He's Me

When the morning sun shone into the rental house, Lott was like a machine on clockwork.

Lott opened his eyes immediately and rolled over to get up.

Lott brushed his teeth, washed his face, and did some warm-up. He pushed open the door of his rental house. Then, he jogged along the neighborhood.

Lott had this habit for five years.

Every step and every sprint that he took was under the supervision of the system.

Every breath he took was an exercise. Lott was now like a machine.

If he could make himself stronger, he could keep going.

Two hours later, Lott was panting heavily, his back completely wet with sweat.

At this time, the system slowed down his breathing and readjusted Lott's rhythm.

With this kind of exercise, Lott was getting ahead from the life of ordinary people.


Lott returned to his rented house, took a shower, and had breakfast.

Then, he took out his old clothes and put them on.

After five years, not only his temperament but also his figure had also became stronger.

With just a set of ordinary suit, Lott was dressed like a model.

Lott looked at the man in the mirror wearing a white shirt and black trousers.

Lott's eyes gradually became fierce and his aura instantly became gloomy and ruthless.

He no longer looked like the honest office worker from five years ago.

"You forced me to do all of this. You destroyed everything I have, so I'll erase everything you have!"


In the afternoon.

At 15:10 on 21 November 2021.

Lott came to the place where he once protested.

He looked up at a building a few hundred meters tall not far away.

That was the building of the largest financial group in Chicago.

This building was built in the most prosperous area of Chicago.

Everyone who worked here was a well-deserved elite.

Seeing this, Lott's lips curled into a cynical smile.

Back then, he had demonstrated in front of this building.

However, he had been chased out. He thought that his tragic experience could resonate with many people.

However, what greeted him was a cold gaze and an expression as if looking at a clown.

That was right.

How could these "elites" bite their master?

When evil did not fall on their heads, everyone felt neither pain nor itch.

In yesterday's short call, Lott had piqued the other party's curiosity.

He had made an appointment to meet this afternoon at Ica's office in the Chicago Corporation building.

However, he had no intention of entering at all, only standing at the intersection not far from the building.


Time continued to pass.

When it was 15:20, a fleet of Mercedes-Benz appeared at the entrance of the Chicago Corporation building.

At the side of the building, several managers were already waiting at the entrance.

A manager used his hand to block the door frame while using the other to open the door for Ica.

Lott leaned on the building from afar and carefully looked at Ica whom he had met yesterday.

Ica's long and straight legs, fashionable custom-made clothes, and sunglasses made her look cold and aloof.

Surrounded by the crowd, she looked like a blooming narcissus flower.

Lott's eyes also turned from appreciation to indifference. This flower was about to wither in his hands.


As Ica walked into the building, Lott raised his arm and counted the time.

According to the system's prompt, he had determined the location of the other party.

It was 15:30.

"She should've arrived at the office."


"Her assistant will report all of today's schedule."


"She'll cancel all the meetings and guard the phone in front of her just to wait for a call."

This was the agreement between Lott and Ica last night.

Posing as Ian's friend, Lott would tell Ica what he knew at around 4pm.

This was Lott's new plan.

This was a more exciting way to kill someone than smashing her upper body into meat paste.

Lott looked at the time.

At 4pm sharp, Lott took out an old-fashioned cell phone from his pocket.

He dialed the number of the Chicago Corporation. 

After the call got through, Lott posed as Ica's assistant to inform the other party of the day's task.

All the equipment that would be used for cleaning the external walls of the building were gathered on the top floor of the building.

Although the logistics manager was doubtful of the task, he did not dare to say anything.

That was Ica's company.

The fat and middle-aged logistics manager knew very well what kind of person Ica was.

Ica's occasional whim would cause trouble for a large group of people.

Old Ian also doted on his daughter.

So, the logistics manager had no choice. He could only cooperate with the other party since he only came a few times a month to carry out his task.

Although the logistics manager was curious why the call did not come from the front desk but from an unfamiliar cell phone number, as a low-level employee, he did not dare to question the other party's orders.

So, the logistics manager did not think too much about it. He immediately took out his phone to inform the nearby logistics personnel to go to the top floor to carry out cleaning task.

He looked at the clear sky in the distance.

"There shouldn't be any problems today."

The logistics manager took a deep breath and returned to his office.



Lott picked up the phone and called Ica.

After two rings, the call was quickly picked up.

"Hello, are you that mysterious person?

"I thought we were supposed to meet? Why did you change it to a call?"

Ica was a little confused. She knew that in the business world, some sly old foxes would use some tricks to control the rhythm instead.

This was exactly what Lott wanted.

"Miss Ica, this isn't important. What's important is what I tell you, right?"

Lott did not seem to be in a hurry at all. Clearly, the other party did not think so.

"Tell me what happened! Now!"

Ica's tone was very urgent. The wait earlier had made her lose her patience.

"Miss, do you still remember the person who was knocked down by Young Master Ian five years ago?"

Lott's tone on the phone was neither hurried nor slow.

"The person whom he had knocked down five years ago?"

Ian would cause different troubles every year. As his sister, she had wiped his *ss countless times.

For a moment, Ica really could not remember.

"Then, let me give you a reminder.

"Five years ago, the man who always protested in front of the building.

"The man who was given hope by a phone call from you, but was personally crushed by you, and was locked up in Chicago prison."

Lott's tone was very calm as if saying this had nothing to do with him.

On the other side, Ica seemed to have thought of something as her pupils constricted.

She remembered the man that the mysterious man on phone had mentioned.

The man's girlfriend was knocked into a coma by her brother, Ian.

The man did not care about the offers that he was given and instead, came to the company to cause trouble. 

In the end, Ica had set up a trap to lure the other party over.

She had completely played the other party into her hands.

The moment Ica called the police, the man was caught red-handed.

Without any reason, the man was sentenced to five years in prison.

Ica was still very pleased with this matter for a long time because personally playing with other people's emotions was something that gave her a great sense of accomplishment.

However, Ica was a little puzzled.

"Does that trash have the ability to take revenge on Ian?"

Ica's words were filled with arrogance.

It was as if Ica was filled with disdain for the man's revenge.


Lott spat out a mouthful of saliva. His face revealed an incomparably brilliant smile.

This was a completely different state of mind from the helplessness Lott once had experienced.

The system notifications kept refreshing.


[Infuriate Ica.]

"He's not an ordinary person, he's me.

"I'm here for revenge."

Lott said softly.

The air suddenly froze in the Chicago Corporation building.