How could they?

Glamour's POV

"Good morning Dad, good morning mom," I said while placing a gentle kiss on both of their foreheads.

"Good morning honey," mom said while dad also said good morning.

"Are you feeling any much better," mom asked and I nodded before sitting down on a chair beside dad and directly opposite mom.

"Have you eaten breakfast yet," Dad asked and I answered with a short "yes."

I watched as they both silently finished their meals before turning their entire attention to me.

"Glamour, " Dad started to say and then paused, but before he would continue, I knew nothing good comes out if my Dad calls me by my name and the look on his face also confirmed my suspicions.

I thought about escaping or faking to feel dizzy, but I know my parents would only see through my lies.

It was still a shock to me that they couldn't catch on to my lies when I told them I'm getting married to someone they can't meet until the wedding day. Well, the meeting part wasn't a lie, but I had told them I was in love with that person and I wanted to marry him without having to introduce him to them.

"Don't you think it's time for you to start seeing a therapist?" Dad said concern apparent in his words.

I was shocked because I was not expecting him to say that. I looked at mom and she only nodded in agreement and I felt like the walls were closing in on me.

Do my parents also think I'm going crazy, they've never asked me to see a therapist before, and I've been battling with this for as long as I could remember.

"Honey, we are not asking you to do this because we think you're going crazy, it's just that the panics are only getting worse now," mom tries to reason while reaching out her hand to hold mine that was on the table.

I gently pulled my hand away not sure how I feel about this conversation. I remained quiet while staring off into space.

This was not the type of conversation I thought we were going to have and I honestly don't want to have this conversation.

"Baby, you've been going through this for longer than normal, and it only keeps getting worse. Dr Drake says you need to start seeing a therapist to overcome this," mom said again and I looked at dad but he was quiet.

"I can do it without help from any therapist, I can overcome anything on my own, and as my parents, you should have believed in me and not what you were told by anyone," I told them without bothering to hide the hurt from my voice.

"Oh, honey you know we don't believe anyone else over you, but you scared us to death when you passed out for a whole week, you've never stayed that long before, and Dr drake said it would most likely become worst," mom said before adding, "we've already talked to Darhl and he said he could book an appointment for you with one of the famous therapists in San Francisco where you guys would be staying," she finished.

I stared at the both of them, in complete bewilderment how could they, even though they were my parents they have absolutely no right whatsoever to tell something personal about me to someone without asking me how I felt about it.

I felt my view become cloudy as my eyes became filled with tears. I watched them both with a straight face before getting up to leave I was no longer going to stay and continue this conversation not now, and definitely not any day.

"I can't believe you told someone else about this without my consent, don't you think I would have told him about it if I wanted him to know," I said through quivering lips before storming off by not going back to my room.

I couldn't believe my parents would tell my weakness to my enemy, although they don't know he was one, but I don't care it wasn't theirs to tell.

I could only imagine how happy he must have been after finding out about my weakness.

After I stormed out of my parent's dining area, I didn't go back inside my room because I knew I'd feel suffocated after feeling so exposed to what they did. I went directly to the garage and entered into my red tesla wanting to zoom off but then I realized I don't have the key card with me.

I couldn't go back upstairs to go get it, so I was about to go sit behind one of the cars but then I saw that my car was left slightly open.

I went towards it and sat inside it, and started bawling my eyes out. Now I have no idea how I'm going to fight an enemy who owns a weapon they could use against a defenceless me.

I don't know how long I cried for, and I was still crying when I heard a knock on the glass of the car. I raised my head from the stirring wheels where I was resting it and looked out the window through completely soaked eyes to see Hamdi standing by it.

Hamdi probably knows what happened between me and our parents. He always knew where to find me when I was sad. I would always go cry in my car whenever I had a little fight with mom or dad.

When I was a little girl I would go cry in the gardens behind a tree whenever I get scolded and Hamdi had always been the one to find me whenever I hid somewhere to cry.

I opened the door and got out to see his arm spread apart waiting to embrace me.

"Bear hugs," he yelled and that made me smile through my tear-streaked face.

I missed this so much, how he'd just hug me without asking me what was wrong, and how he would always say something to make me smile through my tears.

This was something Hamdi always does whenever I'm feeling down or whenever I was finding things to be hard.

"Who made my munchkin cry," he said in a sing-song voice still hugging me.

I then pulled away slightly to look at him before asking him if he knew about what mom and dad told me.

"Did you know about this," I asked him not repeating the entire conversation we heard because I know they must have discussed it with him.

"Uhh, yeah I was but I was totally against it," Hamdi said and I smiled feeling relieved that I at least have one person on my side.

"I think you're a pretty tough ball, you wouldn't collapse easily, plus I believe you can overcome it by yourself if only you'd try to," Hamdi added after a while.

Listening to what he said made me find the confidence I had lost after listening to what mom and dad had suggested.

"I really wanna go for a ride," I said wanting to get some fresh air.

"Well, lucky for you, because I brought the keys to my car," Hamdi said flashing his key card in my face.

Hamdi also owns a tesla, but his own was a black one, and he always claims his own was faster. We mostly ended up arguing for hours about it, because I knew he couldn't possibly be right since both cars are the same models.

We got into his car and went for a drive through the busy streets of LA.

The windows were all rolled down and I stuck my head out, loving the feel of the air as it whipped my face harshly at how fast we were driving.

It was a Saturday morning so the streets were a bit less busy, unlike the weekdays where cars were all you could see on the roads.

We had taken the road that leads to a county side of the city which was why we were able to drive as fast as we were driving.

The breeze that whipped my face harshly, had completely dried my tears. So all I did was let go of my worries into the air.

Hamdi stopped and packed the car when we arrived at a lake, the silver wood lake before he got out of the car. We had been going so fast that I didn't realize how far we were from home until the car stopped.

I got out of the car before Hamdi and then rushed towards the lake so I could deep my foot in it.

The lake had a few people, some had come for fishing while others were here to just watch the scenery as it gave a serene feeling of some sort.

I watched a boat that was rowing towards us, which had a couple on it. I knew they were a couple because the guy got down on one knee and appears to be proposing to the lady. I watched how she excitedly jumped up, probably wanting to say yes, but they both fell into the lake, causing everyone's attention to be on them.

I almost laughed at them, but I was only reminded of my life's events, and I felt a lone tear roll down my face knowing I would never be able to experience such joy of being in love with someone.

That were the repercussions I have to endure for going to a club, and playing a stupid game.



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