My name is Fatima Loré, I was born in the great nation of Cathenna in the Mid Eastern nation. I was the 3rd daughter of the mage emperor Hará, and at the age of 15, I was shipped off across the southern continent, to marry a faceless prince that I was betrothed with since birth.
King Helios, named after the God of the sun, which seemed like a far reach from the king that I know today.
It was a vivid day the day I arrived to the palace, Helios was the same age as me, but stood taller , despite me being taller than the average girl my age. Helios had such an aristocratic way to his mannerisms, his posture sharp and his face emotionless
But What I can remember much more vividly was the look of disgust he gave me once he seen me.
Was I too ugly?...
Was I too tall?...
Was I not what he expected?....
My beauty was known all over the ruling court and even across borders, but he was the only one to have the nerve to look at me like that, 15 year old me was insecure to say the least.
As I think of it now, it was his lost. He didn't have to like me at all, all I needed was the love of my new nation. His opinions on my looks were far less relevant to me now.
I was at the palace for 3 years before getting married to him, We were both trained and taught how to be exceptional rulers. Despite staying in the same palace, I had only seen him a handful of times.
Which I wished it stayed that way after marrying him...
He was a menace, a true disturbance and waste of space and oxygen.
Words can't explain the great king Helios enough...
He was the hellfire that burned me every time I had felt any type of happiness, a bitter and hot feeling that washed my sweet demeanor and turned me into this rigid, and stiff person.
Part of me wanted him to at least see me as his wife, his queen, and his equal.
But that was long gone.....
And now that he is long gone.....I can live now