I do own you

Third Persons POV

Glamour looked as if he had just told her he was about to cut off her throat and she couldn't close her mouth for a good whole minute.

"What did you just say?" Her voice was firm and he could hear the slight warning she passed telling him to tread carefully when he answered but all he did was smile at her while thinking to himself just how cute she really looked when angry.

Everything about glamour fascinated him for some reason even though he was never someone who gets easily fascinated.

The way her lips curl ever so slightly and the twitch of her eyebrows each time she was a little bit mad at him made him see her as the cutest person he had ever seen.

Even though he had pretty sure met a lot of ladies over the past few decades, yet no one had ever present to him as this cute.

Her threat earlier on made him smile at the thought the she actually thought a bullet could hurt him, what a naive human girl, he thought.