The Instruments

☽ The Splintered Grace ☾

- A piece of splintered crystal that was once part of the magical orb which was carried by the legendary Witch of Wild.

- The splintered grace creates an empathy with all creatures that are considered to be of lower level than humans. Point to note would be that the humans of this world are not like us, so the only gods and godlike beings are superior than them.

- Empathy is basically a magical connection between two beings. Its powers increase or decrease based on the affinity the said two beings share with each other.

- The condition for successful empathy is willingness of both sides.

- Experienced or powerful users can force empathy.

- When two beings practice constant empathy, their affinity increases with each other and the user can borrow powers and skills directly from the responsible being.

- However, despite all these perks, the splintered grace is a broken instrument of something bigger and thus it is subjected to failure a lot of times and can put negative impact on its users.