~To go too far is as bad as to fall apart~

"45,46,47,48,49...beeeeeep." my legs bucked under me and I hit my head hard.
"Jesus Tiffany, you nearly killed me." I winced, rubbing my now sore head.
"That was the intention." I glared at the intruder who was none other than my little sister leaned casually against the door frame with a whistle in one hand.
She strode over to my bed and flopped down, sighing in content. Talk about confidence.
Tiffany was the youngest in the family. Fifteen, with dark pin-straight hair, flowing down to narrow hips. Overall she's stunning and often referred to as the family's gem. At such a tender age, she effortless managed to sweep college guys off their feet. What more of when she turned eighteen?
"So what do you think?" Tiffany expectantly looked at me. Think what?
I widened my eyes at the realisation that I must've zoned out on her.
"Um sure, that's a great idea." I blabbered. The horrified expression on her face was priceless.
"So apparently Zach hitting me with a football on my stomach is a great idea, right? How generous of you." Sarcasm dripped down her voice.
"And here I thought you were going to say something Important. " I hid my face under a pillow with the hope of driving her away but seemed like she'd other plans for I felt my already sore head connect with a huge teddy bear. I squealed and jumped off the bed.
"Tiff, not the head please."
"Would you listen to me?" She raised the teddy above her head, ready to strike again.
"Fine, fine, you win. I'll listen to you for as long as you want. Just put the teddy away."
"Aww, that's so sweet of you, on the bed now." She ordered and I found myself complying. I have a sensitive body, okay, so don't judge.
"So I was saying, Zach.
"Zach this, Zach that, Zach, Zach, Zach, don't you both get tired of this routine. I know y'all childish as whack but one of you have to grow the fuck up. "
"And what do you know about growing up."
"While you were growing up, I used to wipe you...
"Anyways breakfast is in twenty. See you downstairs." She interrupted and left, knowing what I was about to say. She should've stayed and I'll gladly narrate her toddler days.
I skipped to the bathroom and after a long relaxing shower, towel-dried myself and rummaged my closet for a suitable outfit. I ended up settling for a sleeveless white tank top, spandex pants and black Vans. I straightened my hair and tucked the loose strands behind my ears. For the finishing touches, I went with nude lips and Dior perfume before taking a once over in front of my ceiling to floor mirror. I grinned in satisfaction and descended the stairs to the huge dining room, greeted everyone and sat beside my dad.
"Slept well kiddo?" He nudged my shoulder.
"Yes, dad." I smiled and pecked his cheek.
"Gross." Asher gagged.
"Hello to you too big bro."
He stuck his tongue out and continued stuffing his mouth with food. Very mature.
"Asher! I told you not to speak with food in your mouth. It's unhealthy and bottom line disgusting." My gaze lifted to the source of that authoritative voice and it was then that I acknowledged the presence of my mother. The woman I always find myself questioning if she gave birth to me.
"Sorry, mom." Asher apologised.
"For yourself." She crudely retorted.
Dad gave me a look. An all too familiar one. I rolled my eyes and sighed in defeat, knowing exactly what he wanted.
"Mom." I curtly nodded in her direction and as usual, she played deaf and instead focused on removing the non-existent knots in her hair. Bitch.
"I'm running late. Have you seen my maroon lipstick?" She asked to no one in particular, fumbling through her clutch.
"Ask your vanity. I'm sure it beholds the answer to that question., Severina responded. The look on Dad's face was to die for. While Tiffany choked on her food, Asher continues stuffing his mouth with more salad shreds.
Mom blankly stared at Severina but remained silent.
"Tiffany, make sure you drink your protein shake. Asher, please don't snack in between meals and you, meet me at the studio tomorrow by ten am." The last part was directed towards me.
"I can't come I hav...
"I don't care, ten o'clock sharp. Bye honey." She pecked dad and sped-walked out the door, her waist-length dark hair swaying behind.
"Had she always been this bitchy?" Tiffany started.
"She's your mother Tiffany," Dad affirmed in a stern voice.
"Point of correction, Asher and Phina's mother."
"Why do I feel like she respects Severina the most." Asher looked deep in thought. I chuckled and gulped down my gluten-free orange drink.
"Duh, who likes hell?" Tiffany snickered, raising her arms in surrender when Dad scowled at her.
"Right Severina?" Tiffany mused but was only responded with stony silence.
"Life goes on." Asher laughed.
"Later kids. I'm needed at the company." Dad informed, leaving shortly after.
We were all alone in the huge mansion. Severina, Tiffany and I exchanged knowing looks, wiggling our eyebrows at Asher but he wasn't buying it.
"Uh uh, not today, that won't work on me anymore. It's my turn and I've already informed the guys by the way."
Our faces visibly fell.
"Which means Ace will be coming too right?" Tiffany squealed, almost bouncing on her toes.
"Yes, but you'll be studying in your room." Big brother instincts kicking in.
"Reason I did all my assignments and studies on time. This way I could have enough time with Ace." Her lips stretched into a wide grin.
What does a fifteen-year-old want with a grown-ass college guy?
There's no such term as 'kids' these days. I'm telling you facts.
"You're fifteen Tiff," Severina exclaimed.
"And I think Ace has a girlfriend?"
"He doesn't and even if he does, I don't care."
"You're staying in your room, end of discussion." Asher dismissed.
"That's not fair," She whined and stormed upstairs.
"When are the guys coming over?" Severina asked, laying tummy-flat on the leather couch.
"In eight hours," Asher answered, typing away on his phone.
"Don't you think we should invite the girls too? You know, to make it more fun?"
"Yeah sure, go ahead." Asher nodded.
I took my phone from the couch and quickly informed them. We've got the entire house to ourselves so why not make the best out of this rare opportunity.
At exactly eight pm, the boys arrived and the girls followed shortly after. We occupied the huge living room, chatting about random things and having the time of our lives. This was always the routine on weekends. We gather at one person's place and have a little get together. Every weekend it's at a different person's place and we were the hosts this time around.
" Bro it's the slip for me. He nearly faces planted on the ground." Leila cackled, clutching her stomach.
We were recalling some of our good old memories together and Caleb wasn't so lucky.
" One question bro. Just how, how did you manage to slip on a grass? A grass Caleb? Not a tile or plank, a grass bro?!"
Disbelieve was prominent on Nathan's face.
"Fuck off," Caleb muttered.
"Y'all talking about Caleb yeah, let's not forget that one-time Lalia thought whipped cream was hair relaxer." Leila declared and the horrified expression on Lalia's face sent me over the edge.
"This is not fair." Lalia huffed, her cheeks flaming in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry sis but imma snitch on you too."
I gave Asher a pointed look and discreetly shook my head. He wouldn't dare.
"Oh no, you won't." I gritted out.
"Oh yes, I'll." He sheepishly grinned. I'm doomed.
Maya was already laughing so hard for she already knew what Asher meant.
" It was on a bright sunny day."
"Ash please." I pleaded with my best doe eyes but he wasn't falling for it.
"I'm loving this already," Caleb smirked.
"Dude don't do my girl like this." Enrique mused.
"Fine Seraphina in all her glory majestically descended the stairs. Her dress was magnificent and she looked absolutely breathtaking."
The suspense in the room was so thick that a knife could penetrate through it, not to mention the impatience and anticipation on everyone's face.
"Until what bitch." Malu prompted.
"Until the pungent smell of mosquito repellent filled the air." He finished.
My face was already buried under a huge cushion. I felt like disappearing.
"Oh my."
"She didn't ."
"Hell yeah, she did," Maya confirmed. What a best friend.
"Phina darling, show your face. Don't be shy now honey." Kabia imitated in a feminine voice. My face was eventually forced out from under the cushion and all it took was one defeated look from me to have my friends losing it.
"Sorry." Maya mouthed. I gave her a dirty look and averted my gaze.
"Wasn't there a perfume," Nathan asked?
"I was twelve." I defended.
"My six-year-old sister can tell the difference between Gucci and vogue perfume," Sophia argued.
"Whatever," I muttered in annoyance.
"Karma is a bitch. Just minutes ago you were having fun laughing at Caleb." Miskha countered.
"Can we like do something more fun and mature? This is bullshit." A high-pitched voice shrieked.
Thanks to Caleb for Madeline's presence in the room. Why move with someone who hates your guts?
"Bitch here isn't you...
"And what's your version of fun?" I asked, interrupting Maya.
"I don't know. Maybe truth or dare or something. Just anything better than this crappy excuse of fun."
"Truth or dare? Seriously? That's what my sister in elementary school said they played the previous day." Miskha taunted.
"Is it possible for girls to stay together for less than an hour without wanting to decapitate one another?" Ace teased.
"It's fine, we'll do it."
"Seriously Phina y...
"I said it's fine Leila."
"Perfect, truth or dare it's then." She'd no idea what she was signing up for. I'll torment her to the last hour.
The coffee table was moved and we all sat on the velvet red mat in a circle. Severina placed an empty beer bottle at the centre.
I looked at Madeline and gestured towards the bottle. She spun it and much to her disappointment, it landed on Caleb who couldn't hide his smile. If only he knew.
"Truth or dare?" She asked in a bored tone.
"Dare, obvs."
"Perfect. I dare you not to ever speak to me again."
Caleb's face instantly fell while Madeline's face morphed into a sickly sweet fake smile. Hurt was prominent in Caleb's features and he tried so hard to mask it but it was inevitable.
It was clear to everyone that Caleb has a thing for Madeline. Unfortunately, she didn't return the feelings as she never hid her lack of interest in him. Caleb on the other hand I assumed was so whipped to notice this. Either he was pretending or in total denial.
"Why Madeline?" He looked so dejected.
"Because I feel like it, Caleb. Your turn." She yawned.
Caleb nodded and spun the bottle. Bia was the beholder this round.
"Truth or dare Latina?"
"Truth," Bia answered in her thick accent.
"What's that one thing you always wanted?"
"A loving partner."
Bia spun the bottle and it landed on Madeline again. She threw Bia an annoyed look and frowned.
"Truth or dare Madeline?"
"Truth." She answered in the same monotone she used on Caleb.
"Do you have siblings?"
Wrong question Bia.
"It's none of your business but for the sake of the game, yes I do."
Madeline spun the bottle and to her utmost luck, it landed directly on me. Like a bolt of lightning, her face lit up and she drew closer to the circle. Pathetic.
"Truth or dare Seraphina?" The brunette could barely contain her excitement. I smirked and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"Boring. Anyway, how do you feel seeing your ex-best friend and ex-boyfriend having the time of their lives on campus while you're left alone to deal with your broken heart?"
Temptation, fucking temptation. A volcano was about to erupt inside me and I've no intention of stopping it. The girl was testing my patience and she's on the verge of success. Enrique circled his strong arm around my waist and kissed my temple in a comforting manner but I was already gone.
"Guys I think we should stop. This isn't going well." Miskha mumbled.
"Hell no. Seraphina's angry and all of a sudden the game has to stop. Who the fuck's she? fucking princess of the Emirates?"
I was looking all calm and collected outside but there was a raging fire within me.
"Madeline please," Asher warned.
"No. I'm waiting Seraphina, or are you scared of breaking down aga...
" Oh that's fine Asher, I'll answer it."
Madeline spotted a victorious smirk, thinking she'd the crown's successor. Not on my watch.
"You know Madeline that's a good question. In fact, the best you've ever asked in twenty-three years." I winked.
She frowned and clenched her jaw. I haven't responded yet and the girl's already getting all red.
"I'll admit I've had a messy past but hey I'm so grateful for having friends who stood by me at my worst. Most importantly, I'm so glad I didn't end up doing stupid shit like sleeping with my stepfather."
Gasps of shock took over the spacious room and for a moment everyone appeared shell-shocked.
"What the fuck did you just say?" Madeline asked in a dangerously low tone, her eyes narrowing to slits.
"I don't remember speaking dutch either." I shrugged, admiring my nails.
"Who the fuck told you this?"
I yawned and lazily shook my head.
"I don't know but friendly advice, be cautious with the people around you. No offense but I won't want to be friends with someone who'll do anything for money."
Madeline's face was no redder than blended cherries. Her fury's the least of my minor issues though.
"You bitch!" She lunged forward but Caleb caught her by the waist before her clawed hands could make contact with my body.
"Get her the fuck out of here." Asher barked.
"You fucking bitch! I'll kill you!"
Madeline yelled, thrashing in Caleb's arms. At some point, she broke free but before she could lunge any closer, Severina landed a hard punch on her face, sending her crashing on the floor.
I gasped and covered my mouth.
"You broke my fucking nose." She cried bloodied teeth on the display. Now I didn't mean to laugh but the sight was so impossible to look at and not lose it.
Caleb eventually managed to get them out.
"And that, ladies and gentlemen is how you end a night." Kabia dramatically spread out his arms.
"Her face. Severina you're a legend." Miskha laughed.
"I'll kill you bitch." Nathan imitated and boy could it get any funnier.
And so we resumed chatting until late hours, calling it a night sometime after.
"Bro I'm not waking up until after two days." Severina drowsily mumbled.
"Has Ace arrived?" We all turned towards the stairs and saw a sleepy Tiffany leaning on the railings.
"And that's enough madness for the day." Asher sighed before ascending the stairs and carrying her bridal style.
I yawned and headed to my room, leaving a sleeping Severina on the couch. I'll deal with her tomorrow, but for now, sleep was a priority.
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