it is ok to use True Names as casually as possible here in Silvingar, and because Archer, Lancer, Cursed Arm, and the other four servants I have summoned under my command besides you, speaking of you are the first and any other servants summoned here to my world, which is in a different universe according to Merlin, to that affect, your True Name won't hold as much problems as you think." I explained which thankfully caused Cú Chulainn to calm down some.

Cú Chulainn : "Ohhh, that's wild, the first time servants are summoned to a strange land like this and it's seven in one summoning? Woo, that makes you pretty strong in terms of mana, hey, hey, how about you contract with me?" Cù Chulainn said poking me with his elbow with a smug look.

Davis : "I'm ok with that, ehh except eh, Merlin how do I contract with a servant that's already summoned?"

Merlin : "Use a shortened version of the chant you used, I think that my work out, either You have an extra Lancer servant." Merlin said with a thumbs up.

Davis : "Alright then, Cú Chulainn, hero from across the stars, my will is your sword, my drive is your purpose, I aim cleanse all evil and corruption from my world in the name of justice, love, compassion, and prosperity, Cú Chulainn, do you accept me as your Master and King?"

Cú Chulainn : "Woo, Justice eh? I see you hold good values at heart boy, hehe, well I accept being your Servant hahaha." Lancer laughed as he shook my hand, a glow appeared on my chest this time on the left as a set of command seals took their place.

Archer : "Hmm, it's extraordinary how we can use True Names casually here, in that case I am Chiron."

Davis : "And what about you Lancer?"

Lancer : "I suppose it wouldn't hurt; however I think I you should earn it."

Davis : "Hmm, I think that would be easy, since I've never trained with a spear before, being your student would give me some leeway, no?" I asked as friendly as possible attempting to coax her.

Lancer : "You never trained with a spear?" She asked intrigued and with a hint of surprise.

Davis : "Yes I did say that."

Lancer : "Then I will need to evaluate you in combat first and foremost before making such a decision."

Chiron : "While on the subject, were you taught hand to hand at least?"

Davis : "I was, however I find boring, and what to make use of my entire body when fighting hand to hand."

Chiron : "Hmm, luck is on your side then Davis, I teach a martial art called Pankration, it consists of boxing, wrestling, different arm locks, kicks, chokes, holds, and grappling itself, and I would be very happy to teach you this along with anything holding you back, or anything that could be dangerous for you when fighting." Chiron explained.

Davis : "I will take up that pffer of yours Chiron, though since I have two more teachers now, I would have you train me during the mornings and afternoons, while Lancer gets to train me, from dusk till dawn, is that alright?"

Chiron : "Of course, I have high hopes for you and your education." Chiron said happliy at the prospect

Lancer : "I'm not your teacher, not until I have evaluated you Davis." Lancer sharply interjected.

Davis : "Ahh, right right, buuuut you as my teacher is something I look forward to~." I teased with a friendly smile.

Cursed Arm : "Davis, I don't mean to rush, but we should look over the Minister's personal book." Cursed Arm chimed

Davis : Yes we should to my place then, we'll work out our next move there." I said to which I left with everyone following suit some assuming spirit form. Chiron choose to go ahead and let Kurome know I came back and I'm coming home.

Cu Chulainn : (Man, Shishou is here, I'm not sure if Davis would want me around, I feel useless.) Ch Chulainn thought to himself with a dejected look.

Davis : (Don't get yourself down just yet, I would like for someone to act as forward scout for the time being, give the other villages and cities of the north here a good look over, on the way you can fight danger beasts and good spots to relax and fish as well, plus you look like the scouting type, sooo, if you want I will give you the position of field scout once I'm king alright? Oh and sorry for intrudingon your thoughts, you were thinking out loud telepathically) I chimed in

Cú Chulainn : (It's all good, and I accept that psotion, thanks alot Davis.) Cú Chulainn replied happily.

We made our way back to my house and things were lively, Svorson was laughing with Saber and Beserker, Rider displaying feats of strength in the safest manner possible of course, and Caster talking with Kristie and Meldia about me for some reason.

Davis : "I HAVE RETURNED!" This got me the following responses.

Meldia : "DAVIS!"

Kurome : "BIG BROTHER!"

Caster : "MASTER!"

Caster clung to my right arm putting it between her breasts nuzzling her face against mine, Meldia clung to my left arm showering my face with kisses and Kurome darted to my back wrapped herself around me from behind and began muzzling her face into my hair.

Davis : "Hmm I am happy to see the three of you, to." I hummed swaying from side to side lightly. "However, there is much to discuss, Svorson, is there an extra seat? I asked.

Svorson : "Welcome back boy and yes there is a seat, so mind telling why you out for such long time, oh and the GIANT CASTLE THAT CAME OUT THE CENTRAL MOUNTAIN!?" Svorson barked with an exasperated expression. Caster and Meldia removed themselves from my arms and Kurome hooped off my back after I got to my seat.

Berserker : "Welcome back Boss!" Berserker barked slapping the back of my shoulder laughing.

Saber : "I take it your outing from last night had proven fruitful?"

Davis : "Indeed it has, now to begin from the events of yesterday morning..." I started explaining about the castle which was hidden crypt orginally, and the Servants I summoned, Svorson was confused about spirits since he has held to the monotheistic religion of the Silver Dragon Goddess and The Founder. I told him along the way this has to be kept between all of us here to be safe. I told the servants that True Names wouldn't be problem and that they can be revealed whenever since all of them are under my command. I also explained there could be other Sevants outside of Silvingar proving it with Cú Chulainn's being here and I could contract with them as well, and that I had witnessed Cursed Arm defeating Ogre in battle and my plan for civil unrest making it's way here, to disrupt the empire's forces.

Berserker : "Well, damn you've been busy first thing hahahaha, and since we can reveal our names and not worry about it, I'm Beowulf, Slayer of The Monster Grendel and King of the Geats."

Saber : "And I am Gawain, Knight of The Sun and Knight of The Round Table."

Cursed Arm : "I will keep it brief, I am Hassan of The Cursed Arm."

Rider : "Ohhh, how fun, with that it's my turn, I am Quetzalcoatl, the Meso-American Goddess of the Sun, oh and you may call me Quezt if you want, yes!" Quetzalcoatl chimed causing Svorson's eyes to go wide as dinner plates with his jaw agape.

Caster : "Fufu, I am Tamamo-mo-Mae, Priestess of Peerless Beauty, Mikon~~" Tamamo said putting her hands over head and curling them foward in somewhat closed fists tryingto imitate a fox, the last part which seemed to be her catchphrase chiming with her introduction.

Svorson was gobsmacked at the whole thing.

Svorson : "We... will talk about Ms. Quetz another time.... what do you intend to do with these warriors here?"

Davis : "Well, I mean to employ these people to destroy the forces from the empire currently stationed here, you know what comes after."

Svorson : "Yes, your rise to become king, we ought to meet with the guild leaders though, knowing your popularity, the good things you've done for the last good few years, my backing, and these indivduals you've brought, we have a fighting chance to make this happen, all we need is for the leaders to get on board with this and well, the planning is up to you. Honestly, this... this is all amazing how fast this is moving."

Davis : "I agree, though we don't have time to take it all in at once, with that said, let's get a meeting underway with the leaders tomorrow. If you like you can stay over for the night, that applies to the both of you as well Meldia and Krissy."

Svorson : "Eh, sure I'll accept the offer."

Davis : "Good, now my servants, it has been a pleasure getting to know your names, you the rest of the day and night to explore Silvingar and get a good understanding of your surroundings and the culture as well, however do it in spirit form, I'd rather not have all of caught and the element of surprise leaving us."

The servants agreed and most of them left my house. Tamamo stayed behind to spend more time with Krissy for the time being, night came and I gotten myself to sleep with Kurome at my curled up next to me and Meldia on my other side.