Chapter Thirty Three : Backtracking With Night Raid

Since Ogre's assassination, Tatsumi, Sayo, and Ieyasu managed to mmakr their way back to base, as did Leone and Akame.

Najenda : "So, I since all of you have returned, both missions were successful."

Tatsumi : "Hell yeah they were, and a not a scratch on me to boot at that to." Tatsumi proudly boasted, his nose growing comically foward. To which Akame pulled up his shirt.

Tatsumi : "AHHH, WHAT ARE DOING!?!" he shouted.

Akame : "Leone, Boss, hold him."

Leone/Najenda: "Alright." They casually said and held Tatsumi preventing him from moving, Ieyasu laughing in the background, Sayo sighing and feeling for Tatsumi's embarrassment. Tatsumi was eventually reduced to just his underwear causing him to conceal himself with his hands the best way he could.

Akame : "Good there's no wounds." Akame said relieved, Tatsumi looked at her and saw her smiling, her smile made hee look peaceful, and that she should be protected at all costs.

Akame : "I've witnessed to many friends and comrades die all because they never reported their injuries. I'm really glad that you never took any damage out there. You did well, Tatsumi even in this line of work where the death rate is high, even for a first assassination, you did well."

Najenda : "Those days you and Akame cooked together taught you communication, and hunting taught you about assassinations as well. I hope that went for the both of you as well, Sayo and Ieyasu."

Sayo : "Yeah, everyone else taught us in their own ways and all in all, it was because no one wants us to die." Sayo said, bringing Tatsumi to the realization.

Tatsumi : "Ohh, now I get it, Akame I misread you completely. Sorry about that." Tatsumi said offering a handshake.

Akame : "It's ok, please come home safely fron here on ok?"

Tatsumi : "Yeah, I look forward to working with you." Tatsumi said happily.

Leone : "Pfft, what kind of work do you have in mind with little clothes on?" Leone snickered

Tatsumi : "OH COME ON!!" Tatsumi shouted, earning laughter all around.

Ieyasu : "Haa, well boss, I have something I want to report as well."

Najenda : "Go ahead."

Ieyasu : "Besides me getting kicked to the ribs by Ogre, which I should have checked out, our mission took an unexpected turn."

Najenda : "What happened?" She asked raising an eyebrow.

Ieyasu : "Well, a friend of ours dropped in and helped us, well more liked siced an asassin on him while he watched."

Najenda : "Did this interfere with the mission?"

Ieyasu : "Oh no, this intervention helped out plenty, er, well the assassin took over the whole fight and stole our mark..." Ieyasu said looking dejected.

Najenda : "Hmmm, this is certainly interesting, has he shown up before?"

Ieyasu : "Yeah, he has before, with the noble family contract- now that I think about it, I think everyone should be present to know about this."

Najenda : "You are right; but we can't put this off, so it'd be better if you told us now."

Ieyasu : "Uhm- alright then."

Ieyasu proceeded to explain about me freeing him my control over flames, killing the two nobles, meeting Merlin, leaving the capital, meeting him during the fight with Ogre, the drawing I put on the alleyway wall depicting the dragon, him wanting to meet with Leone and anyone who is her superior, and my plans for the war. This explanation left Akame, Leone, and Najenda most of all wide-eyed at the whole prospect.

Leone : "HOT, damn Silvingar's getting involved in this!?"

Najenda : "So it would seem." Najenda said, hunching over and thinking about the next move. Prior to her defection, she knew about Silvingar and their ways of life, and did what little research she was able to accomplish and deducted that Silvingar would be the best military asset to have anywhere.

Najenda : "Wait. You said this Merlin emerged from thin air and this Hassan of The Cursed Arm has this arm that crushes the hearts of his opponents without even having to tear hearts out?"

Ieyasu : "Yes ma'am." Ieyasu responded.

Najenda : "I would've heard about this Hassan if something like his arm is that effective at killing, then again I wouldn't know from how busy I am. This Merlin character to, what is going on?"

Leone : "Hold it, how come Davis hasn't told me about his fire and how he met Merlin properly?"

Sayo : "In all honesty, he had no clue who you were at all, to him you may have been working for the capital as a spy, plus we had gotten out of the place literally last night, so it was safe to say he couldn't trust anyone." Sayo explained

Leone : "Ah, that makes sense." Leone said scratching the back of her head. "Anywho, I can't wait to see him again, especially since he said he wanted to see little ol' me~" Leone cooed.

Najenda : Whatever the case may be, I'll have to share with command, the team, and send some undercover agents sent into Silvingar to monitor the place of any changes. Until something from that front comes up, the three of you will be training under different mentors today, to focus on your weaknesses, Ieyasu, you will be learning from Lubbock, Sayo you will learn from Bulat, and Tatsumi, you will be learning from Mine." Najenda said causing Tatsumi to go into shock.

Tatsumi : "OH GOD NOT HEEERRR!!" Tatsumi yelled.

Mine and the other members were scouting around on patrol, a shiver ran down Mine's back.

Mine : "I have bad feeling all of a sudden." Mine said looking back. Mine and the rest would eventually return and Najenda told them about Ogre's assassination, my involvement, my actions, and Silvingar's possible involvement in the war, and that they should be ready for big changes.

The next day Tatsumi showed up to the main hall and asked where Mine was, only to be told she was still asleep, Najenda told Tatsumi that he should wake her up, and now Tatsumi was at her door.

Tatsumi : "Alright, WAIT, I should knock first." Tatsumi told himself. He then knocked on the door.

Tatsumi : "Hey- Mine are you awake? It's your turn to train me today."


Tatsumi : "Oh I wasn't going to, don't worry. I'll wait for you out here."

Mine : "Damn straight you will!" She shouted.

Tatsumi : 'Wow, trying to be considerate and she still gets prickly, eh whatever, I'll still hold to your words Davis, I bet you'll be proud of me HAHA!' Tatsumi thought to himself.

Mine opened her door and huffed.

Mine : "Well at least you aren't dumb enough to barge in, that'll cost you your life, hehe." Mine remarked while flipping her hair.

Tatsumi : "Oooook, so what's our training?" Tatsumi asked expecting something nightmarish and rigorous beyond comprehension.

Mine : "Oh, we'll be off to the capital today." She casually replied.

So the two made their way to the capital, and did some shopping, having some good food, and Mine tried out new clothes and had a good time, while Tatsumi; on the other hand, stayed paranoid throughout the entire time. Eventually the took a stop at a nice restaurant with a sakura tree shedding its petals.

Mine : "Ahh~, it's a always a good day to goof off, mission complete." She said satisfied.

Tatsumi : "Huh!? All we did was go shopping, how is that a mission!?" Tatsumi shouted in complete bewilderment at what he heard.

Mine : "No talking back!" Mine shouted in turn, uppercutting Tatsumi in the jaw and sending him out of his seat and on the ground. After that she proceeded to stomp on his back.

Mine : "I'm your superior and you should at least be grateful I relegated you to the package carrier got it!?" Mine shouted some more. Their antics wouldn't draw a crowd; rather a different event was taking place that drew the attention of Mine and Tatsumi.

Tatsumi : "Huh, what's going over there?" He asked rubbing his back.

Mine : "An execution, to be specific, it's crucifixion that's taking place, wait, they look like gang members, and what are they wearing?" Mine asked, specifically asking about the armor and paintings on the gang members, the paintings were that of a dragon, the same dragon holding and sword and crown, it has earned the title, "The Dragon of Blazing Conquest."

Tatsumi : 'That's, the same drawing my friend drew in the alleyway!' Tatsumi whispered in a shocked tone.

Mine : 'The same friend who dealt in Ogre?'

Tatsumi : "Yeah, looks like his message really struck a note with people, if they're going as far as to form factions." he said looking around noticing the people whispering curses against Honest and the Corruption.

Mine : "Well, no matter the case, I wont end up like those, I'll end up on the winning side after all of this!"

Tatsumi : (Woah, such resolve, man If the Minister is putting the people through this, I would be able imagine what kind of person he is, then again, what kind of person is the Minister really?) Tatsumi thought to himself.

A new contract came in a few nights later, all of Night Raid had to show to this one. Their mar, Iokal, one of Honest's relatives, using the name of the Minister to kidnap and beat women to death, the five elite guards that were stationed to protect would get whatever was left. Mine and Tatsumi ere situated in tree line of the mountain.

Mine : "For the record I don't expect you to perform effectively here, since you get the easy job."

Tatsumi : "Hey, at least I'm pulling my weight here." (Sheesh, get off my back already-eh- wait minute) "Hey Mine, you that man at the entrance? He doesn't look like one of the guards."

Mine : "What? Hold on." Mine said pulling out the scope attachment of her Imperial Arms, The Roman Artillery. "You're right, no of us have seen his face, and that's... a lot of blood." She finished. The man in question was drenched in blood. Aside from that he is a large and tall man. The man's hair was tied up in a pony tail tied by a long golden ribbon, fraying on both sides, he wears no upper body armor and in place, posses a a tattoo of a blue dragon coiling around his arms, shoulders, and his chest. His armor from the waist down consisted of a white combat pants and black and gold armor protecting his sides and upper thighs all tied together by a black and gold tiger print fur, he possesses no armor for his feet and calves, his eyes are just simply a blank white sclera. In one he hand, he holds a black and gold Halberd with the gold giving off an orange hue and the two blades beneath the spear head curving outward possessing the same color. In his other hand, Iokal's head contorted in fear and terror.

??? : "That man and his guards were pitifully weak, there was no good fight to be had.... this world... it is a strange world indeed, even more so since I have inherited the Rider class of this strange Holy Grail War, and with the fact I am able to speak no less.... nggghh, Chen Gong! Do you sense any one else, besides the two I have already spotted in the tree line?" The man asked scaring Mine and Tatsumi to the point they were still and stiff as boards.

Chen Gong : "I do, a sizable group of people are at the entrance of this estate; however, I don't think they're here for us, I think they're here for the lord of the estate here, which you've already decapitated, ohh, let me do the talking, this could be the break we've needed since our summons here." Chen Gong happily said appearing from thin air, Chen Gong, is a man with a tan, wears glasses, and dresses in a formal manner, he also sports white gloves and always carries a scroll on hand along with a unnaturally cool demeanor.

??? : "What ever works out in the end, though I will be keeping my eyes on the two in the tree line, lest they do anything strange." The man said keeping his gaze fixed to the tree line.

Chen Gong : *Ahem* " Greetings warriors, I assume you are here for the lord of this estate no?" Chen Gong asked. The members of Night exchanged confused looks for a second before Bulat spoke up.

Bulat : "Yes, we are, the "Lord" you're talking about is our target and we are to kill him, though it seems that took care of itself, our intel also suggested that there are hostages, mainly women here as well, did you encounter any women here?"

Chen Gong : "Indeed we have, I recommended that they we're set free, and luckily there was an abundance of food and drink here, so the women are having a rather pleasant and from the looks of there condition a most needed meal." Chen Gong replied.

Bulat : "Huh, well that's good, thanks for taking good care of them, say since the both of you are well versed in fighting, how about you two come with us?" Bulat suggested.

Chen Gong : "Oh that would be wonderful, in exchange, my lord and I are, well lost in our surroundings, we would like to know where we are and what is going in terms of war, we we're to fight in a war, so going with you and your group can help us achieve better knowledge of the situation." Chen Gong explained summarizing his and his lord's circumstances.

Bulat : "That's fine by me, what about the rest of you?" Bulat asked. Everyone else agreed, seeing as the two aren't on the empire's side, Akame, Sayo, and Ieyasu went to tend to the women and lead them to a nearby town, so they would meet with everyone else back at base.

Chen Gong : "Well, that is quite astounding to hear, my lord an agreement has been reached with the warriors here, we'll going with them to their base to get a better understanding of this world. So there's no need to worry about the two in the tree line."

??? : "Hmm, good maybe there will be something good to eat as well." the man replied finally moving from his spot down the steps.

Bulat : "Say, do you and your lord have names? I don't think I heard yours right the first time."

Chen Gong : "Oh of course, I am Chen Gong, strategist for The Flying General, who is also my Lord Lu Bu."

Lu Bu : (Hmm, I don't agree with my True Name being casually used like this. Maybe it's instinct as a Servant; but, I'll trust Chen Gong, as long as we find a worthy master in this world to contract with, then we'll be fulfilling our roles in this war.) Lu Bu thought to himself finally stepping down the stairs removing his gaze from Tatsumi and Mine.

Known Servants:

Faction : Sivingar

Saber : Gawain

Archer : Chiron

Lancer : Name yet to be revealed, Cu Chulainn

Caster : Tamamo-no-Mae, Merlin

Rider : Quetzalcoatl

Assassin : Hassan of The Cursed Arm

Beseker : Beowulf

Faction : Uncontracted

Saber : ???

Archer : ???

Lancer : Successfully Contracted

Rider : Lu Bu Fengxian

Caster : Chen Gong

Assassin : ???

Beserker : ???