Chapter 94: An Island from Thin Air

Blake was also happy to replenish the energy in his body and rejuvenate his stigma. He could also increase his evolution points to unlock the king of monsters template. In summary, why not?

Moreover, in these few days, Blake had also communicated with the system to let his underlings evolve together.

The system told him that as long as the king of monsters' template was unlocked to 55% , he could bring his underlings to evolve together!

And now, Blake's King of monsters template has been unlocked to 50% .

He was not far from bringing his underlings to evolve together!

Blake was already looking forward to it. When the time came, he would have his underlinings evolve with him.

How would these humans react?

When Blake thought of this, he could not help but make a few strange grunting sounds.

It was a little funny.

"Eh? What was Blake shouting just now? Look at the expression on its face. Why do I feel Like It's a little funny?"