Chapter Thirty One : A Long Needed Meeting

Morning came I feel both comfortable and warm, though I do remember Meldia and Kurome taking up my left and my right, who is sleeping on my chest?

I opened my eyes to Tamamo face extremely close to mine from how close she is I could see my reflection in her eyes.

Tama : 'Good morning Myaster~~' Tama cooed.

Davis : 'Good morning Tamamo is there any reason why you're on my chest?'

Tama : 'Ohh, well you looked so comfy and i couldn't resist the opportunity, speaking of which... are you excited to see me?~'

Davis : 'Yes, waking up to the pleasant sight of a beautiful woman such as yourself or Meldia makes feel happy on the inside which is a good source of energy for me to get out of bed.' I said, when it comes to women, especially beautiful women, I will exercise honesty to it's fullest.

Tama : 'Ohhh, Master you're so sweet~~. Buuut, that wasn't what I was talking about~," Tamamo cooed again to which she pulled herself back and lifted my covers and crawled under, taking me off guard.

Davis : 'TAMA, TAMA HOLD UP WHAT ARE YOU DOING?' I asked panicking at her actions.

Tama : 'Ohhh~~, seems I was right~ She said crawling up and poking her head out from my side of the cover, "You were excited to see me fufufu~~' Tamamo cooed crawling up to my face and pressing her body against mine, her tail swishing ever so slightly against my legs.

Davis : 'Well, what did you expect, you a beautiful woman sleeping on top of me and be what I wake up to first thing in the morning, I'd say the reaction of my body and its more carnal desires are normal no?' I asked whispering into her ear causing Tama to blush a little.

Tama : 'I-I wouldn't say no,, find me beautiful?' She asked her voice lowering along with her fox ears.

Davis : 'Of course, why wouldn't I think that?' I replied hugging her. From my reply moved Tama to hug me and tigthen her hold on me. I unfortunately couldn't reciprocate her reaction lest I wanted to wake up Kurome and Meldia.

Tama : 'Thank you.' she whispered burying her face into my chest.

Meldia : "My you two are getting along quite well." Meldia abruptly said startling the both of us.

Davis : "Good morning, you nearly gave us heart attacks."

Meldia : "My bad, it's only you two having such a nice conversation, but I didn't want to interrupt the both of you, sorry.~" She replied.

Tama : "It doesn't matter I did get what I want though~" Tama replied kissing me on the cheek and then hoping out of bed running to the kitchen downstairs.

Davis : "What a sly woman, I like her."

Meldia : "Well, I do approve of her given her playfulness doesn't get you hurt." Meldia added giving a kiss on the cheek.

Kurome : "I approve as well, she's harbors nothing bad towards Onii-chan so I think she is clear." Kurome added startling me for the second time today.

Davis : "Good morning Kurome."

Kurome : "Good morning, Onii-chan." Kurome replied leaning herself onto my arm.

Davis : "Now that we're awake lets check on downstairs." I urged, to which Kurome and Meldia got up before me and went downstairs to eat. I got up and a fized my gaze to a katana, black hilt, black guard, black scabbard. I approached the weapon and took a small part of the blade from the scabbard, the blade black in all of it's craft, a pure black weapon and in it's reflection me.

Davis : 'If I need this, then I hope it will be against my Natural Enemy.' I muttered to myself reflecting on the words of my Grandfather.

Regashi : "In all things considered, especially of this particular world, each of us has a Natural Enemy, you will find yours one day, remember, your the potential, how you interpret that potential; or, talent whatever suits you, you will find someone who sees the opposite of that in what you see, for now, keep looking for the good in others, even if they are long gone. Heh, I know you'll find a way to make this old man proud." He said as his orange eyes glowing against the fire and hearth, his black hair shining as if the sun streaked through dark clouds, his calm, yet serious bearded face that which resembled one who was once king still carrying himself to that standard immersed in giving wisdom to his family.

Davis : (One of these days, I will find out who you are, and I think that summoning circle has something to do with it.) I thought to myself fitting the katana to my side and leaving my room.

When I came downstairs Tama was talking to Krissy about my favorite food, Kurome and Meldia were already eating, Cursed Arm was waiting for me.

Cursed Arm : "Lord Davis, I have news."

Davis : "What do you have?"

Cursed Arm : "I took your advice and made myself familiar with your people. While I was doing so I noticed a sizeable group soldiers stationed here discussing the news our outing has caused back at their homes, word managed to travel fast among the military, and some are glad that he is dead. From what I can surmise there are soldiers amongst them who are likely to turn against the empire and join your cause."

Davis : "That's good, more soldiers for Silvingar's army and a place for representation of people fleeing from the corrupt empire as Merlin mentioned some days back."

Cursed Arm : "How do you intend on handling these potential deserters?"

Davis : "That will be disscussed in the meeting, speaking of which I don't see Svorson anywhere, anyone see where he went off to?"

Meldia : "Oh, he left a note for you saying he would see you at Borkus's Longhouse the meeting is held in secret with the Merchants, Fishermen, Miners, Smithies, of I course I'm representing the Sheild Maidens as well, and get this, The Head Preistess of The Silver Church is also coming to the meeting as well."

Davis : "Hmm, I wonder how I'll be able to explain Quetzalcoatl's existence and the fact she is a goddess to them, from a monotheistic persperctive, another deity is impossible, unless there is an enemy of the current deity, hmmm. I guess I'll have to hope for the best not to say anything that could provoke the church."

Cursed Arm : "It is better to go into the meeting with that mindset, if anything the details of the book I collected and the crimes of the Minister will be the most attention grabbing topics of the meeting."

Davis : "Right, anyways everyone ready?" I called out

Tama : "Always☆"

Meldia : "Willing and waiting."

Kurome : "Mm" Kurome responded with a piece of bread still stuffed in her mouth.

Davis : "And whay about you Krissy you coming to?"

Kristie : "Eh, why exactly would I go, I'm not sure my being there would be any important no?"

Davis : "Well, you've seen me grow over the years, does showing you how much I've grown in my trip and back to the Capital not intrigue you?"

Kristie : "On, second thought it me being there would be important, I'll go with you, only to see though ok?"

Davis : "That's fine by me with that said let's get going." (Servants converge to my location and assume spirit form while your at it, wait until I say otherwise.)

We all headed for Borkus's place, which was near the village docks to establish to new outsiders that Silvingar is a place of commerce if anything else.

Davis : "Alright so Borkus is a good man, he only a little loud and a little vulgar." I told Kurome; and inadvertently my servants as well as I walked through the entrance. "Speaking of Borkus!"

Borkus : "HAHA, DAVIS C'MERE YA LUCKY BASTARD HAHAHA!!" A portly man shouted despite this he has abnormaly musclar arms, a bushy red beard, and abnormally strong, he also likes wearing a red cape, the rest of his outfit is simply like a open shirt business tuxedo except it's all either black and gold.

Davis : "I see you still keeping the same attitude as always."

Borkus : "You bet anything worth value I am, oh Ms. Kristie and Ms. Meldia, I hope you two fine ladies are taking well care of yourselves, and ohh who is this little angel?" Borkus asked with a friendly smile.

Davis : "This is Kurome my younger sister." I said ruffling her hair.

Kurome : "H-hello." she said tilting her head.

Borkus : "Awww, she's adorable, say how about some sweets from the Eastern Country?" Borkus asked offering a golden bar with a red filling. Kurome took it with no hesitation.

Kurome : "It's..."

Borkus : "Eh?"

Kurome : "IT'S SO GOOD!!!"

Borkus : "HAHA I'D KNEW YOU'D LIKE IT!! Anyway, Davis ehhh, I'm surprised as much as the next guy that you came back and all; but, what made came back so soon?"

Davis : "Well, that will be the first topic touched upon the meeting, speaking of which, has everyone made it?"

Borkus : "Oh yeah, besides you and Meldia getting here everyone's waiting for this to get started, frankly I'm looking forward to this."

Davis : "Right, well let us continue." (Cursed Arm you have the book?)

Cursed Arm : (I do, I have kept it on me.)

Davis : (Good, everyone be ready to introduce yourselves at the moment's notice.)

I approached the double doors and pushed them open and gained everyone's attention. The room I entered is the room exclusively meant for every leader of Silvingar to meet, every guild leader and the chief of Silvingar

Svorson : "Everything's ready."

Davis : "Good we shall get started then." I said taking the seat nearest to the entrance. "As you know of the First, that being the Founder of Silvingar, The Hunter Silvta who has fed those in the Developing Times, The Smith Hearthar who was creator of the times in which we made ourselves into a brilliant civilized society, The Warlord Bervask who has brought the 250 years raiding upon continent and solidified our place as our own society in this ruthless world, The Sage Sheylor who has brought Silvinagr's people back into morality and educated the next generations, The Unyielding Blade, my Grandfather, Regashi who tamed the beasts who once threatened our people and guided all who were lost to a sense of purpose and as of Today's age and time, The Twin Shields, Svorson and his Daughter Meldia, who was protected Silvingar and her people in her most trying times today and in few winters past, today we recognize our previous lords in this meeting we shall discuss the future for our people, for our home, and for our future, with that this meeting has begun." I finished letting the silence settled for a bit.

Davis : "As you know of my recent return and yes it good to see all of you again Jacques of the Fishermen, Borvin of the Miners, Borkus of the Merchants, and Mittia, Head Priestess of the Silver Church, my return has brought a set of strange happenings throughout Silvingar, namely from the people I have brought with me from me travels, to the castle up on the central mountain, and the lights emminating from said castle, today we discuss these topics and more; now, who would like to begin?"

Borkus : "I will, since you've been to the capital, did you collect proof, the Capital made with hard earned money that I will continue to stress, doesn't belong to them?"

Davis : "Yes, my Assassin stole the personal book of Prime Minister Honest, the head of the corruption and our enemy as of now. Cursed Arm, if you will."

Cursed Arm appeared startling some in the room.

Cursed Arm : "Here is the book of the Minister, in this book details, his personal life, his rise to power, and what he has so far done, economically, politically, and in military aspect of what he has done to the Empire all the way to this very point in time. By now he should be losing his mind over where his book has disappeared to."

Jacques : "So this sounds like the soldiers here are to keep watch in case we revolt hmm?" Jacques asked, Jacques is a relaxed man, wearing a gray kimono and black hakama pants and brown sandals, not typical for fishing, but water proof at least. His attitude is basically calm.

Davis : "Indeed, despite this there indivdiuals among them that disagree with the Minister, I believe we should convince them to join us, to represent people fleeing from the Empire in the near future. To boot, we do have the people to make a revolt happen and the lights and the castle are the reason why."

Borvin : "Oh? We finally get to hear the story behind the castle?" Borvin started, Borvin is Borkus's older brother, he doesn't have a beard, and lives by a strict code of honest dealings, this unfortunately leads to him not seeing ulterior motives had by others, unlike Borkus.

Davis : "Yes, the castle was originally a crypt hidden by my Grandfather; additionally, when activated by me the crypt turned into a castle which is now situated at the center of our home. The lights that followed was a ritual I performed myself, that is where I got those to help with the revolt, Servants present and introduce yourselves." I commanded, to which my servants did so after unassuming spirit form.

Borvin : "WH--WHAT!?" Was all Borvin could say.

Mittia : "Conducting a ritual is usually within strict limits and can only be conducted and supervised by members of the Church, I would ask of you how have you managed to summon these individuals, and where did you get the power to do so?" Mittia spoke up, she is a soft spoken woman, determined to accomplosh her religious duties and wears mostly silver clothing, to go with her silver hair and eyes, which naturally is a blessing in Silvingar society.

Davis : "Merlin, if you will." I said and Merlin appeared, startling Borvin for the third time today. "Merlin and I met while I was being tortured by a Imperial noble, she-

Meldia stood with vengeful expression on her face at the sight of my scars knocking something over I hadn't realized that I had shown my scars until this point. What a blunder on my part.

Davis : "Ahh, I should've mentioned this earlier, yes I was wrongfully tortured by noble family that lied about helping others exclusively from the countryside. The scars are still fresh, as I chose not to heal them, and to show you a reason to take up arms against the empire." I said revealing my scars. At that point Svorson was stunned by this, Krissy donned a look of terror and had tears in her eyes, Borkus was shaking with rage, Borvin was also shaking, Jacques donned a hateful expression, and Mittia looked at me with sorrow in her eyes. My servants were pissed at this as well, Gawain, Tama, Chiron, and Quetzalcoatl especially.

Davis : "However." I began bringing everyone from there stupor.

Davis : "From the wrongful torture I have met Merlin, who has awakened my powers, my magic to be specific, all from another universe. Yes, my powers, which suggest my lineage, however strange it may be, Merlin, and my Servants all hail from another universe, and it will be by their help that we will conquer the Empire and nake it a place of love and compasison, just like Silvingar, where the needs of the people are met ;and thus, happy." I stated, this earned smiles from everyone, hopeful smiles, grateful smiles, and confident smiles.

Svorson : "Well, how about you tell everyone else your plan of Revolt."

Davis : "Yes, the Revolt will be conducted outside the newly formed castle, which will serve as my new permanent home. While all of you are preparing the area for the event, Merlin and I will be forging, a set of armor and a weapon to define me in the times to come, I will also convince those within Imperial ranks and file to join us and to make sure they don't show up for the revolt. The identites of the dissenters will be found and a list will be compiled by any available servants good for stealth and collecting information, at the end of this, I will be the King of Silvingar, of course the people will answer to you, and it will be business as usual, however I will simply be crowned to lead Silvingar against the Empire, and my servants will be able to fight alongside the military and act independently and only answer to me, that is all."

Borkus and Borvin : "I'M IN!!"

Mittia : "The Silver Church will support in the times to come, we will begin when you are offically crowned in public." Mittia said, hopefulness in her voice.

Jacques : "Hooo, food collection is gonna be spiking, hahaha, I'm in on this to, 'bout damn time I got these silly regulations of my back!" Jacques celebrated.

Svorson : "Davis."

Davis : "Yes?"

Svorson : "From here on as former cheif of Silvingar now pass on leadership to you and you alone, you are now in the eyes of us leaders of our own factions, King of Silvingar, you are responsible for her people and future; however, I do trust you with this, you have proven yourself before a number of times in the past, so I am confident in your success and await further orders as your unofficial General of the Army. On another note, we managed to collect plenty of Orichalcum for wartime production. All that's left is your word."

Everyone else agreed to my crowning as King, my servants became happy from this and most were looking forward to a good fight.

Davis : "Excellent now that we are agreement, this meeting is adjourned."

Everyone left Borkus's home and my servants began their job as soon the meeting came to an end. The book was also left with the leaders to discern what to do next.

Meldia : "D-Davis?"

Davis : "What's up?"

Meldia threw herself at me and wrapped herself around me crying.

Meldia : "I-I-I didn't know I c-came this close to losing you." She said burying her face into my shoulder.

Davis : 'It's alright, let it all out, I won't die, not in this war or at any given time, it won't take anything to kill me because I will not die, not as long as I have you, Kurome, Krissy, Tama, and everyone else here to support and be there when they need to be, as long I am here and I support everyone else around me and I do my job as King, it'll be alright. So let it all out ok, I'm here now, and I'll be here tomorrow and the day after.' I whispered to her, letting her deal with her sadness. She ended up crying herself to sleep and I fell asleep with her in my arms ending the night and preparing myself mentally and emotionally for tomorrow, and the days ahead.