The Imperial Family

The Elysian Empire was founded by the House of Waelyn, they ruled over the lands for centuries and spread their empire across the continents. House of Waelyn became one of the most powerful and influential families in the empire after creating alliances with many other powerful families and houses.

The main members of the current imperial family are as follows~

Emperor Izekiel Ezra Waelyn [ formerly known as Ezra Waldorf ]

Queen Mother Azenora Waldorf

Grand Emperor Azrael Waelyn

Grand Empress Senova Leibert

Emperor Severnus Waelyn [ formerly known as Severnus Leibert] [deceased]

Exiled Prince Eugene Leibert

~ The Imperial Consorts ~

Empress Lillian Minerva

Princess Johanna Nesrin

*All the descendans of an emperor take the last name of their mothers and the imperial family name is only given to the next succeeding monarch.