If You Crawl Over Here, I Can Give You A Way Out

"Are you that beggar who begs everywhere?"

Ica's voice suddenly rose.

In Ica's eyes the man who sought justice everywhere back then was like a beggar who begged everywhere.

The man was akin to a completely worthless low-life who was not even worth being called a human being.

Although she did not want to admit it, Ica was shocked by what Lott had said today.

Ica did not expect this man was that trash she had easily tricked back then.

Now, Lott dared to talk to her like this. The initial shock gradually turned into anger.

"You've already angered me. Now crawl over here. I might even let you live."

Ica's voice carried a hint of threat and even a hint of killing intent.

As a member of the Chicago Corporation, Ica was not an obedient girl. She had long fought in countless business battles and was a ruthless character who had seen blood.

Otherwise, Ica would not have thought of such a vicious plan. This time, she really had the intention to kill.

Lott naturally knew that if he went over now, he would only be treated like a lamb.

He would be easily retaliated by Ica.

This time, Lott was no longer the rookie from five years ago. Hence, he completely ignored her threats.

Lott first looked up at Chicago Corporation building. He made sure that the cleaning equipment was in place. Then, he continued to provoke the other party.

"I was the one who did that to Ian. I was also the person in the surveillance footage last night.

"I think you also feel some of my pain."

Lott's heart was filled with calmness.

However, his tone was a little hurried. He wanted to express the joy of revenge to provoke the other party.

This lady, Ica, was born with a hot temper. She liked to torture her subordinates.

Naturally, she could not withstand such provocation from Lott.

However, Ica was different from her younger brother. She had extraordinary talents in other aspects.

Although she was enraged now, Ica knew in her heart that the more she acted like this, the more she would fall into the other party's trap.

Although she did not know why, Ica's subconscious told her that she could not be led by the nose like this.

"What are you trying to do?" Ica suppressed her anger and asked.

"Did you contact me to tell me this?

"Tell me your purpose! Who is backing you up?"

Ica naturally knew that the person who was able to plan to kill the successor of the Chicago Corporation was definitely not any easy person.

It was obviously the support of a huge interest group that had targeted the Chicago Corporation.

This was the reason why Ica was willing to keep in contact with the other party.

Otherwise, based on her temper, Ica would have hung up long ago.

As the eldest daughter of the Chicago Corporation, when had she ever suffered such humiliation and anger?

Lott looked at the feedback from the system. He could not help but smile.

The other party was trying her best not to fall into Lott's trap, just like how he had been careful not to fall into someone else's trap five years ago.

However, was it useful?

Seize your weakness and toy around with your hope.

Was not this exactly what Ica had done before?

"Do you know why Ian didn't die?"

Lott's tone was cruel and a little mocking.

"I had countless opportunities to end his life, but I still let him live.

"Just to let him see the tragedy he caused with his own eyes.

"You're the cancer of Chicago. I'm the messenger sent by God to eradicate you!"

"Lunatic! You're really a f*cking lunatic!"

Ica immediately hung up the phone.

She wanted to know the organization behind the other party. However, it was clear that Lott's words had thoroughly infuriated her.

In Ica's office, the atmosphere was somewhat tense. Her exquisite facial features gradually twisted and became ferocious.

Ica wanted nothing more than to make Lott miserable.

Lott's system notification was continuously displaying new messages.

"16:19:48, Ica takes out a pistol from the right-hand drawer..."

"16:20:18, Ica grabs the pistol and puts it in her pocket."

"16:20:19, the other party decided to kill you today at all costs."


Lines of information kept flashing before Lott's eyes.

It was as if everything could not escape the system's calculations.

Lott did not even meet Ica, who was the head of a multi-billion-dollar corporation like the Chicago Corporation.

"At 16:21:01, Ica goes downstairs to look for you."

"At 16:21:02, she wants to continue the call and confirm your location."

At this time, several options appeared before Lott's eyes.

Each option would have a different result.

It was less than five minutes before Ica could reach downstairs.

Lott calmly walked to the opposite side of the Chicago Corporation building.

When Lott passed by Ica's car, he took out a transparent plastic bag with a pencil from his pocket.

There was only a "pa" sound.

Lott, who had sharpened the wooden pencil, placed it on the roof of the car.

After he did all this, the time was exactly 16:22:00.

Lott easily walked to the side of the building and hid again. Next, he just had to wait for fate to take its course.

At this time, Ica was traveling in her own private elevator.

Ica had a faint sense of danger in her heart. However, she did not know where the danger came from.

Ica had already called her bodyguards. Her 18 bodyguards were all able-bodied ex-special forces.

Taking down an ordinary person like Lott could be said to be effortless.

With this thought, Ica's heart could not help but calm down. In her heart, she already began to imagine how she would torture the b*stard who had hurt her brother.

Also, the man's fiancée. She was also a sl*t. If only she was killed in the accident but she was still alive.

Why not just kill her?

Ica, whose thoughts were completely occupied by rage, already thought of dozens of tortures.

These were all the tortures Ica had inflicted on those who had disobeyed her. It was not surprising that everyone in the organization was afraid of her.

Not only was Ica vicious, but she also had a cold-blooded temperament. She was like a venomous python. You did not know when she would attack and kill you.

Just as Ica was thinking about how to torture the other party, she suddenly frowned.

She saw a pencil on her car.

She stood outside the car door.

She looked at the "pencil" that she felt familiar with.

Right above her car, on the outer wall of the Chicago Corporation building, the special equipment for cleaning the outer wall was gathered.

All the equipment was installed and ready for work.

At this moment, a sudden air current appeared above the Chicago Corporation building.

The cleaning equipment shook rapidly.

Just when everyone was worried about the safety of the equipment, the rope that held the equipment in place began to shake violently.

Suddenly, one of the ropes began to break.