~A good friend will ways stab you in the front~



"Oh God no." Maya groaned out in pain as she laid flat on the cold tiles of the girl's restroom, stretching her limbs. We were dressing up for classes after taking cold showers to soothe our aching muscles from the high-intensity gym workout. I couldn't help but laugh my heart out at Maya's weird position on the floor, for she was literally folded into two.

"Dramatic much." Severina taunted.

"Bitchy much." She retaliated.

Oh boy, not again.

"And we are back to square one," Miskha mumbled.

Severina immediately lunged forward but Miskha held her down.

"You dumb...

"Girls not now please." Sophia intervened.

I wonder when they'll learn to grow up.

"Me? Don't blame me, Sophia, if only this slu...

"Severina cut it out please." Malu chimed, but one glare was enough to shut her up.

"You don't understand English do you?" Severina snapped.

"Technically no because I'm Albanian by birth and...

"Save it." She cut in.

"Seriously Rina, no offence but I'm afraid your eyes might get stuck at one place. You put roller coasters to shame." Sophia joked, trying to lighten the mood. Always the peacemaker.

Instead of throwing in a witty remark like I expected her to, Severina only rolled her eyes in a much more provocative manner and stormed out of the restroom. But of course, not before tossing us the middle finger, typical.

"Phina as tempting as it's watching y'all goof around, we're ten minutes late for Ecology and God help us if Mr Kenneth will fall for our excuses again." Maya cautioned the same time we made a beeline for the exit.

I lead the way to the classroom, followed by the girls and just like any other day, we managed to grab everyone's attention.

"Miss Del Varia and the crew, late again." I looked at the middle-aged lecturer and opened my mouth to justify our actions but I found myself at a loss for words. Just when I thought I couldn't handle any more embarrassment, Mr Kenneth raised a finger as a gesture of indicating he had had enough.

"We are sorry Mr Kenneth. The showers had a slight malfunction so We'd to wait for the janitor to fix them, who at the time was rather occupied and since we couldn't come to class all sweaty and stenchy, We'd no other choice but to wait. Hence the reason for our lateness." Sophia smoothly lied, way too smooth.

Miskha was almost at the edge of losing it but I gave her a warning glance. Sophia lied to save our asses after all. The least we could do was play along if we don't want to get busted anyway.

" Didn't the chancellor hire a plumber?" He inquired.

"Yes he did but he's currently on leave because his wife is heavily pregnant and the baby is bound to arrive on any day." Another lie.

Sophia is a legend. I couldn't lie this way to save my life.

"I see." Mr Kenneth hummed, looking very doubtful but then later shrugged and hopped off the desk.


"Yeah but I assure you it won't happen again, sir. I'll make sure of it."  Lie.

The middle-aged man looked at each of our faces with pure skepticism until he finally nodded and gestured for us to take our seats.

"Thank you, sir." He only nodded in response to my gratitude.

"I swear Soph if we didn't have you in our lives we would've been dropouts. I swear on..."

"Shhhh get going already." Miskha interrupted an annoyed-looking Malu.

"Why do y'all keep cutting me off mid-sentence." Malu sighed in frustration as she crossed her legs on her seat.

"Because you always open your mouth at the wrong time." Severina bit out.

"Blame the brain Severina, not the mouth. The brain lack cells which are to specifically coordinate her mouth to open at the right time." Tanasha, one of our coursemates said from behind Kabia.

"You just had to relate everything to science." Kabia scoffed.

"Lol, don't hate the player. Hate the game." She responded with a sly grin.

I don't like her for some reason. she was too arrogant.

"What has that got to do with this?" Severina raised a quizzical brow. However, before Tanasha had the chance to utter a reply, an uninvited guest meddled in our conversation.

"The queen bee and the walkers. You do realise that this a class and not a flea market right?" A familiar voice snickered from behind me.

"I'll kill a bitch before completing university I swear." Maya gritted out.

I turned in my seat and gave my full attention to my number one hater on campus, the girl who'll kill me for a cent.

"You just can't survive a day without trying to talk to me can you? I know I'm irresistible and all but don't you think you are getting a little pathetic and desperate." I smirked in satisfaction when her face morphed into a frown.

Zara or whatever she calls herself and I are arch enemies. We hate each other's guts so much and funny considering we were once best friends but that relationship was tossed out through the window when I found out in the hardest way that she'd been into it with my boyfriend, now ex. But thank God Maya came to the rescue.

Maya and I had been neighbours since forever but we've never interacted since they moved in until my sophomore year. Our parents, however, took it upon themselves to get to know one another and surprisingly they bonded so easily. Unlike us, who barely spared each other a glance during such occasions. I used to see Maya as that kinda spoilt brat who puts herself on top of the world but thinking back now, I felt so awful for judging her so quickly without even attempting to know her.

Maya stood there for me when the rest of the world left. She gave me a shoulder to cry on when I had none. She helped me face my fears rather than running away from them. Most importantly,  she helped me learn to appreciate myself under the scornful eyes of society. I could never repay her but the least I could do to return the favour is to be by her side for eternity.

" Earth to Seraphina!."

I jumped in my seat and placed a hand over my pounding heart.

"Was the shouting necessary?" I gave Severina a  dirty look.

"In this case yes, because we've been trying to teleport you to the human planet for over five minutes." Malu defended.

I sighed and closed my eyes before opening them again. I didn't even realise it was lunch break.

"I really must've zoned out." I yawned.

"More like daydreaming about Enrique." Miskha cooed. I couldn't fight the smile that crept on my lips.

"Love fuck." Severina scoffed.

I stuck my tongue out at her and ran straight to the cafeteria, my favourite place on campus. The sweet aroma of delicious goodness wafted through my nostrils the moment I pushed opened the huge double doors. This place often engulfs me in a calming sensation.

I joined the never-ending queue and got my usual before making my way towards our table by the window. I sat down and sighed in content, opening the huge window which outlooked to the gigantic football field. I was so lost taking in the beautiful view that I almost missed a finger picking up my spinach. I reacted almost spontaneously and picked my fork, aiming straight for their picky fingers but unfortunately, they were quicker than I thought them to be.

"Meanie." Kabia mocked.

"What the heck k. I told you, not the food." I whispered, trying not to draw unwanted attention.

"I was hungry."

"Well go get yours puto," Bia remarked, flopping down on the seat opposite mine.

Soon everyone joined and suddenly I started feeling suffocated. I was claustrophobic.

"Phina, you wanna exchange seats," Maya asked but she'd already gotten up. She knew my needs without me having to voice them out, and that's what we call a best friend. I silently thanked her and took her seat, which was right by the window.

"Enrique, two o'clock, Phina." Malu nudged my shoulders. I lifted my gaze to striking blue orbs staring straight into my soul. I felt my cheeks heating up as I hid my face behind my hair. Trust him to make me feel all giddy in seconds.

Enrique Romano is my boyfriend of two years. He along with Maya helped me through my emotional breakdowns after the issue with my ex-boyfriend and best friend. He's my can't live without and I'll be damned if I'll let any bitch take him away from me.

"Come over." He mouthed.

"I can't." I shook my head, gesturing towards my chattering friends.

He rolled his eyes and facepalmed.

"So, come with them." He shrugged.

I turned towards my friends, trying to get their attention but this proved harder than coordinate geometry.

"Guys!" I slammed my hands on the table, startling half of the cafeteria but I couldn't care less.

"Now that you're with me, Enrique said to go over to his...

Miskha was already seated at the guys' table before I had the chance to complete my statement, the rest following suit. Typical fangirls.

" You coming?" I cast a questioning glance towards Severina, who was calmly seated with her long legs propped up on the table and air pods in. She briefly stared at me before going back to whatever she was doing.

"Do I look like I do boring?" She scoffed.

"Just a question Rina."

"No." She flat out denied without a hint of hesitation.

"Your choice." I shrugged and left. There was already an empty chair being set for me beside Enrique with a soft cushion on it. Just how I love it.

"Rique." I greeted,  kissing him on the cheek.

"Really? we're back to the first name basis again." He mused.

"Why did you remove your ear piercing?"

Having caught onto my plan to change the subject, Enrique rolled his eyes and continued sipping his coffee as though I didn't even exist. Prick. He was fighting a small smile threatening to appear on his face. He knew how much I hated being ignored.

I was about to say something rude to him until Madeline's hippo-sized mouth interjected.

"Still on the low-calorie diet Seraphina."

Keep calm Seraphina. Breath in and out.

"Still not done learning how to mind your business Madeline," I smirked.

"You're damaging your health in the name of achieving beauty."

"Really? how? Because last I checked your highest score in health class was below average."

Enrique choked on his drink and Maya just covered her mouth with a hand.

"You don't need school education to know most stuff in health. The media itself is enough to teach you all that's necessary." She confidently stated.

"So you mean to say those who teach health stuff on the media learnt it from the mall?"

"Babe, please. Maddy, have shame for once." Enrique chimed in while rubbing my shoulders in a comforting manner.

"Why are you always on her side. She's calling me stupid and no one said shit." She shrieked, causing everyone to wince from the loudness.

"So apparently stating facts is an issue in this century?" Maya snorted.

"For real though. You've all been nothing but mean to Madeline, Seraphina especially." Lisa chastised.

Now, who talked to the bitch.

"And this was what I meant when I said the tail will never betray the head." Kabia sighed.

"I would've responded to that but you ain't worth it." Lisa hissed.

"And yet you still responded.  I wonder how you managed to find your way into senior year with such a brain." Kabia clapped back.

"Y'all are so childish I swear." Ace countered.

"You see Seraphina not everything in this world revolves around beauty, not that I expected you to know. You know it crushes me knowing that there are girls out there who look up to you. If anything, you are just a string of wire in human form and I'd rather die than envy someone who counts every single calorie they consume."

The place succumbed to dead repose after Madeline's outburst. Everyone expectantly looked at me, waiting for my reaction but I only smiled. Facts, her words struck a nerve but I wasn't going to show it. I don't want to give her the satisfaction that she'd won. Since she wanted fire, I'll gladly give her a volcano.

"You're right Madeline and I appreciate that you're being truthful for once."

"Oh please as If yo...

" I'm not finished." I cut her short with a raised finger.

"It's also true that I'm nobody to be envied. I'm nobody other than an ordinary girl like you and others. There are thousands of girls out there way prettier and sexier than I am. So yes, I am no one to be envied, but you know Madeline, if I were you, rather than sitting down and making it my sole responsibility to point out people's flaws, I'll be dedicating all that time to the gym, trying to get rid of those unwanted curves."

Another pin-drop silence engulfed the cafeteria yet again. All eyes were on our table and Madeline was visibly shaking in anger, quivering lips and all. I'll give a damn next century.

"Woah." Kabia was the first to break the silence and as if possessed, everyone went off into a laughing spree. Tears uncontrollably rained down Madeline's cheeks and I almost felt bad for her. The keyword being almost. She asked for it.

"That's my girl." Enrique raised his hand and I proudly gave him a high-five. We are petty, that much was obvious.

I stood up and leaned on the table facing Madeline with a vicious look.

" I would've said sorry Madeline but that'll be sinning because I'm not. See you when I see you." I winked at her and majestically walked my way out of the cafeteria, followed by my teammates as it was less than ten minutes until volleyball.

I've never been one to feel comfortable with being bitchy but for some odd reason, I felt satisfyingly pleasant with my comeback. The rational part of me, however, still held an ounce of guilt but I pushed it to the back of my mind to be dealt with another time.


"oh my God, I felt like I hit a jackpot when I saw the first tear escape her eye."

"I know right. I was like what the fuck? Madeline crying?"

"Girl it's the comeback for me, Seraphina hit pretty hard though."

"Tell me about it. I felt bad for her."

"Yeah, Seraphina was kinda mean. No one deserves to be body-shamed like that, especially in public."

I was having mixed emotions as I sat on the toilet seat in the girls' locker room eavesdropping on the conversation of students I couldn't make out. I leaned my head on the door and waited until they left before exhaling.

"Phina." Miskha softly called out.

"Yeah, I heard them."

"How do you feel?"

"That's the thing Miskha, I don't know how I feel." I was on the brink of tears.

" It's okay. You don't have to feel bad. Madeline's been a bitch for as long as I could remember and it's about damn time she gets put to her place."

"I don't know anymore Miskha."

"Stop beating yourself up about this stupid thing Phina. Madeline deserves it, for she's done way worst. Remember Chelsea? Why do you think she left the state."

"Yeah, your right."

"Then get your ass out and flush this stupid guilt down the toilet. Always remember she deserved it."

"Thanks, Miskha. You're the best." I sniffed, wiping my blotched nose.

"Bitch you better not be crying." She scolded in what she thinks was a threatening voice but instead sounded like a dying squirrel.

I flushed the toilet and went out of the small cabin.

"So you were crying."

"Couldn't help it." I shrugged. She wrapped her arm around my shoulders.

"You've got a clean heart."

"And so do you."

"Yeah right." She scoffed, making me lowly chuckle.

"C'mon, C'mon don't wanna keep Harrison number two waiting now do we?" I laughed at her name for our volleyball coach as we jogged our way to the huge court.

"Were you two constipated or something?" Mrs Wilson frowned.

"Sorry, plumbing issues." I apologized.

"Yeah that seemed to be the trend lately, now get your asses on the court."

I lowly chuckled and took my position on the court, letting myself lost in the game which makes me whole.


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