The Giant Egg

If an alien spaceship was found on Raymond's Island, then the alien matter would be exposed immediately.

However, Chekov didn't care about Raymond.

All that mattered was that he did not commit treason himself, accidentally or otherwise.

After destroying the information, Chekov returned to his desk.

He turned on his computer and opened Raymond's live broadcast room.

Raymond had already reached the coastline.

The coastline of the island was very long.

However, there were no beaches here. The coast was full of gravel and stones.

In some places, there were signs of reclamation.

The lights of the cars shone on the sea. White waves rose like white jasmine.

In a short while, the Gundam had already arrived at the coastline.

The cargo ship in the distance was also slowly approaching.

Before, when Raymond left the island, he had found an aircraft carrier.

However, the aircraft carrier had taken time to arrive.