

Song: Chloe X Halle: Do it.

~Peace begins with a smile~

~Muhammed Ali.


"Back to school, huh, you excited?" Asher asked, taking a bite out of his chocolate croissant. Who consumes this much unhealthy food in the morning? This was one of the rare days I wished mom was around. Believe me, that chocolate would've been staining the bin instead.

"You're making it sound like I've gone on a life-long vacation."

"No offence, b...

"Don't complete whatever crap you're about to say because it'll be offensive." People will tell you 'no offence', fully aware that the next words leaving their mouth would be offensive.

"Where's Tiffany?" She's been lost lately.

"Bed." My eyes visibly widened. Bed? On a school day? This girl is sick.

"Don't you know that she has school?" I asked Asher, who was busy stuffing his mouth with food.

He shrugged and went to grab another croissant, but I slapped his hand away, and before he could react, threw the bread into the open dishwasher. Let's see how far he goes for food.

"You've consumed almost three hundred calories on spot!"

"So?" He retorted and grabbed a chocolate bar from one of the shelves. What's with this boy and early morning snacks today?

"Miss dietician. " A voice piped in.  Tiffany walked into the kitchen, all dressed. She rocked in denim and an off the shoulder long-sleeved white cropped top. She's overdressed for a student.

Tiffany's outfit.

"You're going to school or a beach party?" Asher asked the million-dollar question of the hour. Tiffany slung her handbag on one shoulder and walked out the door. Not so much as breathing in our direction.

"Have you seen that!" Asher yelled.

"I'm not blind you know." I rolled my eyes, putting our plates in the dishwasher.

"You ready?" Asher asked, and I nodded in response. We left together to the garage, where his car was parked.

"Severina must've been having it hard." I laughed, thinking about my twin and her mid-term. She'd been studying her ass off, and to think she claimed to be unbothered by everything.

"Yeah, Mom didn't give her a break. woman's been on her head all week." Asher chuckled.  No surprises there. Mom doesn't joke with academics, and that's secret to no one.

"Your grades slip, and your allowances will follow suit." She used to tell us back in Middle school, and this rule still stands. Severina pouncing hard on her books, therefore, left very little to the imagination.

We reached earlier than expected. Thanks to someone driving at a terrifying speed. Unlike the other days, the campus was pretty crowded today. Students carrying huge boxes and other stuff.  Was there a field trip?

"It must've escaped my mind, the dorms are ready for use," Asher informed. He parked the car and went over to his friends.


I winced and covered my ringing ears. If it wasn't Miskha. My doubt was cleared when I saw her skipping towards me like a toddler soaked in a candy tub, the rest trudging behind her.

She lunged herself onto me, nearly tackling me to the ground, but for my heeled boots.

"Get your fat ass off the girl, Pontero. Can't you understand she's still not fully recovered?" Sophia scolded and pulled her by the hair off me.

"I miss you guys." I pulled them into a group hug.

"Duh, we know. I mean, who wouldn't?" Malu smirked, flicking her hair. Egotistical bitch.

"Sera? okay now?" Bia asked, raising both thumbs for emphasis. I nodded and reciprocated her action with a smile.

"Girl you won't believe it, the dorms are ...

"I already heard it." I interrupted Miskha, making her frown.

"Sheesh." Lalia giggled.

Misha glared at me and shoved her middle finger in my face

"Leila is taking forever to complete a thirty-minute test." Lalia groaned, checking her wristwatch.

"Leila is on it too?" I stated more than asked.

"And Maya," Miskha added. Severina wasn't on the hot seat alone, then.

"Apparently. " Sophia answered.

We went inside, and the scene rendered me dumbfounded. Students were frantically bustling about, some talking on phones and most carrying huge square boxes.

Miskha, being the goddess of wanderers, led us to the dormitory building,  which was situated at the far end of the campus.

And tell you what, never, have I ever been so spellbound by a building before. Glamorous was an understatement. I wouldn't doubt it if I was told it's a hotel. The architecture looks nothing like that of an ordinary building.

"Woah." Malu gushed, just as awestruck as everyone else.

"I think I've found my matrimonial home," Sophia mumbled.

Misha pushed open the transparent, glass double doors leading inside, and bruh, I almost screamed. Seriously, was there a royalty in the school that we don't know of. Who builds a dormitory like a castle?

"Miskha, are you sure we're not on the property of some high-ranked business tycoon?" Lalia asked. Miskha laughed and continued leading us to the huge lobby, crowded by students. It was frenetic out here.

"We're here." Miskha exhaled. I looked around, taking in the luxurious interior decor.

"These fools.  There they're, and to think they kept us waiting for almost an hour." Sophia frowned, pointing at three students seated beside the receptionist's desk. It's no doubt who they were. Even in my sleepiest state, I could make out the skinny figures of Maya, Severina and Leila.

We approached them and out of nowhere,  in the presence of possibly thousands of students, Miskha threw her bra cup at Maya.  The uncontrollable laughter from the crowd, and Maya's flushed face, were to die for. Miskha isn't human.

"Hey, sis." I nudged Severina. She looked so exhausted. The dark circles under her eyes said it all.

"How was it?" I asked, referring to the test, and she shook her head in defeat. I gently reassuringly squeezed her hand. Nothing's easy in life. We just have different ways of tackling issues.

"The test was pretty okay. I'm expecting a nineteen out of twenty, minimum." Leila cheered enthusiastically. We all exchanged knowing looks, and Maya bit her lip.

"I wouldn't doubt it, considering she suddenly transformed into a giraffe during the test." Severina's remark sent us over the edge. Leila frowned and gave her the stink eye.

"Attention, students. You're each assigned keys with numbers, and these numbers correspond to your respective dorms. Those without keys, please kindly report to the receptionist. Thank you." A voice boomed from the intercom.

Students immediately started fleeing, emptying the lobby at once. Thank God, the crowd almost got suffocating. I went to the receptionist, as instructed and she handed me a key, alongside a small map, indicating directions to my room.

"Your roommate might be already settled. She came pretty early. Probably amongst the first students to get their dorms." She informed.

Like I asked her for extra information. Gossip is an in-born trait to all females, I swear. I thanked her nonetheless and joined my friends in the elevator. Again, Miskha's antics kicked in, and the girl won't stop taking mirror selfies. Lalia, Leila and Malu reached first, since their rooms were on the second floor.

"What's your number?" Severina asked.

"Welcome aboard sis." She winked after seeing my key. We were on the same floor, with Maya, Miskha and Sophia.

We reached our floor longer than expected, and it wasn't until the elevator opened, did I noticed we were on the last floor, judging from the skyline.

Like the rest of the building, it was equally glamorous, if not more. Although, unlike the other floors, this one was unusually quiet, but emanated an air of serenity. The walls were plain white. Just my typical comfort zone.

"This is it, bye sis. See you Miskha, Soph." Severina waved, entering the first room on the right. Miskha and Maya left next, leaving me behind with Sophia.

"I only hope my roommate doesn't hate me." She nervously chuckled.

"I'm sure they would like you. Besides, who would hate someone so nice? not to mention drop-dead gorgeous."  It was the simple truth. Sophia's the most personable amongst us, and anyone would be mad to not like her. The girl was the living form of happiness. Always lively and cheery.

"I wish I shared your confidence." She smiled.

"I wish you knew your worth."

"Thanks." She mumbled.

"I guess this is goodbye, Sera."  She smiled. Her room was a stone throw away from mine.

"Good luck, see ya." I hugged her, and watched until the door closed, before continuing on my journey.

"Last room on your right, last room on your right."

I repeated the receptionist's words in my head until I finally arrived at a brown oak door, the only one not painted white. I was already in love with the room without even seeing the interior. Traceable to my unapologetic desire for anything unique. I put the key into the lock and twisted it until I heard the familiar clicking sound. I took deep breaths, and mentally counted to three before slowly pushing the heavy door. Jesus, who do they take us for? Hercules?

  I walked in with my eyes shut and leant against the now-closed door.

God please, let the interior be perfect. Let there be a queen-sized bed, a luxurious bathroom, and a closet the size of Asia pacific. With those silent prayers, I slowly opened my eyes.

The sight before me was nothing I was prepared for, and wouldn't have been decades to come.

"Not you trying to stalk me like a fucking spy." She hissed, clenching her fist around her towel.

My bad.


Question of the day?

Who do you think is Sera's roommate?

Next update, soon.

