
Third person POV

Seated on the dining table after she had run off a minute ago, Darhl only sighed.

At first, he thought she was pretending not to remember when she asked what had happened after she woke up, but later he came to realize she wasn't lying and that made him wonder how comes she forgot.

But now that he sat there as she looked at him horrified while asking him what he was he had reached the conclusion that she was probably too scared to remember what happened, she was human by the way.

He sat there for a moment more before he got up wanting to see where she had run off to even though he had increased the security around the house after what happened because he didn't want the same thing that happened a few days ago to repeat it's self he still wanted to keep her within his eye sight.

He swiftly sped through the whole house in a matter of seconds before finally finding her in the garden on the floor on her knees which made him sigh.