Chapter 93: The Shocking End of Catastrophe

"It shattered... it was shattered just like that..."

"Apart from causing limited pollution to the air, the shattered asteroids didn't do any harm at all!"

"This is the Cretaceous period! 65 million years ago, an asteroid crashed into Earth!"

"This catastrophe ended like that? ! !"

"Roar! !"

At this moment, Blake's roar resounded throughout the world. Only then did everyone slowly come back to their senses!

"The asteroid shattered. F * CK, F * ck!"

Will Quake could not hold it in any longer. He immediately cursed.

This scene was too shocking beyond the scale of anything they've ever seen.

"Ms. Carol Garcia, has everything been recorded? !"

"We died and escaped! We're alive again!"

Will Quake was overjoyed.

"Amazing, Blake is too amazing!"

Carol Garcia's face was also full of excitement at this time.

"F * ck! F * ck! Oh, my God, oh my God! !"