Chapter 112: Cruiser A1 in Danger!

Although it was 10 o'clock at night in the Pacific Ocean and the entire Pacific Ocean looked calm, it was like the calm before a storm!

"Warning! Warning!"

"Cruiser A1 is being attacked by an unknown creature!"

"Bio-radar can not detect the enemy!"

"All units, please rush to support! ! !"

"I repeat!"

"All units, please rush to support!"

The captain of Miz Miz No. 4 immediately panicked.

He had never seen such a strange situation since he was the captain. How could there be something that could not be detected by radar?

At this moment, his forehead was full of cold sweat.

The Miz Miz 4 aircraft carrier was a collection of all the high-end technology of Japan. If he could not even figure out what was attacking him, that could only mean that the other party's technology was completely superior to theirs.