
Glamour's POV

I don't know what I'm going to do when I'll have to leave the house, but I didn't want to think about it for now.

I followed Hamdi to the kitchen to sit and watch how he made me the salad I asked. I've always loved watching how he made me meals as I feel like I'm watching some professional chef cooking shows although he could only make a few different dishes, but whatever he made he always made them well.

Watching him quietly, I couldn't help but think to myself how lucky his wife is going to be because he would definitely treat her like a queen.

Hamdi brought out the chicken from the fridge and then looked over towards me "grilled or not," he said wiggling the chicken in his hands, and I just nodded which meant I want it grilled so he proceeded to make the chicken ready for grilling.

I watched how he loaded it into the grill, and I couldn't help but think of the one person who was on my elimination list.

I don't know why I was suddenly thinking about him, and that did nothing but ruin my entire mood right there and I suddenly wasn't feeling the familiar feeling of being loved by watching Hamdi make a meal for me.

A normal person would no longer feel the appetite to eat after the way I felt from thinking about him, but not me, nothing can really stop me from eating unless it was that one time of the month.

"How is the party preparation coming up, " Hamdi asked out of the blue breaking me off my thoughts about the devil himself.

"Fine, I guess," I said not really thinking about the party as the conversations I heard with the devil himself kept replaying inside my head.

I still can't believe I couldn't find the hidden camera and the thought that I'll go back in there to sleep while he watched me didn't make me feel right in any way.

"Hey, what is it again," Hamdi said dropping the knife in his hands and turning his entire attention towards me.

I guess he picked up from my voice that something was bothering me. He had always been able to do that since we were kids.

"I'm just missing him, "I said an obvious lie resisting the urge to grit my teeth, a habit I do whenever I was lying.

" Oh, " was all he could manage out. I don't blame him though, I totally understand why he wouldn't say anything, I'm sure all this still felt kinda new to him and all so I didn't expect him to say much.

I had only said those words because I wanted him to stop asking me what was going on since I couldn't tell him the truth about what I was thinking.

"Shouldn't you call him on the phone if you miss him so much?" he looked towards me with raised eyebrows.

"I just got off the phone with him," I said back which wasn't a lie, and I tried my best not to think back to the nature of the phone call I had with him.

I didn't want to remember the stuff I said to him, and I also don't want to think of the fact that the thoughts of going back to my room, is creeping me out because I'm still so much convinced that he had a camera planted in that room.

I know letting myself dwell on those thoughts was only going to snatch away my only chance to be normal and act normal with Hamdi just like in old times before the devil himself gets back to turn my life into a tornado once he was back.

"Well if that's the case I have no idea what to suggest, however... here's the salad you ordered ma'am, I added your favourite toppings," he smiled broadly placing a bowl of delicious looking chicken salad in front of me.

"I'm gonna miss the meals you make me Dee," I said my voice sounding a little brittle after I took a spoon full bite of my salad.

"And I'm going to miss making you meals Munchkin," Hamdi said pulling one of my cheeks as you'll do to a child.

I'm letting him off the hook since he might never get the chance to do that anymore, because I was sure my life was already down the drain, the moment I leave my parents house, and go live with him in a completely strange environment.

I might have decided to kill him when we move to the house together, however, I knew even if I were to succeed, I still wouldn't remain the same person I once was, and I wouldn't be able to go back to living my normal life...

I finished eating my salad with Hamdi basically just staring at me, and when I was done I suggested that we play a video game before going to bed and he agreed.

We went over to his room and played games until it was the wee hours of the night before we slept. Since it was already late, I didn't go back to my room so I slept in Hamdi's room.


At a few minutes past five, the athaan sounded on Hamdi's phone waking us both up from our sleep.

Hamdi went over to his bathroom to perform wudu before going out of the room, and I also got up from the sofa where I had slept and waddled back to my room before plopping down on my bed and falling asleep again.

I wasn't a morning person, and at times I kept wondering how I would cope with Fajr prayers(morning prayers,) when I become Muslima.

I know it was going to be a challenge for me, and I honestly don't know if I would surely pass that test.


"Wake up Glam!" Maya's loud shrill voice yelled pulling away my warm fuzzy blanket away from my body, baring my body to the harsh cold from my freezing AC.

My whole body instantly curled up when the covers left my body, but my eyes remained closed. I felt so sleepy that I didn't make any move to get up until Maya said something that made my eyes immediately fly open.
