Chapter 113: When Underlinings are Better at Things than the Boss

On the other side of Behemoth Island, Blake was sitting on the beach, sunbathing.

"Ah, although the benefits of sunbathing are minimal, I have to say, the feeling of being warm all over is really comfortable."

Blake leaned against the cliff next to him, his eyes slightly narrowed. This meant that he was in a relaxed state.

He had just finished eating a few nuclear power furnaces, and his body was constantly absorbing the energy from the nuclear reactor. Although it couldn't be stored in the system all of a sudden, his attributes were increasing all the time.

He even hoped that a few more nuclear-powered aircraft carriers would come over to deliver food to him. At least for the time being, he didn't have to worry about going hungry.

After all, even if he dug up all the resources on Behemoth Island, it wouldn't be enough for him to use up for a few days.