
Chapter 18

5 years later, after successive trips of George toward Asia, and at September, he came back from one of them.

His wife asked one of her men to honk the Kombu every time her husband came home.

It was morning when George arrived. At the same time, Indian people where doing Puja (worshiping and praying for a God) to Lord Ganesh (one of Gods of Hinduism) in the Hindu temple of the palace.

While the eldest woman was doing the Arti (waving a burning lamp in front of the image of the God) and the rest was doing the Namaskara (also Namaste but for the image), Sundarta heard the honking of the Kombu. After she was focusing with the prayer, she opened her eyes, and her heart started beating.

She got out of the temple, followed by a 3-years old girl, and ran until she arrived at the balcony where she could see finally her husband coming, on his black horse and leading his convoy.

That girl, with green eyes and brown hair, asked Sundarta in mixed English and Hindi: "Mother, is that dad?"

The mother smiled to her daughter, squatted and answered: "Yes, he is, Lilly… Let's prepare ourselves to meet him, ok?"

Lilly nodded. And so, Samantha held her and they went to her bedroom: she prepared an Arti plate (there were a lamp, a bowl for Bindi – red powder dot put on the forehead – and some flowers.), fixed her hair, and then went down.

Women in the temple realized why their princess left the prayer. Thus, they took other plates and joined their leader to share her happiness.

Finally, after that he met his father and godmother, George walked into his wife's suite. He opened the huge gate and he found her and behind her there were the 200 people and Lilly: all of Sundarta's servants and maids loved their princess' husband for his kindness and humbleness with them.

Prince George stopped in his place while Princess Sundarta was stepping toward him until she stood in front of him. She put on his forehead a Bindi. Then, she did the Pranama.

For him, Sundarta was still the most beautiful woman ever that he was waiting for coming back to Great Britain only to meet her and his mother.

Suddenly, Lilly ran to her father and the latter held her, while he was still exchanging looks with his wife…


Meanwhile, Edward was talking with four of counselors and army commanders business. There was a big map for the Indian Subcontinent on a large table.

One of his commanders informed his king: "Your majesty, during these five years, we bought lots and lots of lands of Michor… Our guards are everywhere."

The second one added: "Besides, we discovered an important increase of the Michorian merchandises as cotton, silk etc…"

One of counselors announced, as he was competing: "Also, there are a lot of mines that we're participating in trading a little percentage like diamond, gold and coal…"

The British king was thinking. And abruptly, he came up with the evilest idea ever; he asked the first army commander eagerly: "How many soldiers we have in Michor?"

"Hundreds of thousands, your majesty…" he answered, feeling weird.

"How much centers we have?"

"Like 50 around the whole kingdom…"

Ed shut for a while, then, he wondered: "Why would I get only a little percentage of this great wealth and treasures of Michor… while I can get all of it?"

The four men looked at each other, worried. The second got bald and interrogated the king: "Your majesty… what do you mean?"

He stood up after he was leaning on the table, and ordered his personal guard: "Leroy, call all of my commanders and chancellors… It's an urgent meeting…"

Leroy understood what his king was planning for. So, he smiled evilly and left the room…


In a quarter hour, the meeting was set up…

The king sat in front of his supporters in the throne room, including George.

He started without any beginnings: "Dear chancellors, George, I'm here to tell you something: In Michor, my soldiers are everywhere, their treasures increased, new mines of coal and diamond were discovered and we're having only a little percentage of their yields…"

He stopped talking. Then, he stood up and continued, after he studied the people's faces: "I asked myself a question today: Why can't I own all this wealth?"

Everybody got shocked, especially George who tried not to misunderstand his father. However, he admitted his thoughts: "I'm thinking about… colonizing Michor…"

George's face got frozen. He couldn't believe what his father was saying.

One of men there stepped straight and asked, terribly afraid: "Your majesty… but Michor is… Princess Sundarta's home…"

"No, Princess Samantha's home is here, Great Britain… And she has no relationship with Michor…" He completely ignored. "So, what you think about it?"

As he rejected the counselor's sentence, the rest of them saw that refusing his horrible decision might lead them to hard punishment or even death. So, they just nodded and murmured: "Yes… that'll be great…"

Edward finished his speech: "Good… that's what I thought you're going to say too… Perfect, then, I'll talk better with my army commanders… I think we're going to attack next week at least…"

He looked at them, and ordered them to dismiss. While they were, Ed called his son who was barely walking.

The latter stood close to his father. Ed waited that everybody leaves the room. Then, he caught George's shoulders, and whispered: "Listen, my son… if you informed your beautiful wife about this attack… I'm going to banish you… far away… Understood?"

George, who was still under shock, just nodded. The father dabbed his shoulders. And then, he asked him to leave…


The hurt prince went to his bedroom. He found Sundarta reading a book. When he came in, she closed her book and stood up to welcome her husband. However, she found him in a deep melancholy. She asked him: "My love, what's wrong?"

He looked at her. He kept silent for long seconds. Then he informed her: "Sundarta my love… My father will colonize Michor…"
