Tuesday’s Discovery

If it was in the past, Raymond would definitely have let Tuesday investigate before going.

However, Raymond had planted this droplet there himself!

There was no need for Tuesday to confirm it.

This was all part of the plan!

Moreover, Tuesday had deliberately said it so that everyone would hear it!

Of course, Raymond would not be bothered to put in every little detail for his facade in front of them.

"Tuesday, according to your calculations, how far is the spaceship?"

In the car, Raymond sat in the front passenger's seat and looked at the robot in the driver's seat.

"It's about 10 kilometers away from the northwest coast. I think we'll need to use that freighter and the Gundam to salvage it."

"Okay, let's investigate it first!"

"Yes, sir."

The shape of the island had started off as irregular, but after years of reclamation, the island had gradually become round.