

~The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism~

~Ken Robinson


I stared at the clock ticking on the wall, counting the seconds until the hour hand moves. Nothing seemed more interesting apparently. I felt sick to the core, having a hard time trying to erase the previous afternoon from my head.  The thought of having to spend a reasonable time of my life with an arch-enemy had never crossed my mind in my entire life of existence. I felt as though God was punishing me for some unknown sin I've committed or maybe this was life playing tricks at me.

When the issue of roommates came up, my only fear was having to share a room with a guy, or a tiny bathroom with the entire floor. However, the unexpected turn of events was nothing  I was prepared for.

Upon initially seeing Zara, I blinked several times in a row, hoping maybe it's my illusion playing tricks at me. I couldn't accept the agonising fact for the life of me. I stood frozen on spot, my mouth automatically zip-locked. I couldn't stand another minute in her presence, I needed to leave. Like a bolt of lightning, I fled out of the room, afraid I might pass out if I waste another second.

I can accept anything that God bestowed upon me, every challenge but this. It was just too prompt, and bottom line overwhelming. Story of my life.

Now here I was, laying down in bed, praying to wake up from this nightmare. Except I wasn't even asleep, and it wasn't exactly a dream. This was the deceptive reality. A knock sounded at my door and I permitted the person to come in, not in the mood to get up anytime soon.

"Phina?"  Severina called, and I hummed in response. I felt the bed dipped, the same time Severina's hair brushed against my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" I nodded again, praying she goes away. I wanted to be alone but someone doesn't seem to understand that.

"I need words Phina, not gestures, I'm neither deaf nor I'm dumb."

People in this house don't respect privacy.

"I said I'm fine." My tone came out snappier than intended.

"No, you're not fine and I'm not leaving until you tell me." She forcefully turned me around, much to my protest, but Severina was strong as fuck.

"Rina stop. I promise I'm fine." I grumbled, but she wasn't having it. I lazily stared at her, and forced a small smile, despite my tired form.

"Spill bitch."

I groaned and went to lay back down but the force with which she spanked my ass was enough to have me sitting upright. I whimpered and soothed my sore butt.

"There's more where that came from, now spill."

Knowing Severina won't give up, I  decided to tell her and save myself the pending body aches.

"Zara is my roommate. " I confessed, the words tasting bitter on my tongue.

She stared at me with a blank expression. I opened my mouth to further explain but was cut short by Severina pouncing on me. I was too shocked and hence couldn't react on time. She successfully secured me in a headlock and placed her legs on my thighs, having me completely submitted to her will. I squealed, but it was muffled. My face was smudged on her groin.

"I." Knock. "Told." Knock. "You." Knock. "Not." Knock. "To stoop." Knock. " low." Knock. "To." Knock. "Zara's." Knock. "Level." Knock,  knock, knock.

I felt numb. I couldn't feel my body anymore. She gave me a final knock before releasing me. I rubbed my head and whimpered. Severina's a walking steel.

"Now hurry and come down. We've guests who'd been waiting for some time now."  I threw her an annoyed glance and hopped off the bed.

"So, with all that freestyle you were already dressed. Seraphina I'll kill you in this house."  I stuck my tongue out at her. Severina sometimes acts like a mother and the sight is always worthwhile.

We eventually descended downstairs, much to my disagreement. Nearing the living room, I heard loud chattering and laughter, which rendered me confounded for a split second.

"I knew only Severina could bring her down." Maya giggled.

Here I thought I would never recover from the preceding waves of shock, only to be hit by a much stronger one. My friends occupied the spacious living room as though it was theirs.  I was sure to sleep with a migraine tonight.

"Why the frown beautiful? aren't you thrilled to see your friends?" Kabia mused.

"No." I snapped. I trudged towards Enrique and sat beside him. He drew me closer and placed my head on his broad shoulder. I couldn't help the blush that crept up my cheeks and ended up burying half of my face in the nape of his neck. Man, I was whipped.

"Is it just me, or does Enrique treat Seraphina like a newborn baby?" Malu stated more than asked.

"Understatement. Bro will breastfeed her if he could." Ace snorted.

"He has an alternative though. You know, the breast dwelling at the south pole." Kabia wiggled his brows. Certainly, my face at this point was no different from a blended cherry. It wouldn't take a ten-year-old second to figure the true meaning underlying Kabia's statement.

"That's not cool man," Enrique mumbled, scratching the back of his neck. A gesture he often does when embarrassed or uncomfortable.

"You've suddenly gone quiet sis, sup?" Severina ridiculed.

"I find it weird that they're not that open with each other regarding their sexual life." Kabia bluntly stated, catching me off guard, and succumbing the spacious room to pin-drop silence.

"Okaaaaay?" Kabia dragged. I discreetly removed my shoe, and when he was least expecting it, hit him square on the forehead. He covered his face and whimpered, frantically rubbing the sore spot.

That is sure to leave a message.

"That was hard Phina." Nathan laughed, clutching his Stomach.

Kabia sprung to his feet, hot on my trail, but I was already halfway at the other end of the couch. I briefly looked back, and the sight I was met with left me running and laughing, which wasn't the best feeling in the world. Kabia had one hand pressed on his forehead while chasing me at a maddening pace.

I claimed on Enrique and used his large arms to shield me from the impact of Kabia's smacks.

"Give her to me bro." He laughed, repeatedly landing hits. Enrique caged me tighter in his arms and slightly shifted so that Kabia's hands landed on him instead.

I was laughing so hard that I almost missed the sound of a camera going off. My head snapped in the direction, the same time Miskha swiftly hid something behind her, attempting to keep a straight face, too late girl. I smirked and gave her a knowing look, which she returned with a toothed grin.

"Guys let's discuss the picnic now," Malu grumbled. Picnic? What picnic?

"What picnic?" I asked. My vocabulary had everything but patience.

"We've planned a picnic. Everything is set except the venue." Caleb explained.

"Correction, we're planning, not planned, because we couldn't come to terms," Sophia said.

"Oh, okay. Consider me out." I yawned, snuggling further into Enrique.

"Why?" Severina raised a quizzical brow.

"Not in the mood to party," I replied in a bored tone.

"It's a picnic, not a party." Leila corrected.

"Same difference. " I countered.

"Don't mind her. She's coming." Severina dismissed, and I gave her a look of disbelieve.

"She clearly stated she's n...

"I said, she's coming. I'm telling you that she's coming." Severina interrupted Lalia while giving me a daring look. I knew that look all too well. Defy me and you're six feet under. Creep.

"Who's the Mother in this house?" Kabia placed a finger on his chin, pretending to be deep in thought.

"Your Mother is." Severina mused.

"Okay, picnic it is then." Sophia cheered.

I was about to ask for the venue until Enrique beat me to it.

"The venue?"

"What do you think of the cliffside?" Miskha suggested. I looked at May, and our eyes automatically met, a mutual feeling transmitting between us. Junior days.

"I was more about Starbucks, but we're in this together so it's your tell," Maya added.

I felt a slight pinch of hurt at the fact that she didn't want to go to the cliff. Anyway, maybe she'd her reasons

"Yes, I agree with you, Maya. We could always go to the cliffside sometime.  Besides, it's already too late. " Ahmed affirmed.

"Starbucks or cliff shit, which is it?" Severina asked and everyone ended up choosing Starbucks, not that I was surprised. These people and food.

"Can I come with you, Ace?" A new voice meddled in,  grabbing everyone's attention. Tiffany was leaning on the railings in her Pajamas. I thought she left for school?

You need to improve on your observation skills Seraphina. I don't need another reminder on that.

"No." Asher and Severina dismissed in unison. Ace waved at her in amusement.

"Boring." She grumbled and returned upstairs, but not before openly winking at Ace. Signs of the last hour.

"Let's roll." Miskha squealed, startling everyone.

Either she'd an inborn trait of madness or consumes a kilo of sugar daily. It's got to be one of the two because Miskha's hyperactive behaviour had surpassed abnormality.

Starbucks it is then.


Comment your favourite junk food.

Mine's shortbread.

Next chapter in an hour,

