Dance like we making love by Ciara👆

~Where so ever you go, go with all your heart ~



"Lift your chin. Tilt your head slightly to the side."


"Perfect. Now do it again but this time with your left pointer finger on your chin."


"Fantastic, and we're done."

I thanked Michael, one of my Mom's many photographers with a tired smile. I was so exhausted.

I was woken up at 7 am by the house help, Stella, on my mom's orders. I didn't even have the chance to eat a single bread crumb. I was so rushed by my mom during the preparation, half of which we spent quarrelling.

I looked at my reflection on the mirror and took out my hydrated face wipe from my carry-on bag, wiping my lips. I cringed at the sight of my plain glossless lips which were dried up and chapped from starvation.

I sometimes wonder if it's all worth it. The diets, the frequent detoxing and endless workouts. I wish I could live a normal life. Not having to stress over my looks, body and the types of foods I consume. It hurts to admit but destiny's inevitable and this lifestyle chose me. Therefore, I've got no choice but to put up with the obstacles that come with it. I just wish it could be easier.

"Ma'am's ready for you Seraphina." Peyton, my mom's lifelong supermodel and only friend in the magazine called, ending my train of thoughts. She's an Eritrean beauty with sleek-black pin-straight hair and a body to die for.

"Thanks, Peyton, I'll be out in a few."

She nodded and offered me an encouraging smile which I returned with a small one of my own. We weren't that close and the only times we interacted were during shoots.

I packed my stuff before going out to meet my mom in her office located on the last floor of the seventy-story building. I entered the almost crowded elevator and leaned my head on the wall, patiently waiting. I was on the verge of dozing off until the damned thing chose that moment to reach its destination. I walked up to the receptionist, Susan, and greeted her. We chatted for a while before she was ordered to send me in. I was about to knock on the hard timber door but was interrupted by the hushed yells coming from the other side.

"Never have I felt so disappointed in my entire life before."

"It'll be taken care of ma'am, just some time is nee...

"Time is what I don't have Michael. I want it evicted now."

"But ma...


"Sure, ma'am."

"Good, you may see yourself out."

I feel sorry for whoever was at the receiving end of those insults. I raised my knuckles to knock again but the door flew open, revealing a very flushed Michael. I smiled at him but he averted his gaze and left. I shrugged and walked in, not forgetting to close the door behind me.

I took in the all too familiar view of the office. From the huge hexagonal-shaped mahogany desk to the ceiling to floor window which outlook to the skyline. The endless bookshelves lining one end of the white walls and the long leather couch were my favourites. Anyone would've been mesmerized by such a sight because all hatred aside, mom's office was one hell of a glamour. However, living with her had gotten me so used to the sight that it looks nothing more than an ordinary bedroom to me.

"Are you done shamelessly cringing at my office."

I rolled my eyes and sat on the comfy leather chair, placing my arms on the table.

"I have a meeting in less than an hour so I'm going to keep this brief because I'm running late." She briefly checked her wristwatch before returning her gaze to me.

"First off, what rubbish is this?" She threw a black folder at me, hitting me square on the forehead. I opened it and inside were recent photos of me. The ones Michael took hours ago. Like I was surprised. I slid the folder back to her and leaned back in my seat, calmly waiting for the thunder to strike.

"How do you even expect vogue to shortlist us with this crappy excuse of a photograph huh? Don't you know how to do a simple pose? Haven't I thought you better? To hell with even the pose. Now, what's that flab of skin on your cheek? You have started eating unhealthy again haven't you?"

Everything in the room seemed to be doubling before my eyes and I could feel a migraine slowly building up. I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the table. However, one scream was all it took to have me jolting up.

"You dare sleep while I'm talking to you! who do you take yourself for? I could get you fired in a snap of a finger, what is the flab of skin doing on your cheek Seraphina Del Varia?!"

Sweet Jesus.

"Then why didn't you?"

All I was seeing right now is home and a comfy bed, nothing else.

"Don't wake the sleeping beast inside me Seraphina. Don't be fooled by the fact that you're my daughter. Ask Sapphire, she knows I don't do well with people trying to ruin my career!"

Okay, wonder woman.

"It's just a damn pic Camille, you don't have to be so bitchy about it!"

I've had enough of her trash, not to mention my patience was hanging on a knife's edge. Yeah, you heard right, I called my mom by her first name. Something I often do when my fury surpasses control. I knew it was wrong but I couldn't care less.

"You better watch that tone of yours young lady. Be careful Seraphina. I could make your life a living hell in a heartbeat!"

"Oh please. It's the same shit with you every time. I do something you don't like, you bitch about it. Give me endless empty threats and done, we're back to square one." I scoffed.

"You wou...

"Ma'am the coordinators are here." Peyton interrupted, peeping her head inside. God, does she ever knock?

"Send them to the conference room, I'll be ready in a few." She replied in a calmer tone and Peyton nodded before leaving.

"Can I go now? I need a good meal and beauty sleep. If that's okay with you?"

She glared at me and I took that as my cue to leave. I barely took a step towards the door when her voice halted me.

"You don't want to accept it but everything you do in life will reflect on you Seraphina. It's the hard fact that your friends are scared to tell you."

She walked past me and left the room.

I won't lie, her words struck a nerve, but as usual, I buried them in the lifeless part of me and moved on. I've let so much negative energy into my past life and it destroyed a huge part of me. I'll be therefore damned if I was going to let history repeat itself.

With that newfound confidence, I majestically walked my way out of the building and continued with my life as though everything's perfect. I wish it was the case though.

It took me thirty minutes to reach home. A little late considering It normally takes twenty minutes if there wasn't traffic. I packed my car in the garage and hung the keys at the rack screwed on the wall. I jogged to the front door and twisted the knob but it was locked. No one's home.

I took a spare key from my handbag and opened the door to a very clean and detergent-scented house. I grabbed a carton of fresh, gluten-free orange juice from the kitchen before heading to my room. I threw my bag on the floor and flopped on my queen-sized bed, sighing in content. I was so exhausted but then remembered I haven't showered since morning.  I groaned at the thought and pouted. Call me lazy but once I lay down, it's always almost impossible to get me up to do anything. I sighed again and dragged my lazy ass to the bathroom.

I got into the shower and let the hot water soothe my aching muscles while I scrubbed up with my strawberry-scented shower gel. A gift from Vogue on my twenty-first birthday.

Thirty minutes later and my Lazy ass was back in bed, wrapped up in a huge, fluffy bathrobe. I was about to doze off until my phone rang. I couldn't fight the smile that took over my face upon hearing that ringing tone.

"Babe." He whispered.

"Hey." I breathed out, hugging a pillow to my chest.

"Sup, you sound dull?"

That raspy voice, damn.

"Yeah, I'm kinda exhausted. From the studio." I yawned, not so lady likely might I add. Keep embarrassing yourself girl.

"How'd it go with her?"  He deeply chuckled, referring to my mom.

"Like your question deserves an answer."

"Touché." He let out in a forced French accent which got me on a laughing spree.

The line was silent for few minutes and this got me thinking if I didn't embarrass him in the presence of his friends with my loud cackles.

"Babe." I softly called out while holding my breath.

"I'm hearing you. Why did you stop though?"

"Stop what?"

"Laughing duh."

"So you just wanted to hear me loudly laughing like a clown?"

"Well, who hates listening to music?"

Here comes that familiar warmth on my cheeks.

"I'm betting you're blushing right now."  He rasped. I placed my cold palm against my cheek to reduce the flaming. He could read me without having to see me. Totally effortless. I was damn sure I wouldn't have peace if my siblings were around, and had to see me all flushed. Speaking of siblings, I just remembered that I've got the entire house to myself for God knows how many hours. An idea suddenly occurred in my head.

"Babe you there?" Enrique's concerned voice filled in. I need to stop zoning out on people.

"Um yeah was just a little caught up. uh babe what are you doing right now?" I bit my nails from nervousness.

"Nothing important, sup? You want me to come over?"

As I said, he could read me without even the slightest of efforts.

"How'd you know that's what I wanted?" I smiled even though he couldn't see me.

"Four years isn't four days sweetheart. "

"Four years? We've only been dating for two years Rique."

"I know that, but I've been crushing on you for two years." He stated in a much more serious tone.

"I never knew."

"Yeah because I didn't tell you. You know what, let's leave this discussion for another day. Should I come over now or?"

I  wanted to know more about this "little crush" but I didn't want to push it either since it was clear he doesn't want to talk about it. Not for now at least.

"Yeah sure if it's okay with you."

"Cool, see you in a few."

Enrique doesn't live that far. Meaning I've far less time to get dressed. I searched through my closet and settled for a black gothic dress. I blow-dried my hair, stretched it and pulled it up in a high bun before applying light make-up. I sprinkled some perfume and applied deep red lip gloss before admiring myself in the vanity mirror.

Seraphina's outfit.

I dimmed the lights in the room and lit some red scented candles. God, why was I behaving like a married lady? The doorbell rang just as I finished lighting the last candle and I did a once over of the entire room before rushing downstairs.

I opened the door to a very smart looking Enrique. He wore dark-washed Jeans and an extremely tight t-shirt which hugged his torso in all the right places, making his arms appear bulgier. I didn't even realise I was gawking until he pulled my chin up, closing my mouth. God damn it.

"You might catch flies sweetheart," he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine. He pulled away and gave me a once over, making me blush. I suddenly felt self-conscious.

"Black and red, smoking hot. Just my taste." He breathes out. I'm certain I was no different from a strawberry.

"You cleaned up nice yourself."

"Thanks, although you deserve all the credit." He smiled and wrapped his arm around my waist, guiding us inside.

We went to the living room and sat on the couch. I couldn't help but feel awkward and Enrique's intense gaze wasn't helping. I stared at everything and everywhere but his face,  and I know he hates it when I get shy around him but I just couldn't help it.

"Phina." He groaned, making me giggle. However, my amusement died down the moment I looked up and realised that we were barely an inch apart. He was staring intensely into my eyes, without so much as blinking.

"Would you please stop looking at me this way?" I looked away but he brought my face back.

"What way?"

He leaned closer. Not right now, please.

"Like you want to swallow me or something. "

"Yeah, that's exactly what I want. To swallow you, but in a different way."  The horrified expression I'd on when his word registered on my mind was a can't miss.

"Your face babe." He laughed in between gasps.

I  threw a cushion at him but he caught it and lunged it right back at me. Unfortunately, I didn't have quick reflexes like them damned football players and so the cushion collided smoothly with my face. I jumped on his back intending to tackle him to the ground but instead ended up straddling him in a rather compromising position.

"So, you like being on top yeah. That's your style? I see you." He wiggled his eyebrows. I lightly slapped his arm and got off him.

"Let's go upstairs, I'm bored."

"So you're promising me something interesting in the bedroom. " He smirked.

Was it just me or are all NYU guys casanovas?

"Do you seriously have to make an innuendo out of everything I say?"

"My bad."

His lips suddenly morphed into a big pout.

"What?" I asked, suspiciously eyeing him. He was up to something.

"I can't get up, a hand please?" He pleaded with puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes and offered him my hand but instead of getting up as he claimed to, he pulled me down on him again. Like I  wasn't expecting this.

"Let's stay like this for thirty then go upstairs," he whispered in my ear, my weakest spot. He always does this when he wants to get me to agree with him. Too bad I wasn't falling for it this time.


"Fine." He groaned and got up. I linked my arm with him and we went upstairs. I opened the door and let him in first, nervously awaiting his reaction.  I hope he likes it.

"Woah, it smells se...

"Don't you even dare complete that." I quickly placed a palm over his mouth.

"Chill babe I was about to say sexy. What did you think huh? Naughty girl." He removed my hand and kissed it, laughing at my flushed face. We sat on the bed and faced each other, each not knowing what to say.



We both started in unison.

"Ladies first." He smiled, revealing those perfectly pearly white teeth which looked brighter than my future.

"You have a new tattoo." I pointed out, referring to the detailed rose flower on his left forearm.

"Oh yeah this, got it last week. It ain't fully healed though." He pushed his sleeve up a bit to reveal the entire tattoo and what I saw nearly gave me a heart attack.

My name?

"Is that my name?" I moved closer to observe the inscriptions.

"Yeah, it's nothing." He went to pull the sleeve down but I held his wrist. Upon close observation, I noticed it was indeed my name tattooed inside the detailed rose flower.

"Seraphina, mi Amor"

Meaning Seraphina my love, in Italian.

I looked up at him with glossy eyes and climbed in his lap, hugging him tightly.

I was so damn lucky to call this man mine. I still can't believe he's real. I can't believe we're real.

"You're one in a kind," I whispered in his chest.

"This is nothing babe. You deserve the best. You're too good for m..

"Shhhh." I placed a finger on his lips. I laid my head back on his warm chest and listened to the slow jazz music playing in the background.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered, kissing my head.

"I should be the one saying that."

"I'll be damned if I'll let any guy take you away from me."

"And I'll kill any bitch if they so much as try to stare in your direction. "  I was damn serious. He's mine and mine alone.

"I'm all yours Del Varia. You've got me whipped for you." He slightly pulled away, staring deep into my eyes.

"You've not yet been whipped Romano. This is just the beginning." I looked at him from under my lashes. knowing how it drives him crazy.

"Then I don't think I'll live to see the end." He pulled me closer, if that was even possible, judging from the position we were in.

"You'll. You just have to stay strong."  I mumbled.

Sleep was overpowering now. I  was getting drowsy.

"I hope so."


"Go to sleep princess. You need rest." He murmured, and as if hypnotized, I went out like light.

What a great way to end a tiresome day.


My heart🥺

