A great news...

Glamour's POV

Maya and Hamdi have a way of making me smile no matter how much I'm sad or feeling down.

Each time I'm with them I kind of forget all about my hardship with the way they always bicker about things that don't make any sense, and how they would just say random stuff just to make me laugh is something I've always loved about them.

Hamdi was the kind of brother everyone would wish for, and also Maya was that one friend anyone would ask for.

Right now as I sat on my bed watching them bicker about something that I don't even understand, I couldn't help but smile at them and imagine what it would be like if they were actually real couples.

Which was why I said what I did next.

"You know you guys would make the most perfect couple right," and they both stopped bickering to look at me before yelling.

"Ew are you suggesting a forbidden relationship between siblings," they both yelled at me at the same time and that made me laugh so hard that my ribcage started to hurt.

When I finally stopped laughing, I looked up at their faces and they both had a what's wrong with me look on their face.

"No, seriously you guys bicker even way more than couples at times," I said again and Hamdi and Maya both looked at each other and both yelled "ew" before looking away, totally condemning the idea.

"Glam, actually I came to give you a surprisingly great news that would completely uplift your mood," Hamdi said and both I and Maya looked at him with excitement in our eyes.

"What's the news," I asked looking expectantly at my brother.

"Well it involves something you totally loved doing, and I promise it would totally make you be in a good mood," Hamdi said with a smile while wiggling his eyebrows like the way he always did when he was feeling proud of himself for doing something nice.

I wanted to roll my eyes at him, but then I didn't I waited patiently to hear what he was going to say.

"You know how you like planning events and decorating places right"? Hamdi asked and I replied with a "yes..." And continued staring at him waiting for him to continue.

"Well, mom wanted to throw a little party to celebrate my graduation..." Hamdi said and then paused making me even more curious to hear the whole news even faster.

"And..." I and Maya both prodded him to continue, but it seems he loved how he's making us so curious to get the whole news so he kept making the sentences a little too long.

"Uhh, well, I might have persuaded them to let you organize the party, since that's your major," Hamdi finally finished after dramatically dragging the whole thing unnecessarily.

Hamdi was right this was a great news and it totally up lifted my mood, because there's nothing I love more than being in charge of things that make others have fun and be happy.

"If you don't want to I can just tell mom to hire someone else," Hamdi said after I remained quiet for a long while.

"What do mean someone else, no way not while I'm still here," I answered back sounding really excited.

I knew organizing the party would completely take my mind off the things that have been bothering me because what better way is there to reduce one's worries than to become busy with doing something you totally love doing right.

"Oh, this sure is great news, we could add it up and make it a celebration for both Hamdi's graduation, and also your wedding reception that we never got to do," Maya said and I felt like she just shot a bullet at me the moment she mentioned my marriage.

I had totally forgotten all about the fact that I was married as we all sat in my room talking like the old times, but then my mood completely went down the moment she mentioned that we should celebrate my wedding.

Did she forget how I got married or was she trying to prove something to Hamdi that was standing in front of us.

I noticed Hamdi starting at me so I quickly tried to say something before he picks up that I do not like hearing about the fact that I was married.

"Wait why didn't you guys have a reception, was it because of your husband; that piece of-" Hamdi wanted to curse him but I quickly jumped up to cover his mouth before saying.

"No, Dee actually it was because of me, I didn't want to have a reception because you weren't around, " I lied to him hoping he'd believe me because I didn't need him to start suspecting that something was wrong, because that would only make things become hectic.

"That's a great idea Maya we can have it all together now that Hamdi was here," I added quickly, even though deep down I felt like smacking some real sense into Maya's head. I swear sometimes she acts like a clueless little girl.

"Well lucky for him I would have gone directly to wherever he was right now to give him a good beating," Hamdi said while flexing his muscles.

And we both smiled. However behind that smile of mine, was a thousand thoughts of how I really don't want Darhl to be at this party, but I know that's impossible now that Maya had brought up having a reception together with the party.

"When is the party going to be," I asked him and then he said it was going to be on Friday, so that means I have six days to plan the event, I better start moving I said before Hamdi left me and Maya alone in my room.

"I swear I was this close to smacking your head when you brought up the reception shit," I said bringing my thumb and Index finger together, making them almost touching each other.

"Ouch, my bad, you're going to end up thanking me when you fall head over heels for Mr hot and handsome some days, so keep blaming me for trying to play cupid and making your wedding more believable to your family," Maya said with a roll of her eyes and that made me glare at her.

"You know that's never going to happen, so get your ass up to let's go shopping and start the preparation," I responded not wanting to start an argument with her.

And we both left the house to go shopping for things that might be the first on the list that we were yet to write...



Guys thank you for your support, and I miraculously didn't catch a cold I'm so glad it's probably your prayers so thank you...

Ah! and I'm dedicating this chapter to @Ash_Stay a great friend whose comments always make my day whenever she leaves them...

Her book is nice also so please do check it out...