
Chapter 19

Sundarta stared at him for a long time, completely in a deep shock as much as George's sadness. After, she asked to get sure: "George, are you sure of what are you saying?"

He looked at her with eyes full of tears. He nodded then and added: "My father warned me that if I informed you, he'll banish me…"

Samantha got more shocked that she stared at him then she came back to bed in an obvious trauma.

She kept silent. Later, she wondered: "Why did you tell me if you were going to get banished? Michor is not kingdom…"

"Yes, Michor is not my kingdom; it's my love's. And I'm not ready to watch you cry for your home's destruction." He explained.

She murmured: "He signed the contract to colonize us…"

"Wrong." He rejected. "The East India Company is a trade company, not a tool of Great Britain to colonize kingdoms and countries…"

However, she kept murmuring: "Why didn't I remember Britain's colonies when I agreed… God, I'm so stupid…"

"You're not." He refused again. However, she stood up suddenly fast and announced: "I need to inform my father as soon as I can… When will he attack Michor?"

"Probably next week." He informed. Afterward, he caught his wife's shoulders, trying to calm her down. And he questioned: "But I have a question for you: will you defend the kingdom that raised you, or the kingdom you came from?"

Samantha after this question that hit her like a thunder got frozen; George was right: which country would she defend; especially that she was known for her wisdom and talent in fighting.

She sat again on the edge of the bed. Her husband followed her, and said: "No matter what happened, try your best not to show my father that you knew about this sudden attack…"

He stood up and expressed his opinion before he left her in her thoughts: "In my opinion, you should protect the country that gave you birth… It might be a betraying for Great Britain if you protected a foreign kingdom…"


At night, Sundarta was on her bed thinking; she squared her legs and was sitting like a Buddha. Her eyes were moving down as a mark of thinking. Abruptly, she raised her eyes: she decided what to do: She went to her mother's bedroom, to tell her about her decision.

Ann already knew about this coup d'état. She was waiting for her daughter's answer.

The latter knocked the door. Her mother opened for her and she got in.

Sundarta was overlooking the window while Worthington asked: "So? What did you decide?"

"I will defend the kingdom that raised me." She finally announced.

A silence spread between the two women. Later, the eldest one expressed her opinion: "Well, I told you that this contract will hurt Michor…. Anyway, you're right; Michor did nothing bad to Great Britain. But… you will be then against the kingdom that gave you birth. If I was in your place, I would defend my origins…"

Sundarta looked weirdly to Ann, and wondered: "How could you say that?! For me, it doesn't matter which I defend and which I fight; I love both of Michor and Great Britain. They both made me who I am now. But meanwhile, I will defend the right. Michor never hurt Great Britain. The inverse happened. It doesn't mean that I will harm Great Britain; I will do my best not to…"

She turned to her mother and continued: "I'm here just to share my point of view with you. And now, excuse me; I'm going to sleep, if I could to."

In the middle of her way out, Ann called her: "Hey, Samantha…"

The latter stopped before leaving the room, and fixed her mother's sentence: "My name… is Sundarta…"


Once she arrived at her bedroom, she found George on bed thinking. She didn't care for his presence; she took a little piece of paper, wrote some sentences in Hindi, rolled it and then put it in her personal homing pigeon's little pocket. Finally, she whispered some words in the bird's ear, threw it in the sky and watched it flying until it disappeared.

The husband wondered: "What was that, Samantha?"

The latter took her hidden sword, did some moves with it angrily, and answered her husband: "It's the revenge…"


Four days later, the messenger pigeon arrived at the window of Chandramukhi's bedroom. The latter luckily was there, suing on a piece of cloth.

When she saw the bird and realized that it belonged to her daughter, she got a bit worried; that was the first time that Sundarta messaged her.

She ran to the bird which got familiar with her, took the letter, put the pigeon inside the cage with her own homing one, and read the letter. It said in Hindi: "Edward will betray my father and he'll attack. Get ready for it."

Chandra got shocked too. She reread these two sentences over and over.

Suddenly, she ran directly to the throne room through a hidden tunnel to not scare the rest of people in the room.

When she arrived at the end of this dark tunnel, she found herself hidden behind Krishna's throne and Milady.

The latter was busy reading a book; that was normal, she didn't even speak Hindi. She was there only to apply the king's orders.

The Queen made low sounds, calling for Cook. She finally looked back and saw her Queen in a terrible fear and anxiousness.

The latter asked her by signs to call her husband. Indeed, Milady cut fast Krishna's speech by standing up and whispering in his ear.

The king excused his chancellors and went to his wife. The latter showed him the letter.

Bai's reaction was the same of Singh. He spent some time thinking if he would tell men outside or not. After, he decided to; he came back to the room, and informed in Hindi for sure, trying his best not to show his anger, discomfiture, fear and embarrassment: "Dear counselors… we've been… betrayed…"
