Chapter Thirty Two : Draconic Forge

Today I woke up to silence. I turned my head and found Meldia tightly clinging to me on mu right, I turned to my left and there was Kurome of course; but, she looked sad.

Davis : (Damn, maybe I should've exercised subtlety during the meeting, I assume Krissy isn't taking this well either. I ought to speak to her apologise to her.) I thought to myself. I got up and didn't wake Meldia and Kurome getting up and dressed myself, then I proceeded downstairs. When I made it down, Krissy is reading a book in her seat with a blanket covering her.

Davis : "Krissy."

Kristie : "O-Oh, Davis good morning, I..." she trails off unsure of what to say; however that didn't matter, her face told me everything. To that I embraced her.

Davis : "I'm sorry that I showed you my scars in such a manner and in front of an audience the way I did yesterday." I told her.

Kristie wrapped her arms around my back and she let out a tired sigh.

Kristie : "Davis, I will not worry to hard about you. You are a grown man, though still not old enough to drink, you are grown. But please, be more careful about these things ok? That also goes without saying I don't want to lose you either."

Davis : "Right, I'm not going anywhere in terms of dying or anything of that sort." I reassured.

Kristy : "And that's all I need to know, so go and do what you need to do, I'll be cheering you on from here."

Davis : "I will Krissy, I will."

As I finished Kurome latched on to my back.

Kurome : 'Onii-chan'

Davis : "And a good morning to you Kurome." I said reaching around and giving her headpats. She lowered her head into my shoulder and tightened her hug.

Kurome : 'We're similar. We've been through different things; but, we've been through much.' She whispered. This said volumes about her and I all in one sentence.

Davis : "It seems to be that way, I'm happy we understand eachother, even if every little detail isn't out in the open." I hummed head patting her some more.

Kurome : 'mm.' she hummed as she nuzzled into my shoulder.

Meldia came down stairs and it was decided all four of us would have breakfast together, honestly it felt heart warming, to spend time with my close ones before I went off to work toward my reality. It was a pleasant little moment here, however a certain guest came in.

Lancer : "Davis, would you happen to have a minute?"

Davis : "I do, you can talk to me while I'm eating here." I said nodding my head

Lancer : "In that case I decided to report about everyone else Beowulf and Cú has decided to go outside of the village outskirts to fight beasts, at least they are maintaining a low profile." Lancer started.

Davis : "That's good, I'd rather have Cú get familiar with the outskirts and wildlife so he doesn't get killed while scouting about. What else?"

Lancer : "Tamamo is studying the sigils and comparing them to hers with Merlin's help, speaking of which, he told me that he is procuring materials alongside Borkus for making a construct, and he wants you to help in the process of making the construct. He is coming over with the materials to discuss where to forge this construct."

Davis : "I see, I look forward to that project. What about Gawain, Quetzal, Chiron, and Cursed Arm?"

Lancer : "Gawain has decided to enter employment working as Svorson's bodyguard for the time being seeing as he is in possession of the Minister's personal journal. How that came to be is Borkus finished what he was looking dor and handed it to Svorson for an inspirational speech, or so I've heard. Quetzalcoatl is with The Silver Church, the faction itself is interested in her being a Goddess, of course Svorson did let the church know before the meeting. I'm impressed that they've a curious and open mind about her so far."

Davis : "I see, Svorson does need to let me know ahead of time about these things; but I'm grateful that Queztal's situation has faced no trouble, now what about Cursed Arm and Chiron?"

Lancer : "Both are observing the Imperial forces stationed here, Chiron is specifically observing the eight major figures here, and Crused Arm is watching the rank and file for specific details and making a list of who to trust and who to silence in case your plan doesn't go as you planned."

Davis : "Well, that's everyone accounted for, what about you Lancer?"

Lancer : "I... I have nothing else to do since everything else seems to be covered, I thought about it and decided to assist in the project Merlin has in mind for you. Also, I do need to evaluate you soon, didn't you say you wantes me to...t-teach you?"

Davis : "I did I look forward to it." I said as Merlin came in panting and at his side, Borkus looking cheery as ever.

Borkus : "Oi, Davis whatcha doin' still eating breakfast we gotta get ourselves a moving to the Forge!!" He hollered carrying an interesting case. The case was just long and black, in terms of what it carries, it looks like it holds a weapon of sorts.

Davis : "Don't worry, I'm coming, Kurome I'll be away for a little over a week, stay with Krissy ok?"

Kurome : "Un!" She nodded.

Davis : "Alright, let's be off then, I'll see you all soon!" I said, Meldia and Krissy said their goodbyes; but Meldia made sure I didn't leave a heartfelt hug.

For a two days, Myself, Merlin, Lancer, and Borkus trudged through the forest carrying forging equipment, metals, different types of leather and cloth, a good fews gems here and there, most of which were Lancer's pick saying something about they can be useful. At least Borkus and I had enough food and drink, be it water or mead to last the trip and back and then some, Merlin and Lancer on the other hand, didn't need it.

On the third day of the week we finally made it to our destination, The Draconic Forge, here is the legendary spot that weapons and armor throughout all of the figures of Silvingar's history came from, with the exception of my Grandfather of course, Regashi's works stood on par with the weapons of old, and a few managed to surpass these works. When it came to Imperial Arms, a few were made here, by smiths recruited from the empire, as long as our people were concered we also learnes to forge from this place, it is treated as hallowed ground as well being a crucial part our civilization.

Davis : "So tell me Merlin what kind of weapon will we make?"

Merlin : "If we do this right and according to the blueprints I specifically drawn up myself, this should make you look like a Godlike figure." Melrin casually said.

Davis : "Making me Godlike will be up to me, I will have to earn that title for myself, so as far as I know this weapon will simply help along the process."

Merlin : "Ehhh, we'll see, I do look forward to making it though, hehehe." Merlin chuckled as we all entered the forge ready to make a weapon that cement itself into history.