The dieza witches queen

Third person POV

"Oh, good morning to you too Mr Daniels, isn't it a pleasure," the lady retorted her words laced with pure sarcasm. After walking into the room he just entered.

"Dalila, I'm not here for this, it's urgent," Darhl said calmly and she quickly adjusted her posture.

Dalila was the one person who spoke to Darhl that way without having to face any consequences, she was pretty much around his whole life.

Although she was a witch, she was also a turned vampire. She always says what she liked in front of Darhl, but she knew when not to push her limits.

"Didn't you just meet her a few days ago? Is everything okay?" She asked but Darhl ignored her.

He was only concerned with getting answers and was not here for a chit-chat, and the question Dalila was asking was heading in that direction.