Something in my room

Glamour's POV

"What ever is in there should be the one in need of a weapon," were his words and as always he sounded calm making me wonder if he was not bothered or if he was just trying to act like he wasn't bothered.

I stayed close behind him and when we got to the door I could hear the breathing just like I did a while ago and that made me realize I didn't just imagine the whole thing because I got scared and the way he paused and turned to look at me told me he was also hearing the labored breath.

"stay here," he said firmly as if I was planning to follow him in there in the first place .

When he opened the door I peeked from behind him out of curiosity but he quickly shot the door close after yelling shit!

That made my eyes narrow slightly, what's in there, I wondered but I was too scared to turn the door knob to see whatever was in there.

Banging sounds were all I heard from out here and I couldn't help but fidget around in worry.