Chapter 1 How it began

You know in movies people tell that before dying you see your whole life flashing before your eyes?

Well, that's bullshit, how can I say it's bullshit? That's pretty easy because I just got my brain pierced by a bullet, no life flashes, no sad moments, no hero here to save me, just pieces of brain flying, blood falling, and eyes coming out of their sockets.

And then it hit me, how am I able to think?

Before anyone could react everything reversed back to its place, the brain reconstructed, the bones and muscles regenerated, the blood returned to my veins, the eyes popped back into their place, and some of the blood and brain remained on the ground but in just a second it had evaporated leaving behind only some smoke.

I stayed there, my eyes staring at the same place where I had seen my brain scatter in pieces a few seconds prior.

My stunned state gets interrupted by a bullet hitting me on my leg, previously I had felt no pain since the bullet had supposedly killed me, but this time? It fucking burned.

I felt my whole leg being cooked from the inside, but just for an instant as if they had their own conscience, the muscles in my leg pushed the bullet out of my leg and then regenerated in less than a second.

Not wanting to get shot another time by another goon, I start running away from the area, my speed unknowingly becoming faster and faster, my muscles adapting, my lunges expanding, and my stamina becoming a bottomless well from where I could get energy endlessly.

After I don't know how long I finally stopped running, my body not feeling even an ounce of exhaustion, my brain slowly calming and recollecting what the fuck just happened.

And it all came to one single conclusion.

' I have powers.'

Good side, I have Superpowers

Bad side, I have Superpowers.

Am I a mutant? A meta-human? A magical being? Will get hunted for being like this? Do I have to become a hero? What the fuck am I supposed?

Before my panic could raise even more I slapped myself and recollected my thoughts.

'Ok first, if someone had seen me they would have already tried to get me or at least stop m from escaping, for now, I only need to get home.'

I had run for quite a distance, but thanks to my apparently ever-adapting muscles my speed was skyrocketing with every step I took, before this whole accident, I had a below-average running speed, but now? I could easily compete for the golden school in a national race, has this something to do with my powers? Who am I kidding, of course, it has to do with them.

It took me 10 minutes to arrive home, shouts coming from inside the house.

I reach the door and open it with my keys, as I unlocked the door the shouts stopped and fast steps came from the kitchen.

With a speed no Grandma should have, she arrives right in front of me and hugged me with enough strength to suffocate me, her face covered in tears and a smile adorning it.

By the time the hug had stopped hurting, she releases me and began speaking.

" Are you all right? Where have you been? Do you have any idea how worried I was? Is your phone just for decoration?" She began filling my ears with questions.

'Shit, I should have called, I completely forgot.'

" Why what happened? I had my notifications off so I didn't hear it."

" Near your school, a villain attack has happened, that's what happened, didn't you see it?" She asked

" No, I decided to take the longer route this time to relax a bit."

She sighs while distancing a little and massaging her temples.

" Nevermind, the only important thing is that you are fine, have you eaten?"

" Yeah." I lied, at the moment I didn't have the energy to eat anything.

" Then just go to your room and relax a bit." She said while heading to the kitchen and sitting on the table to dry the tears on her face.

Seeing the only member of my family left in this state me feel like a piece of shit, but telling her the truth would only worsen the situation, hey grandma I died and then came back to life, an heart attack would be the best situation.

I head to my room, left the old school bag on the floor, and drop my body on the bed, my mind too tired to even care about the still-present bullet hole in my pants.

In just a few seconds my mind drifted to the world of dreams.




"You're right, we are mortal and fragile. But even if we are tortured or wounded, we'll fight to survive. You should feel the pain we feel and understand. I am the messenger that will deliver you to that pain and understanding."




"God spares no salvation to those who would beg for it. Nor is he merciful to those who would beseech his benevolence. These petty requests are no invocation to god. They are your death."




"Against all the evil that Hell can conjure, all the wickedness that mankind can produce, we will send unto them... only you. Rip and tear, until it is done."




And I woke up, my mind feeling like it had just been split in two, my muscles aching, my eyes feeling as if pierced by needles, the right side of my chest burning.

Without thinking I headed for the bathroom and entered the shower with my clothes, the feeling of the cold water against my body made me slowly relax and calm down.

By the time I was able to think straight again I had gotten out of the shower and removed my clothes to put them away, only to notice it.

My hair had gotten darker, they already were dark, but they were even darker, my eyes had gained a dark red hue, my teeth had gotten sharper, but most importantly, a tattoo had appeared on my chest.

'What the fuck is going on?'