Chapter Thirty Five : Home and Dreams

A pink light enveloped the living room and the four of us appeared.

Borkus : "Whew, finally back, I'll get something started for the time being." Borkus said sauntering off to the kitchen with the weapon case in tow.

Merlin : "I think I'll go annoy Kurome, oh maybe catch up on what everyone's dreaming about hmm.~ So many choices." Merlin mused to himself while making his way upstairs.

Scáthach and my unconscious self were the only ones left in the room. To which her smile never left her face as she leaned forward

Scáthach: 'Sweet dreams little flame~' She whispered. She leaned back to original position and glanced to the side.

Scáthach : 'I would assume you're here to watch over your older brother Kurome?' She asked Kurome, whom was sitting on the couch with a blanket wrapped around herself.

Kurome : "Yeah, I protect, I attack, but most importantly, I have my older brother's back." She replied as if she'd waited for this specific moment to say that.

Scáthach chuckled shaking her head side to side and noticed Tamamo with a shocked expression on her face.

Tama : 'That's supposed to be my job! Providing my lap for him to sleep on!' She whisper shouted.

Scáthach : 'Well, Davis has earned this, seeing as he displayed very well potential, I will be training him in what I know during the night.'

Tama : 'But still! Ughhh, fine I'll keep him warm at least!' Tama retorted moving over to my side wrapping herself around my unconscious body.

Scáthach smirked and shook her head at Tamamo's antics she glanced over to where Kurome once was and found a note reading : "I approve of you and Big Brother, make sure you train him well ok?" Scáthach merely cocked an eyebrow at this and shook her head again still smirking.

Scáthach : (I'm surprised, Tamamo is highly affectionate of Davis and Kurome is protective of him; and, there's the way miss Meldia eyes Davis as well. Kurome only seeks to protect her family though, that's respectable at the very least. Oh? Tamamo is already asleep.) Scáthach thought to herself now realizing Tama had fell asleep quite quickly.

Scáthach sighed to herself and decided to mess with my hair some, before Borkus made his way to the living room with a plate in hand, something simple that didn't require cooking. The Merchant Leader sauntered over and sat down.

Borkus : 'Must be hungry after that fight.'

Scáthach : 'Not at all, as a being made from pure mana, I don't require any form sustenance; well, except for mana of course.'

Borkus : 'Hmmm, that go for every servant?'

Scáthach : 'Yes, yes it does.'

Borkus : 'Hmm, still though Davis may not be able provide mana all the time, I mean, wouldn't be better to prepare for the possibility on the off chance or ocassion he isn't able to provide mana?'

The question hit Scáthach like a bag stones at the realization. Knowing full well, I'm guaranteed to participate in fighting means some servants won't be able to hold their physical forms should I ever find myself exhausted of my magical energy and without a sufficient source of light.

Scáthach : "I suppose you have a point. What are you offering?" The spear master asked keeping her cool.

Borkus : "Oh, a simple recipe really here, it's packed with more vitamins than protein; but, it gets someone perked up pretty fast, plus everything is rolled up in soft bread like wrap for easy eating. Heh, I lost count of how many times this simple dish saved my life."

Scáthach : 'Hmm interesting, it's good, this would make for good food after training. I think Davis will take a liking to this.'

Borkus : 'Oh no not him, he prefers this a certain way than how we're having this. He also prefers to meat as well, never figured out why though' Borkus replied.

Scáthach : 'Well, he'll have to learn one way or the other. I'll see to it that he does.'

Borkus : 'Good to know, I'll be off sleeping out back. When Davis comes to tell him I'm sleeping out back.' Borkus

Scáthach : (Hmm, it seems there is more to the Little Flame here than one who wants to be king. Hmm, I look forward to training you Little Flame.)

My mind wandered throughout the null space which was my empty mind. If anything this lack of a dream was foreign to me, I usually have a dream going on. I felt myself down from a cliff watching a man with green hair and golden eyes swinging a sword while dodging arrows. I took note of what I was wearing and recognized the white and gold armor belonging to Chiron.

Davis : (Wait am I'm in Chirons' body?!) I shouted mentally. I watched as Chiron fired another volley of arrows at the green haired student of his.

Davis : (This must be Chiron from when he taught other heroes beyond his time, seeing that the armor on that guy below looks very different from Chirons'. Wonder who he is though.) I thought as I hear the student panting from his training. The scene fades to black as I find myself in the void again.

Davis : (I suppose I will teach others what I know in due time, or maybe there is something that binds myself and Chiron, I'm not sure, whatever the answer is I look forward to understanding my servants better. Eugh, servants, it feels wrong to call them that.) I said to myself with a new scene appearing shortly after.

The new scene caught me right into the thick of a fight between myself and giant beast I found myself slung around the neck as many soldiers forming a circle stood in awe and fear.

Davis : (IS THIS BEOWULF WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!?) I shouted internally seeing the horned beast. The beasy itself had a pair of horns and covered in mostly fur, its mouth dripping of fresh blood of recently eaten soldiers and standing taller than any man.

Davis : (This must be Grendel he mentioned when he gave his True Name. If anything this tells me he's done some truly crazy stuff. I might end up in his position one day. For that I must be ready.) I thought to myself as Beowulf cleaved off Grendel's arm and sent him running. The sound of cheering from people and soldiers alike resounded as the scene faded to black once more.

The sounds of clashing steel and roaring of soldiers and a blood stained battlefield presented itself to me startling for only a moment. I look around and recognize Gawains' sword. I find myself running then clashing steel with another knight though this one stood out.

The knight before me had purple armor with some gold here and there. He possesses purple eyes and hair as well. His expression though, grief stricken, begging for something though it wouldn't be found in battle.

Gawain : "HOW COULD YOU! HOW COULD YOU BETRAY THE KING. HOW COULD TOU SLEEP PEACEFULLY KNOWING THE ATROCITIES YOU'VE COMMITTED. WHY LANCELOT WHY!?" The Knight of The Sun shouted in near deafening rage as he surged toward this Lancelot. The scene slowly fades to black as their battle raged on.

Davis : (I need to be prepared for betrayal from where ever it may come. I don't know if I'll be ready though.) I thought to myself as the scene faded black once again.

Another scene materializes as I felt rain pouring down and finding myself in a field surrounded by many soldiers.

Tamamo : "Alright, let's do This." I hear Tamamo say as she had multiple talismans prepared in hand for fighting. She and the army charged one another and carnage ensued. I knew that there were at least thousands of soldiers there but me being unprepared for the carnage tried forcing my eyes shut but realizing this is only a dream.

Davis : (Tama, what events happened that led you to this? You're much too friendly to willingly kill.) I thought as I felt heartbroken by the scene fading to black.

??? : "Tell me brother, what were you thinking?" The voice I hear snaps me from my heartbreak. I am greeted by the sight of black feline creature and burning structure to my left.

??? : "I mean who knew you would burn your own temple down for the sake of your own treasures, guess that form of yours that you took to look beautiful or whatever really has clouded your judgement huh?"

Quetzalcoatl : "I wouldn't trust you at all with what's mine brother, especially after how you've acted over you're sacrifice, no." Quetzal responded for some reason I felt proud of my newly found big sister for rebuking this person.

Davis : (Good on ya big sis, this guy doesn't look trustworthy at all.)

??? : "Oh, I see, I'LL KILL YOU THEN FOR TAKING WHAT'S MINE!!" The Feline roared as the scene fades again.

The scene starts with blood flying as found myself back against a pillar or boulder, or some sort rock.

Davis : (RAAAAGH MY INSIDES!!!) I roared mentally as I look down, I see my own, no Cu Chulainns' intestines circling the massive stone keeping him propped up against various foes.

I couldn't keep up as the scene faded black once again.

Davis : (Damn it all. That was startling end to one's own life, I need to make sure I don't suffer like that before going out.)

The scene takes me to a land of darkness and a woman sitting alone with a serene look glazed upon her face.

Scathach : "Perhaps I thought I wanted to be killed by your hands. I give up." She said as she closed her eyes seemingly fighting something.

Davis : (Scathach? What did you give up? Maybe I could give you hope again in what you didn't get in life. That would be nice, it be good to understand the mystery you put up.) I spoke mentally thinking about her and her serene and approving smile of our bout at the Draconic Forge.

The scene fades black once more as I hear chirping of some kinda insect setting the stage for the next scene; which, takes me to a starry night in a run down town and on rooftops as well.

Davis : (Hassan of The Cursed Arm. What exactly are you doing- OH ALRIGHT THEN!!!) I was taken off guard as he lunged from a rooftop dirk in hand onto someone lavishly dressed, said person with a look of utter horror on his face. The scene fades to black as shouting pursues Hassan as he darts into the darkness after his successful kill.

I'm left alone in the void that is my own mind once more.

Davis : (These must've been significant events or simpler events in some cases for those who serve me. There is much to learn and to talk about with them all; and, i honestly look forward to all of it getting to know these individuals that come from somewhere so different than here. Oh and other warriors like them out there some maybe fighting already. Who knows, for now, I have quite the day ahead of me and I ought to wake up, Heh I bet Tama is sleeping on me right now knowing her.) I mused to myself letting consciousness wake me.