Chapter Thirty Four : Forge and Fight

The process to make this weapon was different with Merlin's guidance, my magic, and something from Lancer I didn't know she could do. At first Merlin hadn't any idea what to make at first, I remedied that by describing the sword I drew in my drawing of the Dragon back from our previous visit of the Capital. Merlin told me what I drew was a version of a blade called a Khanda, a sword hailing from a land called India. The significance behind this particular sword, is that the Gods of India were depicted wielding this sword, cutting down ignorance and evil wherever it lies. I knew right then and their that is what we will forge inside the Draconic Forge.

Merlin : "Well, you seem very sure of having your sword be based off the Khanda." Merlin said continuing on as we all walked through the torch lit hallways.

Davis : "I am, if it'll help earn the title of Godlike in the eyes of my people, this where it'll begin." I responded filled with ambition.

Borkus : "Hehe, a lofty goal that is, it's a good thing I've brought the necessary materials for the job, the tools should be inside and in well working order, er, actually they may need a polishing and then some, they haven't been used since yer old man made that all Black Katana there. Speaking of o you plan on using it?" Borkus asked obviously concerned.

Davis : "Only when it's necessary, and the condition is met, honestly while I would like to forge a Katana instead of a Khanda, I believe a Khanda may help perfect my Twirling Style, y'know where I twirl my blade between and over my fingers and wrists?"

Borkus : "AH right, Regajarl was quite surprised and happy that you found your own way with a blade."

(A/N : Regajarl is reference to Regashi Davis' Grandfather. Those who were leaders of Silvingar, are always referred to and addressed as Jarl, or have the term Jarl fitted into their name when being spoken of.)

Davis : "Indeed, well we ought to pick up the pace here, eh, Borkus are you sure you know where you're going?"

Borkus : "BAH! Of course I do, what ya think after raiding tombs and swindling cutthroats out of their ill gotten gains and personally stealing most of their ill gotten weapons, armor, and artifacts I wouldn't have a clue about my own way around a part of a culture I hail from?! Nonsense!" Borkus grumbled as we finally stopped at a pair doors barricaded and held in place by a thick steel plank serving as a lock." Now come over and help with this.

I gave a laugh as I walked over to Borkus' right and lifted the steel plank, we carefully moved it to the side but began struggling when Lancer came and took it from our herself... and laid it against the wall... by herself.

Borkus : "Mental note, Davis, don't piss off a woman who could objects that are heavier than you." Borkus said.

Davis : "Already had that in mind when she picked up the plank." I said back earning a laugh from Merlin and Borkus respectively.

Lancer : "Shouldn't we get a move on?" Lancer said interrupting the two.

Davis : "Right, right this is it anyway." I said. Pushing the the double doors open revealed The Great Forging Room. The room itself holds some various sizes of anvils of course, except these anvils had runes inscribed into it that would hold its superior quality without fear of needing to replace it often. On the right side a rack with various hammers, tongs, handheld vises, and carving knives of various sizes were presented from smallest to biggest size possible. Leading to the back of the room two separate pits were located in the left pit, water, water the glowed with the color of aquamarine giving the sense of tranquility just from looking at the water. In the right pit various stones and gemstones giving a orange and garnet glow. This section would fuel the creative minds, ambitions, and machinations that would be created from this pits contributions. In the middle in front of the two pits, a hollowed out section representing a dragons maw fixed to a sliding mechanism that would slide the maw from one pit to another. Both pits possesses a hatch that connects to the dragons' maw where materials would either be melted down, or a blade would undergo The Quenching Process. In front of the maw a box meant for filling a rectangular mold was in place. This box could be changed to fit any blade of varying, size shape and density. This where the molten mixture wpuld be poured.

Davis : "Well, color me impressed this place is looks amazing!"

Borkus : "HAHA, IT DOES RIGHT!? Anyway, let's get this started, Merlin do you have a blueprint or a mold already drawn for us to work with?"

Merlin : "Indeed I do, the Khanda is quite simple

to make, we need only plentiful amount of materials to make it. Speaking of which, Borkus?"

Borkus : "Yes, I have all of the Orichalcum and other necessary materials to make an extra 20 of these if we fail the first time."

Merlin "Very good, now I don't know how this process works since I've never seen a forge like this before."

Borkus : "Ah, don't worry about that since we're making a construct that has the form of a weapon, I'll run Davis through the physical process by word and instruction, with that said, Davis, you'll have to make the entire thing by yourself."

Davis : "That's alright I need my edge back anyway. I do remember that basics and the best techniques Grandfather taught me, so I won't mess this up."

Borkus : "Even so, it's best to listen so you stay grounded with that said, lets fire up the forge. Start by mixing the Tears of The Warrior and the Fire of the Warrior into the Dragons Maw."

I nodded and walked over to the Maw and pulled the middle lever to mix the two elements and forge whirred to life, the Tears and Fire began pooling towards eachother snd moved down a tube I couldn't see and a orange liquid oozed out into the Maw.

Borkus : "Alright take these Orichalcum ingots, and some of these ingots made from heat conducting metals, heavy metal ingots, and add them into that mixture." Borkus instructed as he handed me said ingots. I added the ingots into the mixture and a grid made itself known by covering the open area. I turned and Merlin had already prepared the mold to take the molten mixture. He and Borkus inserted the mold into the box and it began lowering into the ground. Shortly after the mixture began flowing into the mold

Davis : "Alright, what's next?" I asked turning Borkus

Borkus : "We just have to let the forge do what it does, until the mould is filled and the blade is carved out anyone have any suggestions on binding the weapon once the option to use quenching oil becomes available?"

Merlin : "I myself have an idea for binding, though it is a gamble."

Lancer : "I would like to cast my idea as well."

Borkus : "Oh. Two ideas simultaneously, uhm, alright Ms. Lancer you first. What is your idea?"

Lancer : "My idea is that I teach Davis the use of runes, if what Merlin has said about his magical circuits is true, then he should have no problem making runes with simple instructions. It will be a gamble whether or not he will be able to utilize a Primordial Rune; however, he isn't under my study yet and I've yet to evaluate him."

Borkus : "Hmm runes have been used before in society, so it will be familiar sight, I say we can give it a go, what about you Merlin?"

Merlin : "Well, going for a use of magic I would like to teach him Reinforcement so he can bring out the truly deadly qualities of his weapon; additionally I we should mix some of his blood with the oil you have to make sure that this sword can be used him and him alone."

Davis : "Huh, never thought I'd he using my own blood, how much are going to use?"

Merlin : "Not too much enough to mix in with the oil nicely and not have your blood interfere, with infusion from your magic circuits, your blood should actually attribute your blade to fire or the sun."

Davis : "Alright, we'll work with that, and with the runes, we'll worry about them once the blade is fully made."

Borkus : "Sounds good!" Borkus said. Merlin took out and empty vial from what I assume is an infinite dimension, knowing him.

Merlin : "Now then, if you will Davis." He said offering me a thin, gleaming white dagger. I cut my wrist directly into the vein and poured enough to nearly fill the vial. I healed myself right after, so I wouldn't die.

Borkus : "Huh, it's no wonder Svorson is better than ever from his sickness, your magic is truly something Davis."

Davis : "Heh, I'm grateful for it at least." I mused. After a time the mold finally cooled off and the rectangular prism of metal rose from the box. I collected the prism and a pair of tongs and held the prism of the maw which had refilled with the Fire of The Warrior and ignited into fire meant for heating.

I held the blade over the fire and with time the blade itself turned yellow from the heat. I transitioned the blade over to the anvil, grabbed the hammer and observed carefully where to strike.

Davis : (Make it or break Davis.) I thought and brought down the hammer.


That familiar sound rang out a few more times, before nodded to Borkus to prepare the oil, while I made some finishing strikes to the blade, Borkus filled the cauldron with the quenching oil and Merlin poured my blood soon after. Borkus moved the cauldron close to me and the anvil and that was my que, I took the blade and dove it into the oil causing steam to rise up. After the blade cooled down I inspected the blade for any flaws. Luckily for me, there was no flaw to be found. I turned around and smiled happily.

Davis : "I still got it!" I said triumphantly.

Borkus : "WOOOOOO! HAHAHA! LET'S GET IT NICE AND DECORATED!" Borkus roared, he was obviously happy about my success.

Merlin : "Oh it seems my idea worked, the blade is rife with your magic, ah Lancer, you said something about runes?"

Lancer : "Of course, with that, Master do have a seat, I will not repeat myself." She said sternly.

Davis : "Yes Ma'am." I replied sitting down with a eager smile.

Lancer : (Hmm, he is eager to learn, it's good that he isn't apart of the mediocre, seeing some of his skills, and apparent luck.)

Lancer : "Now, runes are symbols that realize mysteries according to what they represent. Each rune's meaning varies between anyone who uses runes or any other form of magic. While it does take time and prsctice in your case to inscribe them, the time between activating these runes and the the runes completing their spell is, small, almost instantaneous. Before we begin, you must finish constructing your weapon."

Davis : "Fine by me, Borkus do you have the leather for the hilt?"

Borkus : "I do, I'll wrap up the handle while you make the guard and pommel." Borkus replied already pulling the fine leather from one of his bags. With that I had made the pommel, which is a extra ring for my style of fighting, and the cross guard, which have two rings beneath the metal and fitted directly to the grip of the sword. Lastly I sharpened the blade to the point where the blade itself could easily cut through armor of any kind, along with flesh and bone of course.

As for the colors of the weapon itself, The flat blade itself is a bright metallic orange, that reflects whatever light come into contact with the blade varying between different colored glows. The cross guard is a bright silver and so are the rings. The pommel is also a ring with the same silver color. The leather for the grip is also a bright orange layered with brown leather forming a swirling pattern travelling up the grip.

Davis : "Well, it's certainly the best piece I've made." I say with satisfaction.

Borkus : "Indeed, I assume the color is atrribute to your fire and silver being a religious color?"

Davis : "Yes, the shape and colors of the blade here will play their own part of my rise to Godlike status."

Borkus : "Well, good luck on that venture there, only one cheiftan has made that status, and he only managed through war. Of course you know who I refer to."

Davis : "Bervask. Well, unlike him I appreciate fighting for what it is, and will conduct myself better than being one who constantly lusts for blood and battle. Again unlike him, who lost what the meaning we held for fighting, and for war as well."

Lancer : (He won't lust for battle? How will he fight then, hmm I find myself looking forward to his evaluation, I hope you won't disappoint me Master.) Lancer thought to herself while Borkus and I spoke more about the history of the 250 years war.

Borkus : "OH, do you have a name for it, every weapon each of the former chieftans of our people had a named weapon, even your grandfather and Bervask used Imperial Arms before, so wouldn't your weapon be counted as one to?"

Davis : I would guess so, I mean, it isn't one of the 48 so, it is different from it's siblings, though a name, hmm how about Blazing Dragon's Blade : Victoria Ardiente. (Translates to : Blazing Victory)

Merlin : "I hate to interrupt; buuuut, I believe an education of runes and reinforcement is in order." Merlin chimed.

Davis : "Ah right, Lancer, if you will." I said gesturing for her to begin her teaching, as I think of it.

Lancer : "Yes, the runes, do you recall everything I explained about runes?"

Davis : "I do, all I need to know is drawing these runes."

Lancer : "Of course the best material for drawing would be your blood, so you'll have to channel your magic through your blood, and into your finger and trace the rune onto the blade, note that we'll have to do one side of the blade from your people to see." lancer explained as she knelt next to me. "Now let us being I will guide your hands to trace the runes." She said and the the both of us traced a number of runes, some representing creation, manifestation, the sun, fire, and immortality. We finished shortly after and Lancer was satisfied with the results, my own crimson blood being a good highlight to the blade itself.

Merlin : "Well now, that the runes are well and applied, let us move on to Reinforcement."

Davis : "Sweet, now where do I start?"

Merlin : "Take your blade in your hand, close your eyes, and then pour magic into the blade, you'll different types of lines, or circuits, specifically your circuits running throughout the the blade and its individual components and materials." Merlin instructed, I did as he said and saw many lines, I figured out that pouring magic into these certain circuits would change the blade. So I sharpened the blade, made it much more durable than any other blade, decreased the weight of the blade, strengthened the rings on the blade to handle much more stress, and made the leather much more comfortable and durable for handling in battle.

Davis : "That was simple."

Merlin : "Excellent, now let's repeat this entire process for the armor!" Merlin cheered. The entire process, forging, quenching with my blood, drawing the runes, and reinforcing the armor took up the same process.

The entire armor is made of more of the Orichalcum Borkus had on hand. To begin the greaves, which are plate metal over the entire foot, encasing the ankle are plates of metal with a silver finish and an accent of orange leather running down along the inside of the armor. The leather straps to this armor are buckled perfectly for a perfect fit, as with the shoulder and arm armor.

The knee armor is silver adorned with claw like designs with one orange blade protruding downwards for cutting anyone or anything that comes into contact with the blades.

Armor for the waist consists of a kilt of black leather and mail with two cuisses adorned with a orange outline and a silver inside. These cover my thighs and purposely leave my hips open to bait anyone into attacking them. Silver rivets are used to secure a orange leather strap down the front and a metal plate in the shape of a curved diamond with a dragons face carefully adorned onto the piece.

The Pauldrons are mostly orange embellishments and silver adorned with a roaring draconic face on each shoulder and curved plates covering the biceps from the sides. The gauntlets are an orange hammered sunburst pattern representing the sun of course and how far the sun shall reach.

I decided against any torso armor and opted for a light gray war jacket with orange layered fur on its collar. This jacket is ideal for any sort of climate, and insulated against heat and electricity; should, the off chance I get struck by lighting happens.

Now as for the my head, I chose a mask/helm hybrid. The mask color is orange which is fastened to my face to keep the mask in its place. The mask also runs along my jaw and below my ears; but, exposing my chin at least so I can communicate. As for the shape of the mask, it has two horns pointing upwards and base of of the horns a curved outwards to look like a crown.

The particular runes I engraved onto every piece of armor allows me to absorb any and all flame breaking the energy down into reusable magic energy. This energy will act as an outside reserve to either build my internal magic reserves or immediately use depending on the immediate situation.

Davis : "Wow, I have to say this is absolutely wonderful." I said breaking in the entire set of armor. The entire set seemed to glow and blaze with fire at the metal parts of the armor, except for the mask helm.

Borkus : "THE BEST DAMN WORKS MADE YET HAHAHA!!" Borkus roared. "How about the name for your armor?!"

Davis : "Hmm, Ah, Blazing Dragon's Armor : Simbolo Draconico (A/N : Translates to Draconic Symbol)

"Say, what do we do now with of this extra material?" Borkus then asks.

Davis : "Oh, I have some ideas, hand it all here." I said, with what was left I made a new katana for Kurome, A new black cloak that blends with the shadows complete with a hood and a gray fur trim, a new belt with an adjustable holster for new katana to fit, an insulated set of leather armor complete with some interchangeable pouches and various pelts, a new set of armor for wrists and forearms made from flexible and lightweight metal made from some of the orichalcum left over also with a gray fur trim, and a pair of better combat boots complete with the same gray fur trim and the same flexible lightweight metal, which was orichalcum originally.

The process of making all of this armor, and my sword was finally complete. Merlin and Borkus cheered while Lancer kept a small smile.

Lancer : "I'm impressed." Lancer said after remaining silent while the four of us made our way back outside.

Davis : "Oh? Is it the fact I learned how to write runes Lancer?"

Lancer : "Of course, if you learned that quickly I am certain you will go reach many new heights with what you have learned, Davis." She as we all left the forge, the stars were out, and the full moon was it highest point giving the snow a serene and mystical aura, signaling midnight.

Davis : "Yeah, I'm optimistic about my future, so I look forward to learning more from you." I said, I never got a response, which confused me and prompted me to look back, Merlin and Borkus were in tow; but, not Lancer.

Davis : "Lancer?" I asked confused about where she went. Merlin and Borkus looked back to find her missing as well.

Merlin : "Oh my it seems she's disappeared~" Merlin joked scratching the side of his face.

Borkus : "Yeah; but, where'd she disappear off to?" Borkus asked showing concern at the sudden change.

I looked down and contemplated on where she went and noticed a shadow descending upon me, I snap my gaze upwards to see Lancer descending, with her spear in hand. Lucky for me I'm not carrying anything in my hands.

*CLANG* Was the sound of steel colliding with one another. Merlin and Borkus turn back around to see myself and Lancer locked in combat with our respective weapons locked against one another making sparks in the night. I roared turning to my right catapulting Lancer away from me and into the the tees, to which she skillfully into the trees.

Lancer : "Your evaluation has begun, Davis, I expect great things from you from this fight!" She called out her voice surrounding the three of us.

Davis : "The both of you wait here at the forge, tonight is going to be fun." I said brazenly, twirling my blade around my finger and walking forward illuminating myself and the surrounding area watching and waiting for Lancers' shadow to appear.

Lancer : (I see he is confident in himself and his abilities, let's see if that confidence is poorly misplaced.) Lancer thought and descended from a tree and lunged forward at me from my left. I snapped my gaze left and twirled right on my left foot and moved her spear to her left pinning it to the ground scattering debris. With my free right foot I planted said foot onto a section of her spear and thrust my sword forward taking her by surprise. Lancer ducked down and pulled her spear from the ground with force intending for me to be pulled off balance, however I performed a back flip landing on one foot after the other using her spear as an impromptu springboard.

Lancer : (Light on his feet as well! Ahh, that's why he chooses not to wear any armor on his torso, it disrupts his center of gravity when spinning? That's it!) Lancer thought to herself as she lunged forward clashing for a second time. I twirled and deflected her spear coming towards me to her right and following up with a kick from the side as I spun.

Davis : (She's good, knows how to handle a spear; though, she doesn't know everything about me and how I developed this style.) I thought to myself as Lancer ducked down under my foot moved her spear towards herself and swung it at my foot still spinning on the ground. Noticing this I allowed the momentum of my spin to launch myself from the ground and as it did I ignited my sword with fire and swung down with all the force I can muster along with the momentum. Lancer Jumped backwards and avoided the following explosion and but not the shock wave that came, which launched her into the trees yet again.

Lancer : (Such power behind his technique, the way he spins and moves his feet carries grace and power at the same time. He has defense covered with a good offense, and his armor definitely allows him to articulate and move himself to dance as he fights. Wait! that is style! He dances as he fights!) Lancer thought finally putting all of the pieces together as she darted from tree to tree trying to keep out of my sight.

Lancer : (He has defense covered through deception, speed, and looks; which, hides great strength and explosive techniques, my, if anyone wants to have a chance to fight him again or even gain experience from fighting him, they would either have to be spared on his whim, or have quite an escape route planned when they realize this. He's made himself into a Dancing King of Fire! Now I feel riled up, I'll take a more aggressive approach and see his response.) Lancer thought to herself as she found herself enjoying this fight and what she is learning.

Lancer lept from the trees descending with a downward slash prompting me to spin to my left to dodge her strike, still spinning I noticed she spun around faster than I did and was going to make a hit for my torso. I abruptly stopped my turn and held my blade up to block. Lancer's strike struck my sword which in turn slammed into my face pushing me backwards. With my lack of defensse from being caught off guard I was thrown away from the forge and landed on my back.

Davis : (She's getting serious, very well, I shall to!) I thought to myself as I tried getting up off my back and Lancer was already about to strike me again. I used my sword to deflect her strike to the right and threw my left hand striking her spear, trying the same move she did on me. I struck true and launched her into the air, I then channelled as much of my magic through my sword to make an impression of my power; but not to vaporize Merlin and Borkus in my final move.

Davis: "NO WAY YOU CAN DODGE MID AIR LANCER! COME ON!" I shouted poised for the my final move. At this point this battle truly got to me. I had fun in this fight and look forward to the next.

Lancer flipped through the air to adjust herself after she was launched and heard my shout soon after she began descending.

Lancer flipped herself and adjusted herself once again to where she wouldn't be struck but have her spear collide with my sword. That move on her part struck true.

The instant both of our weapons collided, the bright light came first and then the explosion, thankfully Merlin had rushed Borkus inside feeling the wave of magic energy and acted quickly. The bright light couldn't be seen back in Silvingar; however, small rumblings from the explosion would startle some people putting the Imperial Forces stationed there at attention. My servants felt my energy rising and falling as the fight went on and my energy peaking as the explosion went off.

Beowulf : "HOT DAMN DAVIS! HEY CÚ YOU FELT THAT TO RIGHT!?" Beowulf shouted at the distant Cú Chulainn, whom had slack jawed expression on his face.

Cú Chulainn: "Y-Yeah, that was something else entirely, and were only on the outskirts here, I wonder what everyone else is thinking right now." The spearman said scratching the back of his head.

Tamamo had been cooped up at Meldia's place studying the sigils when she felt the wave of my magic.

Tama : "HAAAH!? M-M-M-MASTER WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT THERE!?" Tamamo shouted literally jumping from her seat in shock.

Meldia : "Tama, it's too late for yelling!"

Tama : "Ahh, sorry~"

Cursed Arm and Chiron were perched up on the same tower watching Imperial soldiers and a certain group when the wave of energy hit.

Cursed Arm : "Well, it seems that our lord has gotten stronger."

Chiron : "Indeed, maybe he's been hiding that strength all along, either way I look forward to imparting my wisdom to him."

After the explosion I found myself laidoiit and exhausted, my limbs heavy, and the same could be said for my breath. I also for some reason felt my hair being played with and that familiar feeling on the back of my head.

Lancer : "You've done well to meet my expectations Little Flame." The sweet voice of Lancer answering my questions. I look up and I see her with a sweet smile on her face.

Davis : 'Since I'm on my back here, I would be right in assuming I've lost?' I whisper asked.

Lancer : "Yes, that much is obvious; however I will still teach you what I know about the spear, which means you need yourself a spear my master."

Davis : 'I guess so.' I said with sleep beginning to take me.

Lancer : "One last thing since you've impressed me tonight. Scáthach."

Davis : "Hmm, wh-whad'ya say?" I asked.

Scáthach : "Scáthach, that is my true name."

Davis : 'Huh, wow... what beautiful name, for beautiful woman, and one whose got an even more beautiful smile.' I whsipered last before turning my head to the side to sleep in Scáthach's comfortable lap.

Merlin and Brokus came trudging through the snow and ashes.

Merlin : "We're here, is everything alright?~"

Scáthach : "Yes everything is alright the both of us are unharmed, he just fell asleep."

Borkus : *Huff* "I didn't think a fight could be that destructive, and bright to." Borkus said dropping the bags.

Scáthach : "Well, color yourself surprised for the not so distant future. Merlin use your teleporting to bring us back."

Merlin : "Ahh, alright then, I wasn't willing to walk for two days straight anyway, on we go~"

With a wave of the staff, Merlin teleported all four us back to the confines of my home.