
Chapter 20

At night of that day, all of the Michorian army got out by order of the king to arrest and imprison every single British person, either if he wasn't a soldier…

At the same time that Sundarta's homing pigeon came back to Great Britain with a letter from Bai thanking the owner a lot, a British soldier arrived at Great Britain with a horse.

Thanks to his army clothes, Kensington palace's guards allowed him in.

Literally dying of hunger, thirst and injures, he couldn't talk. However, he was so lucky because he met no bandits who could end his life, because he was alone and not protected.

Edward, with the soldier's arriving, knew that there was something wrong happened. So, he spent the whole two days with the injured until he finally woke up.

After this soldier ate and drunk and came back to his own natural situation, his king asked him: "What happened?"

"Your majesty… the Michorian king took every single British person on his land… for no reason… We were just trading… We didn't attack anybody… He betrayed us… I… I barely ran away from the army…"

The dictator directly realized that his step- daughter somehow contacted her adoptive father. And for sure, she wouldn't know if George didn't tell her. He kept his rage inside, thanked the soldier for his precious information, and came back to his throne in a mysterious silence.

Leroy, the best curry favor with Edward, noticed the latter facing a hidden rage. So, he asked him with his hoarse voice: "Your majesty, what's the matter? Why are you so sad and angry inside?"

He responded mysteriously: "We've been betrayed, Leroy…"

"What? By whom…" He asked, God knows if he was truly surprised or he was just pretending to be.

"By the closest people… Call George..." The king ordered.

Leroy realized that George disobeyed his father. With an evil smile, he bowed and walked fast toward the prince's bedroom…

Once he arrived, he knocked aggressively the door. George opened the door and Leroy got in fast. He found Sundarta putting on her veil. The fear was clear on her and her husband's faces.

"His majesty the king is calling you." He informed, staring at Sundarta as he was laughing at her cause of the danger she was going to be in.

Edward looked at Samantha – that was the last look ever between them – and walked slowly to his father's personal guard.

The latter kept looking with his evil grin at The Adopted Princess. At final, he left with the prince…


When George entered the room, he saw his father standing, giving his back to him, and watching the ugly paint of him on his throne.

The latter said, while his guard came back to his place next to the throne: "Life is weird, George…"

He turned to his son who was full of rage, and continued: "When someone warns someone else of a danger he would be exposure to if he did something specific, this person doesn't listen or even care about this danger… no matter how harmful is…"

"You don't have the right to attack Michor, father; they're innocent and they never betrayed or even hurt you… You've got colonies enough living under your torturing rule…" George cut Ed's words, still keeping his rage because although he was one of the worst kings ever, he was still his father and he deeply loved and obeyed.

The latter looked at him for seconds. After this, he walked straight toward him, caught his shoulders again, and announced: "Son… I've never expected that the closest person to me… will cheat on me… for one of our enemies…"

"Allies…" He cut his sentences.

Abruptly, the father slapped his son strongly that people around the throne room could hear it.

Edward finished his speech and last words with his son as he wanted to bite him of rage: "You're going to get banished in the top north of kingdom of Great Britain. And you'll get imprisoned in one of the worst and of the coldest jails ever in Scotland. There, no one will you visit you. No one even will know where you are, even your wife whom you betrayed me for. You'll disappear and vanish of this land and life… And may God help the kingdom you wanted to defend." Then, he screamed Leroy's name to arrest George and to put him directly in a well secured cart travelling toward Scotland…


Just a few minutes later, Ann broke into the throne room, crying and screaming: "How?! How could you banish your son?! Your son whom half of his blood is yours! How could you do something cruel and aggressive like this?! You monster!! You murderer!!"

She was lamenting and running toward Edward until she hit him and caught him while the latter was standing and ordering servants to decorate one of walls.

Leroy wanted to move her away from his king but the latter stopped him with a sign of his hand.

The poor lady stopped screaming – while sitting on her knees – and stared at him with her teary eyes. After, she whispered: "You're heartless…"

But Ed inclined to her and responded in the same low voice: "If I was heartless, I would kill him and hang him up under the accusation of betraying the nation…"

He shut for awhile, helped her standing on her feet, and whispered for the last time, too calmly as he wasn't threatening her at all: "I think that you know why I banished George… So…I ask you too to be at the side of your kingdom… and never help the enemy… Or, something worse than banishing will happen to you…"

He passed his finger under Worthington's head, as a symbol of slaughtering. The latter, with eyes full of rage, left him without any word… being sure that this man wouldn't get fixed… and that nothing would stop his greediness… even hurting the closest people to him…


As it was September, it was the Ganesh Chaturthi festival – it was a festival celebrating the arrival of Lord Ganesh from Mountain Kailash with his mother Goddess Parvati. Both of Sundarta with her servants and the royal family in Michor were celebrating them. The festival took 10 days of praying, chanting Hindu texts and Vedic hymns and fasting.

At night of the second day, Sundarta felt a bit sick that she couldn't celebrate the festival with her people. So, she went to her room and laid to her bed.

Meanwhile, when he realized that she was alone, Edward asked some of his guards to arrest Sundarta secretly to imprison her and silently to not face her 100 guards and to not spread a scandal around the kingdom.

Luckily, a child of one of Samantha's people heard the whole conversation. Edward felt his presence and so he turned fast with the scariest look ever. However, he found no one: the child disappeared a second before the dictator turned and ran as fast as he could toward the princess' bedroom.

Once he arrived, he didn't knock the door and waited: he just bumped into the door that he broke it.

The Adopted Princess took fast her sword and threatened the comer. But the boy fast warned her.

The first thing Sundarta thought about wasn't hers safety: she thought that Lilly could be in danger. As he banished his own son, it was very expected that Ed could hurt his granddaughter because half of her belonged to his enemy. The mother revealed her thoughts, saying: "Lilly…"

She thanked the boy, and ran toward Lilly's bedroom with her sword…
